Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The Bananas in Pyjamas, aka B1 and B2, are still enjoying their vacation time in central Florida. Here they are by the pool (their favourite place to hang out)...
Today it was raining so B1 and B2 hung out with their 2 new friends;
Tigger, of Winnie the Pooh fame (he does bounce a lot you know) and

Stuff, the magic dragon, aka the Orlando Magic mascot. They had a great time together.

Here's a group shot of them. Cute bunch, eh?Not much else to report other than our vacation is rapidly coming to a close. And QGB has not even looked at her stitcheries. She's too busy hanging out by the pool or going in the pool to do anything else. QGB keeps saying she can't do any of this back home so she's constantly outside. There's rumours that there's still snow on the ground back home in Canada.

QGB also wants all her bloggy friends to know that she appreciates all the visits, comments and emails. QGB will be back to her usual self, visiting and commenting on her favourite blogs starting on Sunday. Until you hear differently, QGB will be outside, in the pool!
Until next time...

Friday, March 27, 2009


B1 and B2, aka the Bananas in Pyjamas want to thank everyone for their helpful comments regarding wearing sunscreen and hats in the Florida sun. However they want to make it clear that under no circumstances are they going to wear Bikinis! The only problem I have now is they're demanding margaritas by the pool side all day long, everyday! LOL

B1 and B2 got to go on an outing in the car. We drove and drove and fought traffic until we reached our destination for an early 5 pm dinner. Afterwards a short drive to a parkade near the Amway Arena in downtown Orlando. We're all set to see the Orlando Magic take on the Millwaukee Bucks. Here we are just outside the arena...and here we are in our seats.There were a lot of people there and lots of cheering going on because the Magic won, 110 to 94. YAY! That made QGB very happy. Our first NBA game was very exciting and fun too! Stay tuned for more adventures. Until next time...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


The Bananas in Pyjamas, aka B1 and B2, have arrived in central Florida. Lucky bananas got to fly in first class on the airplane while the rest of the family was in the back of the airplane. This is how they spent the day on Tuesday, our first full day in central Florida...
relaxing outside, at our rental house, by the pool on a comfortable lounge chair. They look like they're enjoying themselves, don't they? Doesn't take much time to settle into the Florida lifestyle, LOL !!! Stay tuned for more pics from B1 and B2 and their central Florida vacation.
Until next time...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break

Our family is sneaking off (a few days early) to go on Spring Break to Florida. Palm Trees, Sunshine and Warm Weather; sounds wonderful. So who's the most excited about going on this trip? Well the Bananas of course, they've never been on an airplane before! I'm bringing with me some stitcheries to work on but I'm taking a break from my sewing machine. I've made some progress with my Red Delicious blocks that I'm happy about how it's looking. If you want to see what the Bananas are up to in Florida check back and see, okay?
Until next time...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

What a Day!

Yesterday, March 18th was my DD's 17th birthday. Where does the time go? I remember for her 3rd birthday she got a dollhouse and she played in the cardboard box for ages, LOL! We had a family dinner last night and of course birthday cake and presents. In honour of my DD's birthday I'll show you another set of NPNT blocks...And guess what??? I finished the binding on the flannel quilt that gave me the binding blues. I was determined to finish it this morning cos I don't want to spend any more time with it! The colours in the quilt are richer than the picture shows; my favourite print is the navy blue fabric. I folded over a corner so you can see the flannel teddy bear backing. Cute, eh? So this quilt is my March finish for the One Project A Month Challenge, YAY!The sun is out and spring is coming one of these days I hope! Until next time...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Binding Blues

I've got the binding blues. I've been working on binding this flannel quilt to be my March finish. It's an old UFO. I thought I measured correctly but I was short 18 inches or so. Not a big deal, just add another piece to the end, right? So I did and I attached it with the wrong side is facing out. Okay, not a big deal just get my seam ripper and unsew it, right? My seam ripper has wondered off! sheeesh!I give up for today...
Until next time...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Show and Tell

Our quilting get-together last night was fun as usual even though it was a smaller group. Fortunately for me 3 of the gals that were at the retreat brought their retreat projects last night and I took pics of them.

