Showing posts with label tear bear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tear bear. Show all posts

Monday, August 10, 2009

So long, Summer...

With summer winding down, I start to feel like I am "nesting." I want to organize the whole house, put the summer clothes to the back of the closet, and start looking for good soup recipes... Maybe because I am such a nerd, or because I was an English teacher, I love this time of year. Nothing makes me happier than a cup full of super sharp pencils and a stack of clean, white paper. I love school supplies! New notebooks and clean slates, a time for fresh starts and tidy backpacks. Ah... September is just around the corner, and with it the promising potential of fall, where fresh starts are like a shiny clean blackboard.

Sometimes I miss my blackboard.

Maybe I will work on some "Back to School" layouts this week. Sharpen my pencils and such.

I haven't totally dismissed summer, however. I just completed, and listed on eBay, two layouts. One is a wedding themed page, perfect for that "first page" in an album. I wanted to keep it simple, so that when photos are placed on the mats, they will be real showstoppers! I love making my little churches. For some reason, I like the brown shingles best...
The other is a sweet reminder of summer - fresh lemonade and sweet fruit, relaxing on those long hot days... Every once in a while, I get motivated to make a little fuzzy bear. My bears are a bit old fashioned, but they make me happy! :)

Well, I am off to find some fresh pencils and a clean, new notebook...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Teddy Bear Princess

I had made this cutie little bear a while ago, and couldn't figure out what to do with her... then I dressed her like a princess and gave her a castle.

I want someone to dress me like a princess and give me a castle...

Ah, but that is the fun of creating. In my non-princess life I get to make lush landscapes and fierce dragons, tranquil twilights and sleepy teddy bears. I get to create stories, not just with words, but with paper and ink, ribbon and fabric. Pretty neat when you really stop and think about it...

This little cutie is on a layout I have listed on eBay.


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