I know that is the MOST random blog post title ever. It's actually the name of a Melodrama I did in Girl Scouts back in 4
th grade when my mom was our leader (mom, do you remember that?!?)
Have you ever noticed how everyone in blogland always has a perfect day with perfectly groomed and dressed children? Yeah, not my day today. If you haven't guessed by now, today was a bad day. I'm in a bad mood. And since I'm keeping it real and this is my journal, I thought I would document it for my posterity (and all of you, my lucky blog readers -
First of all, Al had to work all day. Yuck. I hate when the weekend feels no different than the rest of the week. He only has to pull the all day Saturdays every couple months but it still stinks. Then this afternoon I REALLY wanted to do something fun as a family but Al got home late and I swear Phoenix really lacks in the family activity department. Plus (see, I'm griping here), the valley is SO spread out that it takes forever to get anywhere.
The icing on the proverbial cake is that it was 93 degrees today. 93 degrees. On November 3rd. See, there are things I actually like about living here. I like my house, a lot. I love our ward. I love that Al loves his job. I hate.loathe.despise.detest the weather. We were outside playing this afternoon and I was literally fighting back the tears. Call it pregnancy hormones or whatever but I seriously cannot handle the weather here. Usually, I'm in full holiday spirit by now. But really, how can you feel remotely festive when it's 93 degrees outside? And lucky me, the 10 day
forecast calls for days in the 90s until the 10
th- then we'll cool down to the 80s. Someone shoot me. I think I have seasonal depression - depression due to the lack of seasons in my case.
Then there's the house projects. Yep, we have yet to finish a single project. Circumstances beyond our control -- like Al having insane 70 hour work weeks the last 3 weeks, me being deathly ill for a week, holidays, things like that --have gotten in the way of finishing the girls' room. Which, if you know me well, you know how it is driving me
nutso to have my house torn up. And it's taking a
looooong time. I consider us fairly accomplished do it
yourselfers but this project has been a huge undertaking for some reason. The end is in sight though. I want to be done with it and working on Carter's room by the end of the week.
Al shooed me out of the house tonight because I think everyone was a little sick of grumpy mom. I ran some quick errands (yet another trip to Home Depot) which go amazingly fast when you're alone. I stopped for a few things at the grocery store which turned into $35 worth of comfort food, including the seasons first bag of mint M&Ms (so glad they only make these at Christmastime). After about an hour I felt rejuvenated and headed home for the nightly routine. Now it's on to getting ready for church and more of our painting project.
In order to end the post on a high note, here are 10 good things about today:
1. Previously mentioned mint M&Ms
2. My friend
Karolyn found me during the kickball game and we got to visit for an hour
Makenna's dresser that we ordered 4 months ago finally arrived unscathed (this is their 5
th attempt at delivery and the first time the dresser has been undamaged)
4. Fountain diet coke on the way home from errands
5. I got to take a short nap while the kids slept
6. I finished a scrapbook page
7. The laundry is caught up for once
8. My kids are sick of their Halloween candy (
9. Honey crisp apples - yum!
10. My kids and husband are really cute and still love me even when I'm grumpy
The end. Thanks for bearing with me (and yes, I know that there are people in the world with REAL problems, and mine don't remotely qualify as real problems, but I actually feel better after writing this all out).