Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pulp Spotlight: The Sandman

Pulp Spotlight
Hello Pulp Friends,

Here's another character I wouldn't mind to draw an arc or two ;)

Attired in a green business suit, fedora, and gas mask, the Sandman used a gun emitting a sleeping gas to sedate criminals. He was originally one of the mystery men to appear in comic books and other types of adventure fiction in the 1930s but later developed into a more proper superhero, acquiring sidekick Sandy, and joining the Justice Society of America.


Once again, click on the image for a bigger and colored version.

The Sandman

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Classic Portraits: Errol Flynn in "Captain Blood" (1935)

Classic Portraits
Hello Pulp Friends,

I hope you are enjoying this series because I got a new one to throw into it before starting to work ;)

Today's portrait is dedicated to Errol Flynn in the swashbuckling fun of "Captain Blood", where he starred with Olivia de Havilland.
This is definitely not the last time we see him: a few other famous movies with Flynn call for being tributed ;)


Errol Flynn in Captain Blood

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Classic Portraits: Tracy in "Riffraff" (1936) & Lorre in "Think Fast Mr Moto" (1936)

Classic Portraits
Hello Pulp Friends,

That's right, it's a new features week I guess ;)

Classic Portraits will see famous movie faces from the '30s, '40s, and '50s (I think that should do it for now) portraited like movie posters. Hope you guys dig the idea and enjoy the art, and as usual feel free to consider this as a starting point of discussions and chats on our favorite movies :)

Let's start with a couple of classics: Spencer Tracy in "Riffraff" (1936) and Peter Lorre in "Think Fast, Mr Moto" (from the same year). Speaking of Mr Moto, the '30s saw lots of "Great Detectives from East" (mostly starred by not-Eastern actors) so expect to see more of them in here too ;)

Finally a little trivia (if we can call it that way): the style of these portraits is inspired by the original movie poster of Riffraff featuring a beautiful portrait of the gorgeous Jean Harlow.


Spencer Tracy in Riffraff

Peter Lorre in Think Fast, Mr Moto

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pulp Screen: "King Kong", 1933

Pulp Screen
Hello Pulp Friends,

Time for a new feature, I think ;)
The idea came after having paid tribute to some movies (sometime ago with "White Zombie" and recently with "The Spider's Web", among others) - we have been covering radio show, comics and serials, and even literature and folklore (with Zorro and the recent Witches), so what about having a section for the good ol' classic movies?

Let's start this with a fan favorite, evergreen cult classic like "King Kong". I think the illo says it all so I will just leave you to the movie ;)
**Lights go off and the projector starts rolling...**


Click on the image for the technicolor movie poster ;)

King Kong

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pulp Spotlight: The Phantom

Pulp Spotlight
Hello Pulp Friends,

Special day today so I thought to take care of this character too long overdue. I don't think it needs any introduction, am I right? All I can say is that this is not the last you have seen of him in here ;)
I will also add that it will be a good idea to click on the image if you want to see it bigger... and in color! :)

Hope you guys dig it and wish you all a wonderful day :)


The Spider

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Double Feature: "The Spider's Web" & "The Locked Room Mystery"

The Spider's Web
Hello Pulp Friends,

Today double feature, like it was used to have a few years back in those matinee movie theaters :)

The above one is a real movie, from 1938, an attempt in putting the Spider in a real action movie. The result is something that reminds a bit the luchadores in the look (full head mask and web-ed cape ;). I decided to tribute that movie since we just recently were talking about the Spider, and that alternate look was cool and inspiring.

The next feature (below) is sadly just fruit of my imagination: I thought it would be cool to have a classic Agatha Christie mystery of the locked room murder with the Green Hornet.

Anyhow, hope you guys enjoy the features and please click on the images if you want to see them bigger :)


The Locked Room Mystery

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pulp Spotlight: The Spider (#2)

Pulp Spotlight
Hello Pulp Friends,

I know I have already dedicate a Pulp Spotlight to The Spider, but I thought that another illo showcasing our masked friend should be still well accepted while we wait to get out of the Halloween celebrations and get back to some old radio show.

Hope you guys dig it and wish you all a wonderful evening :)


The Spider