Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas

Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas!  Until next time...

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


For several months my hubby has been sharing with me some incredible photos of a dog from Colorado called Loki.  I thought I'd share the link to his Instagram account so you too can see Loki for yourself.  His owner gets him to pose in all kinds of ways, it's just amazing.

Here's a video from Loki's You Tube Channel
 Enjoy!  Until next time...

Friday, December 11, 2015

Mail Goodness

The sixth and last installment of yarny goodness for 2015 arrived in the mail a couple of weeks ago from indie dyer Tanis Fiber Arts out of Montreal Canada.  The first shipment arrived in January, the second shipment was in March, the third shipment was in May, the fourth shipment was in July and the fifth shipment arrived in September.

The color is called Caramel.  The accompanying pattern for this gorgeous silky yarn is some cabled fingerless mitts.  I am eager to cast on and knit these mitts so this project has been added to my list of projects to make in the near future.  Until next time...

Friday, December 4, 2015

A finish

Recently I finished another knitting project that will definitely come in handy now that Winter is in full swing in my corner of the world.
This pic was taken before the snow arrived.  The yarn is a blend of New Zealand wool, angora, silk and nylon.  The cowl is very soft and very warm.
Here's a closeup pic of the 4 sections and the 4 colors used.  I am very pleased with the finished cowl.  Until next time...

Friday, November 27, 2015

Are you ready to start?

Earlier this month I talked about Bonnie Hunter's new upcoming Mystery Quilt along called Allietare.  If you missed the post you can read about it here.
Anyway today is the big day, the beginning of the Mystery with Bonnie releasing the first clue.   Run, don't walk over to Bonnie's blog and download the first clue so that you can get started.  If you click on the pic it'll take you directly to Bonnie's blog.  Until next time...

Saturday, November 21, 2015

A Finish

Remember back in September I posted about a huge project that I started, a crocheted afghan.  I posted about it here.  Well I am pleased to say that I finally finished the afghan!
It measures 60 inches wide and is 78 inches long.  It just nicely covers the top of my son's queen-sized bed.  It was good timing to get this puppy finished since Winter decided to arrive in my corner of the world a couple of days ago and it will be very snuggly to cuddle under while on the couch watching TV.  Until next time...

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Remembrance Day

It's Remembrance Day. Lest we Forget. A minute of silence at 11 am of the 11th day of the 11th month for all those who fought for our country. Lest we forget.
In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Lt.-Col. John McCrae
If you want to read more click here. Until next time.....

Friday, November 6, 2015

Bonnie Hunter Mystery

Earlier this week there was much excitement over at Bonnie Hunter's blog as she revealed the name and inspiration behind her upcoming Mystery Quilt-a-long, called Allietare.
 Click on the pic to go to Bonnie's blog post explaining it all.  Lovely colours inspired by a trip to Tuscany, Italy.  Check it out.  Until next time...

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween to all of you that celebrate!  Even though my children are young adults now we all still enjoy seeing how the young children in our neighbourhood are dressed up in their costumes for Halloween.  Until next time...

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Mail Goodness

The fifth installment of yarny goodness arrived in the mail this week from indie dyer Tanis Fiber Arts out of Montreal Canada.  The first shipment arrived in January, the second shipment was in March, the third shipment was in May.  The fourth shipment arrived in July.
The color is called Margarita.  The accompanying pattern for this chunky weight yarn is a cowl.  It's definitely on my to-do list sooner than later.  Definitely a good accessory to have on hand as we head into the long months of winter.  Until next time...

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Quilt Show Pic

Last month I attended a quilt show.  I took some pics and wanted to show you which quilt was my favourite.

I love love love star quilts.  I'm going to guess that this quilt is paper pieced.  I just love it.  Until next time....

Saturday, October 10, 2015

A New Project

What has dark blue yarn with sparkly iridescent beads? 

My new project that started on October 1st.  It's a mystery knit-along where a clue is revealed once a week until the whole project is done.  It is a shawl that starts at the bottom, and yes those are beads along the bottom!  Until next time...

Saturday, October 3, 2015

My New Best Friend

Yesterday was the first day of the Manitoba Fibre Festival.  It was my first time attending such an event and I had no idea what to expect.  There were displays, demos and vendors.  There were also live animals, many breeds of sheep and some of these cuties, alpacas!
They were so cute and alert and I swear this one was posing for the camera, lol.  The festival also ran all day today.  We've been having beautiful fall weather so hopefully the turn out was good.  Until next time...

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Retreat Photos

Here's a couple of pics from our Quilt Retreat earlier this month.

Until next time...

Saturday, September 19, 2015

A Huge Project

At the beginning of this month I started my 2nd ever crochet project, which is called  Ripple Afghan.
Here's a pic showing the 8 colors of yarn that I've chosen.  And yes the afghan is a lot wider that the pic shows, lol.  Next time I hope to post the pics I took last weekend at the quilt retreat.  My phone does not want to share the pics with my laptop right now.  So I've got my work cut out for me in the next few days.   Until next time...

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Retreat Time

Leaving this afternoon and back Sunday afternoon.  I'll do my best to take lots of pics to show you all the quilty goodness next week.  Until next time...