Here is V's tabletopper with just a bit of binding left to sew to the back.I just love the theme fabric so much I took a pic of it close-up! I'm so ready for winter to go away and this fabric just makes me smile :^)))Next is D's tabletopper made out of blues including a gorgeous snowflake batik print.Next up is a placemat that L was working on, she's made several of them. Pretty Asian fabric :^)L also showed us this tabletopper she finished. Click on the pic to see the pretty fabric in the center of the hexagons.
Lastly here's a bag that Y has made, she bought it as a kit from the quilt show and conference that she attended last Sept called ISQSC in Fargo, ND. The inside of the bag is all lined with inside pockets along the sides and if you untie the bows the bag becomes wider. How clever is that! Y was busy working on this bag at our Nov retreat. I love how it turned out.
I've been stitching away while watching the curling on TV. I'll post pics next week. I'm also pleased to report I've been bonding with Tristan every other day for 35 minutes. I've you're wondering who on earth Tristan is, look at my post here. Until next time...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Not much to Report

Not much to report these days. No sewing going on but I've been doing a bit of stitchery. Why? Well because I've been glued to the TV since Saturday and will be until Sunday night. So what on earth is getting all my attention? The Brier aka the Canadian Mens Curling Championship. Want to see more? Click here!
Tonight is our weekly quilting get-together night and hopefully I won't forget my camera like I did last week, LOL! Until next time...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Retreat Pics

Here are some retreat pics for you to enjoy!

First up is a wallhanging that P was working on; a gift from her DD and it was a kit so it came together quickly. The pattern is called "Joy" from a BC, Canada designer called Pippa Moore. Here's a link to Pippa's website here as well as her blog here. Lots of eye candy :^)
D was cutting apart the most adorable fish fabric and making different kinds of blocks...
L was busy sewing these squares of African cloth together into a quilt top. You've got to click on the pic for a closer look, it was such gorgeous fabric!
L also put together this kid's quilt, sorry the pic is blurry.
L had a productive weekend...S didn't arrive til Saturday morning but she got busy immediately putting together this tablerunner so pretty in blue and yellow...Here's the same tablerunner pattern done in Christmas fabrics...
Here's Myra and P busy working. Don't you love her hat? Some of us wore silly hats on Saturday night. Check out Myra's retreat pics here...And here's Myra's tabletopper that she's giving to her mum...
V was working on this tabletopper and started working on another one in purples. V also did a tablerunner with a fun citrus print as her theme fabric....Finally here's P's other project that she worked on, one of Bonnie Hunter's free patterns called Bricks and Stepping Stones which you can find here. P added a funky black and white inner border and the outer border is a Jane Sassaman fabric which is perfect finish, don't you think?Hope you enjoyed the retreat pics. I hope to work on my disappearing 9 patch this weekend that I started at the retreat. Until next time...

Monday, March 2, 2009

I'm Back!

EDIT: Pics added to this post!
I'm back from my quilt retreat weekend. Lots of quilting, chatting and eating went on but not a whole lot of sleeping, LOL ! Today I'm a zombie but it was worth it :^)

So what did I get done?

Well, let's see...

Blocks 7 and 8 from Fat Quarter Shop's Designer Mystery BOMSome 6 inch Friendship stars for an event at my guild in April
I worked on 3 blocks from the Red Delicious BOMand I started a disappearing 9-patch!

Not bad, eh?

You wouldn't believe what happened when I unpacked my bag, I found those 2 Bananas in Pyjamas! Sheesh! They hung out all weekend long in our sewing room. They loved being around all of us. Everyone gave them attention and they liked that a lot. They also posed for pics. Even Myra posted a pic of them here!

I will post some pics of some of the other projects from the retreat soon. Until next time...


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