
Sunday, January 18, 2015

bergoglio joke of the day

bergoglio joke of the day

Here is the latest from AP (anti-Catholic press) news agency...

bergoglio has just released a new motu proprio in anticipation of his upcoming enviro-cyclical in which he declares that the mountains of heretical trash produced as a result of the implementation of Vatican 2 must not be thrown away but must be recycled.

As an example of how this recycling program can work he points to his own evangelii gaudium in which he humbly notes that he was successful in recycling many post Vatican 2 documents which otherwise would have been discarded and forgotten in the trash heap of history.

Products made from 100% recycled Vatican 2 waste materials will be distributed by the new "pontifical council for promoting the new eco-vangelization" and are guaranteed to be 100% free of any pre-Vatican 2 Catholic doctrine.


oh boy... this should save the Vatican a lot of energy...

... that's true...

... instead of writing new post Vatican 2 documents they can just recycle the old ones...

... that's true...

... it makes lots of sense doesn't it...

... that's true... after all, we all know that there are no new heresies...

... so why waste energy trying to come up with... wait a second...

... keep going... you were on the right track...

... you're making fun of this whole idea aren't you...

... no, i was being quite serious...

... if you disagree with bergoglio, couldn't you just keep silent like the neo-Catholics do...

... no i cannot... and for the sake of the Catholic Church neither should you once you realize the truth of what bergoglio is up to...

... that's why i carry this bucket of sand around with me wherever i go...

... it won't help...

... i can't hear you...

Saturday, January 17, 2015

bergoglio's emissions causing global climate change

bergoglio's emissions causing global climate change

Talk about harmful man-made emissions affecting the global climate... how about the emissions constantly spewing out of bergoglio's big mouth...

Those are having a severe detrimental effect on the global morality climate. The more he talks the lower the global morality index plunges...

The world-wide climate for Catholic families is deteriorating due to warming up of the global radical homosexual campaigns to redefine the most basic unit of society which is the family...

There are rising levels of acceptance of abortion and contraception... deviant sexual brainwashing programs are flooding our schools and drowning our children....

Previously unrecorded storms of heresy and blasphemy are erupting in parishes world-wide and causing widespread spiritual illness in all of the Catholic religious orders -- affecting priests, nuns and laity...

Bergoglio is definitely changing the global climate in the worst way possible... (the real "francis effect")

One thing this shows us is the power of the Catholic Church and the papacy to change the world... for good... or for evil...

Latest weather report from the Philippines on typhoon jorge

Typhoon jorge continues to cause devastating destruction in major parts of the Catholic world. Forecasts are for typhoon jorge to increase in size fueled by the warm waters in the kitchen of Casa Santa Marta.

Already the death toll includes the loss of countless souls and many more are facing slow spiritual starvation from the lack of access to clean Catholic teaching on the faith.

Highly communicable heretical diseases are rampant in the areas already destroyed and forecasters say that these may ultimately lead to a higher death toll than that caused by the highly destructive winds emerging from the mouth of the storm.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

bergoglio joke of the day

bergoglio joke of the day

We here at PublicVigil have another first from our secret Vatican sources... we have obtained an advance copy of bergoglio's new papal encyclical...

The title of the encyclical is Globulus Warmus Est...

On about page 100 after a few brief introductory remarks with numerous quotes from the documents of Vatican 2 and even more numerous quotes from bergoglio's own gaudium gospelus (or whatever he calls it)... because nothing says humble like constantly quoting yourself...

... after the brief introduction bergoglio makes public a startling revelation that he has learned from certain jewish rabbis which he regularly consults with that not only are we experiencing global warming as a result of mankind's effect on the environment, but even more startling is the recent evidence of SOLAR warming...

As you can imagine the effects of solar warming far exceed those of global warming... but then we know from our studies of the solar system that the earth is not the center of the universe as ancient man once thought...

This solar warming is the result of man-made carbon dioxide escaping from earth's atmosphere and being drawn into the sun by its immense gravitational field...

Once the CO2 enters the corona of the sun it reacts with the helium of the sun to cause a nuclear chain reaction which causes enormous solar flares that not only heat up the earth but also cause deadly radiation to penetrate earth's atmosphere and release more CO2 in a positive feedback loop which will only accelerate unless...

