Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday Sampler Series

It's Saturday again and time for another installment of the Saturday Sampler Series.  I'm making SBS blocks from the Elm Creek Quilts book.
This block is called Children's Delight.  It was pretty easy to put together. Until next time...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

House Pics

I thought it would be a good idea to share some pics of our house addition construction which has been underway since the beginning of May. 
This is the new garage, now attached to the house and also the new back door.
 Here's a view of the inside of the garage, with the garage door being installed.
This is a view of the back of the house showing the old back door, the little window above the old kitchen sink and the wall coming down between the old and new parts of the house.
Here's the view from inside the kitchen with the wall coming down.  Last night we finished packing up the contents of the kitchen.  All the kitchen cabinetry will be gone by the end of today.  Life is interesting (challenging) around here and there's dust everywhere.  Mess means progress so that's a good thing.  I'm glad my sewing area is down in the basement!  Until next time...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Green, Purple and Cream

 Will you join me?

Patches 4 Lissa
Click on the button to go to Jane's blog to get the details on making this special quilt.  Until next time...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday Sampler Series

Just like I mentioned last Saturday (click here for the post) I resumed doing my Saturday Sampler Series.  I'm making the SBS blocks from the Elm Creek Quilts.
This block is called Big T.  It wasn't too bad, I paper pieced this one.  Until next time...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Workshop in June

Last month on a gorgeous summer day a group of us piled into cars and drove 45 minutes out of the city to attend a workshop by MM.  My pics from that day did not turn out so I'm borrowing pics that my friend P took of that day. Thanks P!
D is working on a pattern that includes 3-D tulip petals. 
A tablerunner completed at the end of the day by S
One of my basket blocks.  I used ME fabrics that day :^)
Here is one of Y's basket blocks not yet finished.  She used 30's reproduction fabrics.
N started and finished this tabletopper in one day.  Love the Jane Sassaman fabric in it!
Another tabletopper almost completed by the end of the day by D.
These 2 blocks are from the same pattern.  The one on the left was made by D and the one on the right was made by A.  I love the focal fabrics that both of them used.
This tabletopper was finished in one day by P.  All that was left for her to do was the binding.  Love  the colours in this one!

This is a tie quilt that one of the local ladies was working on.  The top half is all done.  It will be a large quilt when finished.  A great way to use up old ties, eh?
You may have noticed that by looking at the pics that there were several projects being worked on during this workshop.  MM likes teaching these kind of workshops where she just buzzes around the room helping everyone who needs it.  All the patterns you see here are hers (except the tie one).
MM does not have a website to buy her patterns.  If you want more info please email me.  Until next time...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New Free BOMs!

Kaaren is offering a new free BOM starting on July 20th at her blog The Painted Quilt. 
Called Raggedy and Friends, you can read about it here.  It's an adorable combination of piecing and stitchery.   So hurry on over to Kaaren's blog today to take a look at the first installment here.

Another free BOM I've come across is from Ellie's QuiltPlace that started June 21st.  
 It's actually not a BOM but rather a BOS (Block of Seasons).  Click here to see the pattern.  Until next time...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Here's a free stitchery BOM from Caroline, at her blog The Contented Quilter.  It's called  Take Time To...
Click here to go to her first post about this free BOM. Thanks to Caroline for sharing this project with all of us!   
Until next time...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday Sampler Series

Back in early February I started a new series of the Saturday Sampler from the book
You can see the first few blocks that I made from SBS here, here, and here.  Time to show another block I've finished.  These blocks are 6 inches finished size. Some pieces are small!
This block is called Aunt Sukey's Choice.  Until next time...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


My bloggy friend Crsipy has released her hand piecing tutorial
Click here to go to Crispy's blog and then click the the Hand Piecing button on her sidebar.  Crispy does all hand piecing, hand applique and hand quilting.  Her work is gorgeous and she's a wealth of information.  Go check her tutorial right now, okay?  Until next time...

Monday, July 12, 2010

CGQC July and August Goals

CGCQ celebrated it's one year anniversary on july 1st.  Thanks to Kelly for an awesome year of fun and quilting!  For year 2 Kelly has changed things up a bit.  Read Kelly's post here.  One of the changes is posting goals every 2 months (instead of every single month). There will also be a monthly theme.  
The theme for the month of July is
You can read Kelly's post about it here.  This is a good theme to focus on for me.  Like many woman I play many roles in my life; daughter, sister, wife, mother etc.  It's so easy to get caught up in these roles that we forget about ourselves.  So now I'll list my goals for the months of July/August as well as some self-care goals for the month of July.

1.  Finish piecing my Schnibble Sunday Best
2.  Finish piecing my CGQC quilt-along
3.  Piece or applique one SBS block per week
4.  Finish piecing my basket quilt from the workshop in June
5. Blog more regularly!
6.  Sew for (at least) 10 minutes every day
7.  Exercise for (at least) 10 minutes every day

This list is short on purpose.  As some of you already know we are having an addition built on to the back of our house.  Since early May construction noises of all kinds are going on around the house.  Soon the contractor will tell us to move out for at least 1 week or maybe 2 weeks.  We'll get a week's notice.  We'll have a week to clear out part of the house, pack up some clothes and Winslow.  I'm not sure yet what we'll do, maybe we'll go on a short road trip.  We'll just have to wait and see.  Until next time...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Winslow Chronicles 4

Hi everyone! It's me, Winslow the sheltie.
Today is a very special day.  You know why?
It's my birthday!  I'm now 9 years old.
Later today I get to have a small dish of vanilla ice cream.  If you want to help me celebrate you could have some ice cream too, okay?   Until next time...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer Camp

Who want's to go to Summer Camp because they're bored?
Click here to go the the blog post to learn more about it.  I loved summer camp as a kid, didn't you?  Check it out for some fun ideas.  Until next time...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tidbits on Tuesday

 WARNING:  I am venting my frustration over my lack of progress in this post!  I wish I could be caught up but hey! it's summer and I should be outside, right?
This is what's on my design wall today and what I've been working on over the last few days
 It's part of a Schnibbles pattern called Sunday Best.  I'm behind on this Schnibbles and a few others.  I really wanted to enter the Schnibbles contest that Kelly mentioned here but the timing was all wrong.  Then Kelly announced a Schnibbles quilt along here that started June 27th.  Let's not forget Kelly and Darlene's fun time
which started in early June, you can see it here.  This week we're supposed to be quilting our quilts but I'm still piecing the 16 patch blocks.  Yikes!  I think I've come to the conclusion that I'm a slow-poke quilter.  In fact I think I've seen a group started in blogland with the same sort of people (like me) and a button to go with it.  Maybe I should track them down and join!  Until next time...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Myspace Graphics
Wishing all my American friends and family Happy Independence Day!  Until next time...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Canada Day

Happy Canada Day
to my fellow Canadians today.  I'm wearing red and white to celebrate that Canada is now
143 years young!   Until next time...


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