bergoglio joke of the day
Here is the latest from AP (anti-Catholic press) news agency...
bergoglio has just released a new motu proprio in anticipation of his upcoming enviro-cyclical in which he declares that the mountains of heretical trash produced as a result of the implementation of Vatican 2 must not be thrown away but must be recycled.
As an example of how this recycling program can work he points to his own evangelii gaudium in which he humbly notes that he was successful in recycling many post Vatican 2 documents which otherwise would have been discarded and forgotten in the trash heap of history.
Products made from 100% recycled Vatican 2 waste materials will be distributed by the new "pontifical council for promoting the new eco-vangelization" and are guaranteed to be 100% free of any pre-Vatican 2 Catholic doctrine.
oh boy... this should save the Vatican a lot of energy...
... that's true...
... instead of writing new post Vatican 2 documents they can just recycle the old ones...
... that's true...
... it makes lots of sense doesn't it...
... that's true... after all, we all know that there are no new heresies...
... so why waste energy trying to come up with... wait a second...
... keep going... you were on the right track...
... you're making fun of this whole idea aren't you...
... no, i was being quite serious...
... if you disagree with bergoglio, couldn't you just keep silent like the neo-Catholics do...
... no i cannot... and for the sake of the Catholic Church neither should you once you realize the truth of what bergoglio is up to...
... that's why i carry this bucket of sand around with me wherever i go...
... it won't help...
... i can't hear you...