We probably ended up with just over a foot of snow. Which I realize is no where near as much as some places but way better than what we had. Incidentally, after the snow we had a freezing rain so there was about 1/2 an inch of ice over the snow. You can kind of tell in the picture of D's legs. He was having lots of fun breaking the ice and throwing big chunks at the garage to break apart.
Also, since snow is not very common for these here parts, the city/county doesn't really have much by way of plows. We went for a drive through downtown yesterday (everything was closed and church was cancelled but WE had to try out our chains...) and there was not a snowplow in sight. We did see a front-end loader pushing snow off the roads though.
In other news, look what I did!!!
That's right, I made stocking this year for our entire family. They are really big, which I didn't exactly plan but since I can barely follow a pattern I wasn't about to go and change it. Too bad I will be behind next year. Sigh. I still have the pattern. Really, I should have just done five to begin with.
Merry Christmas All!