Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Winslow Chronicles 3

Hi, it's me Winslow the Sheltie reporting to you from Florida! 
 Here's a summary of activites that have occurred during our Spring Break vacation.
  1. Sleeping in
  2. Afternoon naps
  3. Hanging out by the pool
  4. More naps
  5. Checking out those Palm Trees
  6. Wondering why my humans like the pool and hot tub
  7. Walks
  8. Mum and DD shopping
  9. Searching for Fancy Dress for DD for grade 12 graduation
  10. Browsing at IKEA for ideas to redo DD's bedroom
  11. Sitting in all the chairs at IKEA :^)
  12. Wishing the IKEA at home (currently under construction) was open already!
  13. Spring Training Baseball games
  14. Magic time! NBA game; Orlando Magic vs Minnesota Timberwolves
  15. Mum wearing her Orlando Magic jersey to the basketball game
  16. Humans reading, a lot
  17. Even more naps
  18. Humans taking photos
  19. Humans using computers
  20. Did I mention naps?
Mum said she's read some good books lately.  Here they are:
Here's some proof that I was hanging out with Mum and DD by the pool, trying to have a nap.  DD is reading and Mum is stitching.
Mum showed me what she stitched, isn't it nice?
She says it's one of her NPNT blocks.
That's all for today!  See you next time...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Winslow Chronicles 2

Hi it's me, Winslow, the adorable male Sheltie.  I was so excited to see that readers in blogland like me that I barked a lot at the computer!  I noticed my Mum hasn't updated her blog lately so I thought I'd update you about what's going on in our world. 

Earlier this month I had to go to the Vet's office and the groomers in the same week!  Yikes!  I don't like those places, they make me very nervous.  Mum and Dad were very happy because I lost 3 pounds.
Then a few days later Mum and Dad put me in the minivan along with some luggage.  Is this the adventure they kept talking about? I wondered to myself.  But I was confused. Those 3 teenagers didn't get in the car with us.  It was just Mum, Dad and me.
After an hour or so I calmed down since Dad was not driving in the direction of the Vet or groomers.  But then we stopped and this person was asking Dad all these questions.  I heard snippets like "you're driving all the way to Orlando?"  I was disappointed that this person didn't say how cute I was.  Later I heard Mum and Dad say they were glad that US Customs didn't give them much hassle.
We stopped at places along the way to get out and stretch our legs.  My favourite stop was lunchtime because we stopped at Subway.  Dad got me my own Chicken sandwich!  Awesome!
Then it was late, I could tell because it was dark outside.  Finally we stopped at Kansas City MO.  Dad said he was tired because he drove 850 miles that day.  It was more of the same the next day, over 800 miles. We ended up in Atlanta, GA.  Then on the third day we got in the car again and several hours later we arrived in a place called Orlando FL.  Thankfully we only drove several hours, and Dad said it was only 470 miles.  Mum and Dad were very happy to be in Florida, I could tell because they were acting all goofy.   But I was missing those 3 teenagers.  How come they were back home?  I missed them.

Then I heard, "it's her birthday".  Mum said she posted about "her birthday" on her blog.  That was on Thursday.  Mum and Dad had to go out for a while.  They said they had a surprise for me when they got back.  Hmmmmm I wondered.  Later I heard the minivan arrive and the doors slam shut. I quickly ran to the front door to greet Mum and Dad.  The door opened and it was those 3 teenagers along with Mum and Dad!  I was so darn happy I just about wagged my tail off!  LOL  So now the whole family is in Florida.
Wow I sure wrote a lot of stuff here. I hope Mum doesn't mind that I used her laptop.  She's got her nose in a book at the moment.  Oh oh, she just saw me, I better go.  See you next time!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy Happy

Myspace Graphics

to my wonderful delightful daughter!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

March Finishes

So what did I finish for the month of March (before I go on vacation) for the following challenges?
 I got the 9th block done for the Designer Mystery BOM #2 from FQS
and here's my big finish for OPAM and PhD,
Picnic, the Schnibbles project from November/09.  I love how it turned out. Click on the pic for a closer look.  Until next time...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Winslow Chronicles

Hello, I am the Sheltie that belongs to the family of Quilter Going Bananas (Mum to me), her Hubby  (Dad to me) and 3 teenagers.  You can call me Winslow which is one of my middle names :^)
Mum and dad keep talking to me about an adventure. I'm not sure what that means exactly.
If it involves going in the car to the Vet or the Groomers I won't be happy.  Those places make me nervous!
All I see is Mum running around the house muttering to herself or else she's sewing or watching curling on TV.  The Brier is on, that's the Canadian Men's championship for those of you who didn't know that.  I also see her making lists and lists and doing a ton of laundry.  She's acting strange.  I just can't figure it out.
I also heard that these guys are coming too, B1 and B2, also know as the Bananas in Pyjamas.  They've gone on airplanes!  Does that mean I am too?  All this talk about an Adventure and I'm not sure it's a good thing. 
 This blogging stuff is fun I see why Mum likes doing it. Maybe she'll let me use her laptop again and I can make another blog post. I'll just have to give her my best 'aren't I the cutest' look  :^)
 I think I need to go outside now and get snow on my nose, that makes me happy.  Until it's time for my next walk :^)  Until next time...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Saturday Sampler Series

Here's the next SBS block that I completed for the Saturday Sampler series.
It's called Anvil.  3 Blocks done and many more to go, LOL!
Thanks to everyone who commented on the Comfort Quilt that I helped make for a dear friend who is seriously ill right now.  I know she loves it.   Until next time...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Goals for March

It is time to say what I would like to accomplish for the month of March for
First up is peicing block #9 from FQS Designer Mystery BOM #2.  I cannot believe there is only 3 more blocks to complete and then it will time to assemble the quilt top.  I just know it is going to be gorgeous!

The other thing I want to complete this month is quilting and binding one of my Schnibbles.  

There are some other projects I would like to make progress on (Jan, Feb and March Schnibbles) but that won't be possible as Spring Break is coming up and that means vacation!  Until next time...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Comfort Quilt

Some of you may remember that a while ago I made a block to go into a comfort quilt for a dear member of our Wednesday night quilting group who is seriously ill. See that post here 
Two of our members worked quickly to assemble the quilt top, quilt it and bind it. So they along with 2 additional members made the trip to see D and give her the quilt.  She lives almost 90 minutes away from most of us, Saturday was a gorgeous late winter day and the right time to give D her quilt.
Of course D loved her quilt!  There was a group pic of us on her wall at the hospital :^)  We miss her an awful lot and I know she misses being an active member of the group.  My block is on the bottom row, second from the left.  Click on the pic for a closer look-see.
Until next time...


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