Tuesday, 26 April 2016


 Well, I don't know where March went. I know I was busy but I hadn't realised how tardy I have been in posting. I have even been slow to keep up with others so I value your patience if anyone is out there still reading these random thoughts.
There were a lot of book workshops happening in March and I even fitted in a solar plate workshop for myself which was very interesting. I have plans afoot to push this print technique further this summer. It needs UV light to work so either an exposure unit or the sun is required. Hmm... the sun eh?  I'm writing this at 8.00pm and we have just had a snowstorm. I heard a rumour that it was Spring in the UK but obviously not every day as yet, just the occasional one. It was cold enough for snow today so I suppose I'm not surprised that we've finally had some.

And yet last week, we had a couple of beautiful Spring days, which thankfully coincided with a visit to Wales by Fiona and Barry. I have long been a follower of Fiona's blog and we've shared some lovely exchanges of books and prints over the last few years so can you imagine how excited I was when she suggested that we meet up whilst they were on an extended break to the UK? We had some good fun whilst I did the tour of Pembrokeshire  for them and when we said goodbye I felt like I had known them both forever. It was very special and a friendship I will treasure. Over the years I have met and made friends with some lovely people via this blog so I must treat it with more care and lavish a few posts on it every now and again!!

 And if you're wondering where this is leading and how come the photos seem to have no relevance to the text, I ended the week with a three day course with Bobby Britnell. I've left Bobby's monthly drawing group for the summer to concentrate on getting some of my own ideas formulated. In a group with 7 others we explored themes and ways of working all through the weekend. I am the only non textile person in the group but that's fine by me. My source material - top photo - is actually the drain cover outside my back door coupled with the marks left when I moved the barrel of herbs right next to it last autumn. This is not what I expect to be working on but it was a starting point and sometimes the oddest things throw up the best ideas.

I did lots of drawings, painting, printing, sgraffito into gesso work and graphite rubbings etc. I loved it and have a head full of ideas but they'll have to wait. I am teaching a book workshop this weekend followed by a print workshop so my stuff will have to go on hold but I am raring to go. We all meet again in August and that seems so far away, yet I know that if I lost March, I could easily lose May,June and July unless I stay focussed. So, I'm making a timetable and hoping to stick to it. There's lots of coastal path walking involved in my project so let's hope, as I look out on snowy ground in April , that Spring morphs seamlessly into Summer and that I have the perfect weather for it.
I'll keep you posted. I promise.