It is very hard to tell from this picture but these buildings are SO great! My milking parlor on the right is all clean and tidy the roof doesn't leak! It also has a storm door....we'll see how useful the storm door is, but at least it will let in less dust than the half-door!
On the left is the new kidding barn....2 stalls for kidding and for kids! It is still sporting it's primer white paint because it is either too wet or too cold to paint.
For now the 2 yearling bucks are in the first stall in the new kid barn. They needed a bit of extra pampering after their first rut....and they are CERTAINLY getting it in here!
First due to kid is my dreamy goat. She is a doll! Not a great picture of her, but you can see her fancy socks she has on. Bob calls her the "racing goat" .... like those race horses that wear socks. Actually, she had some scaly skin on her pasterns so I treated them and then wrapped them to keep them dry. It is very wet here. Have I mentioned that? Do you need some mud? I could send you some!
She is due to kid Jan 5. She is a hoot.
Okay if this picture wasn't so dark, you could see exactly HOW pregnant my favorite goat is. She is SO pregnant that we've considered putting a skateboard under her tummy to help her get around faster! She is huge! I couldn't reach my arms around her 2 months ago and she is not due until Jan 12!!!!!