Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunday, flea market and work in progress

flea market finds
Yesterday I finally made it to the flea market again. And I was lucky to find anything!! This was the big flea market and I can't remember when I last had such a "bad catch"! Just a couple of brass filigree buttons and some old lace...

Captain and Socks
Two of my kitties relaxing Sunday afternoon...

This is what my sketches for work in progress look like - if I actually sketch something. But this is just the original idea and not fully thought out. I just let the process take over. These are for Moth and Cobweb.

work in progress: Moth
As I mentioned, I am working on more necklaces inspired by A Midsummer Nights Dream. This will be Moth.

work in progress: Cobweb
This is a version of Cobweb, another Midsummer Nights Dream inspired piece. Cobweb is going to end up with more than one necklace, it seems.

work in progress: Poppy
A poppy flower that will turn into a necklace. I made a few of these in copper last year and I just really like them. I have some in progress in copper too.