... unless we form a unified worldwide religion of peace and dedicate ourselves to eliminating our CO2 emissions by breathing through only one lung...


wow!... bergoglio's new encyclical sure breaks with tradition...

... and that's a good thing?...

... well it's different... and very modern...

... and that's a good thing?...

... who knew that man-made CO2 emissions were causing SOLAR warming...

... soon the solar bears will be extinct...

... funny... very funny...

... i thought so...

... there is no such thing as solar warming is there?... you just made this whole thing up...

... and you believed it...

... well it all sounded so "scientific"...

... that's all it takes...

... i started to get suspicious when i read the part about breathing through one lung...

... can't fool you...

... that's right...

... only bergoglio can do that...

... you mean breathe through only one lung?...

... no, i mean fool you...

Monday, January 5, 2015

thoughts on bergoglio's odd new cardinals

thoughts on bergoglio's odd new cardinals

Diversity. One of the cardinal virtues? Not that I recall..

Did I miss something? I didn't notice any cardinals from the middle east where muslims are literally killing the Church. Why is that?... since at least one Catholic commentator pointed out that the new cardinals come from countries where the Church is suffering...

My guess as to how this will affect the next papal conclave... many of these new cardinals come from countries with small catholic populations... and we keep hearing about how the German church is funding other Catholic communities around the world... it wouldn't take a whole lot of deutsch-marks to gain a whole lot of influence with these new cardinals... maximum bang for the buck (er... deutsch-mark)...

Ethiopia, yes!... sub-saharan Africa... NO!... deal with it... or you can talk to Kasper if you have any further questions on this topic...

Muslim countries... how many cardinals from muslim dominated countries... like say Turkey or Pakistan... or even Saudi Arabia... surely they must have some Catholics in Saudi Arabia... if not, why not?... Lampedusa is covered... so I guess that is sort of like a muslim mini-country... see bergoglio didn't forget the muslims after all...

... and of course bergoglio gets to show off how "non-traditional" he is... they used to call that sort of thing "anti-Catholic"... but times change...

bergoglio gets a surprise -- from St. Teresa

bergoglio gets a surprise -- from St. Teresa

Hey bergoglio... surprise! You are worshiping a false god.

St. Teresa writes in the beginning of her classic poem...

Nada te turbe
Nade te espante
Todo se pasa
Dios no se muda

Let nothing disturb you
Let nothing astonish you
Everything passes
God does not change

The last line "Dios no se muda" had caused me some difficulty in the past in translating. The word "muda" is not common in today's Spanish and I was struggling to understand its full meaning.

It just occurred to me recently that there is a similarity between muda and immutable. and I think this is the best way to understand St. Teresa's message to us... and it is a message that is very pertinent to this disgraceful papacy...

The last line "Dios no se muda" is usually translated as above as something like "God does not change", but I now think an even more accurate and insightful translation is "God is immutable."

God does not change... God is immutable...

God does not surprise... God is incapable of surprising...

A god of suprises... a god that surprises... is a false god...

This sadly is bergoglio's god...

This is not the God of the saints -- the God of the Catholic Church. This is not the God of the Holy Trinity that became flesh and dwelt among us. This is not Jesus Christ -- Our Lord and Savior.

And since there is only one true God all other gods are demons... bergoglio's god then is a demon.

This is a demon the "evolves" and mutates and seeks to conquer the Church by spreading false teachings that sound pleasing to the ear but contain a highly toxic poison.

This is the god of Vatican 2 that opens its doors to the secular world and changes with the perverse fashions of the day.

God have mercy on us all.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

bergoglio's parody papacy

bergoglio's parody papacy

Parody? Who needs parody? We've got bergoglio... as pope... ha!

To see what I'm talking about and what triggered this reaction, please go to the CallMeJorge blog where he has the scoop on the new philippine musical "I love Pope Francis"... yes, you heard it right.


SNL could not top this if they tried...

Still waiting for bergoglio to be guest host of SNL so that he can have the SNL comics humbly poke fun at him... although, by this point in his papacy this would be redundant...

Could SNL possibly come up with anything to top a papal encyclical on global warming?... I'd like to see them try...

No... we don't need no stinking parody... we've got pope parodius himself... mr. humble... pope francis the minus 1... the anti-anti-anti-pope... if it ain't Catholic then bergoglio loves it...


"A parody is an imitative work created to comment on and trivialize an original work...  a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing,,, "