- Wash and sterilize jars (9 pints or 7 quarts for each canner load)
- Filter milk and pour into jars, leaving 1" headspace.
- Cap jars and place into the pressure canner
- Add 3-4 inches of hot water to the canner and attach the lid.
- Bring the canner to a full boil and begin venting steam.
- Allow canner to vent for a full 10 minutes, then begin building pressure.
- Bring pressure to 15 pounds and hold for a full 10 minutes.
- Turn off heat and allow the canner to cool until pressure drops to 0.
- Open vent and let it sit for 10 minutes.
- Remove lid from canner and allow the jars to cool overnight.
- Remove rings from jars, check seals, wash jars, mark and date them and store at room temperature.
The milk will keep for 6-8 months. Our does are in their 5th month of lactation, so I will be getting some milk put up now for the dry months. The canned milk is also good to have if you have a kid buyer that wants the kid raised on pasteurized milk. Any milk left in the pantry past 8 months old is fed to the dogs, chickens, or pigs.