Saturday, September 5, 2015

A Finish

Finally after working on the border for 2 weeks my shawl is done!
Here's a close up pic of the border showing the pink beads
I am so pleased with how this shawl turned out.  The pattern is called Island Retreat by Cindy Garland, and can be purchased on Ravelry.  Until next time...

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Slowly Slowly

My pink and green shawl is almost done.  A little bit of knitting and beading every day (for almost 2 weeks) and the time consuming border is almost complete.  The border consists of 35% of the total project so it's really no surprise that it's taking so long to finish.
Hopefully next week I'll be able to show off a finished shawl.  Until next time...

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Rainy Saturday

It's a rainy stormy Saturday and instead of cleaning up my sewing room I am surfing the web for cute pics of projects that catch my eye.  This blog at first glance looked cute.  Because of this project (click on the pic to go to the blog)
Is that cute or what?!?   Then I started poking around the blog and came across this post called "24 Cute and Colorful Fat Quarter Projects" and there's more cuteness.  Bev has a variety of crafting projects including embroidery, sewing and jewelry as well as other good stuff.  Until next time...

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Friday, August 7, 2015

Last Friday I was

Wishing it was last Friday...
Here's a video of one of the songs played at the Dave Matthews Band concert we attended. The song is called Two Step.   This version was recorded at a concert several years ago.  Enjoy!  you might like it.  Until next time...

Saturday, August 1, 2015

New Project

A new project is underway.  It's a mystery knit-along where we get clues once a week until we're done.  As you can see there's 2 colors plus some lacy bits and there's even a few beads.  Stay tuned as I continue to work on it.  Until next time...

Friday, July 24, 2015

A Finish

Another finish to add to the pile!  The color of yarn is a burgundy red,  dk weight, and the pattern is called Gyllis.  It's available on Ravelry.  I'm hoping it'll be cozy to wear next winter.  Until next time...

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Mail Goodness

The fourth installment of yarny goodness arrived in the mail this week from indie dyer Tanis Fiber Arts out of Montreal Canada.  The first shipment arrived in January, the second shipment was in March and the third shipment was in May.

 The color is called Fig.  It's a deep purple with hints of black and it's gorgeous.  Tanis designed a rectangular stole for this laceweight yarn.   A while back, late in 2013 I made a laceweight rectangular stole out of a Tanis yarn.  
 So I'll need to decide if I need to make another laceweight rectangular stole or find another pattern.  I'll have to search for possibilities in the Ravelry pattern database.  Until next time...

Saturday, July 11, 2015

A Finish

I did it!   I taught myself how to crochet.
Thanks to watching You Tube videos as well as the book mentioned below I was able to learn a new skill.  The blocks are 8 inches square so that means the lapghan measures 40 inches square. 

The 13 white squares are granny squares. The other 12 are all different blocks from a book called "200 Crochet Blocks for blankets, throws and afghans" by Jan Eaton.
This was my very first crochet project and it certainly won't be my last.  I would like to replicate an afghan that my Mum made years ago that has been much loved in my house.  It consists of long knitted stips that are joined by crochet.  I don't have a pattern as yet.  Will have to search on Ravelry.
Until next time...

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Happy Canada Day

Happy Canada Day
 to my fellow Canadians today.  I'm wearing red and white to celebrate that Canada is now 148 years young!  Until next time...

Friday, June 26, 2015

Quilting Tool?

Today I was watching some YouTube videos showing quilt studios and how they're organized.   Somehow or other (you know how that happens, lol) I happened upon a channel called "SewVeryEasy".  I was scrolling through the videos and spotted one on how to wash fat quarters and pre-cuts. 

Who knew that a kitchen tool would work so well in your quilt room!  It's a great idea.  I love that it reduces fraying and wrinkling.  Until next time...

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Row by Row Experience

I recently got an newsletter via email from a local quilt shop that they are participating in a new program.  What's the program called?  Row by Row Experience.  The fun starts on June 21st, which just happens to be tomorrow.

Visit the home page here.  It's like a shop hop where you collect a free row pattern from each participating quilt shop.  Assemble a quilt with at least 8 different rows and bring it to one of the participating shops.  Then it's a chance to win fabric and other goodies.  So if you're traveling this summer maybe you'll want to participate and have some fun!  Until next time...

Saturday, June 13, 2015


I'm actually learning how to crochet!  Here's my progress so far...
14 blocks including 7 white granny squares.  The other 7 are all different patterns from a book called "200 Crochet Blocks for Blankets, Throws and Afghans" by Jan Eaton.  Until next time...

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Lion Goes Roar!

One of the subscriptions I have that's quilting related is from publisher Martingale.  This week there was a blog post about what was popular at the recent Quilt Market held in Minneapolis.  One of the trends is animal quilts.  And they showed this pic of this amazing quilt by Violet Craft.

Click on the pic and it'll take you to the Martingale blog post.  Fun stuff to read!  Until next time...

Saturday, May 30, 2015

A Finished Object

Finished and blocked this shawl this past week.  The shawl was part of a Mystery Knit A Long that started in early April and lasted for several weeks.  The pink yarn is sparkly and there's beads as well!
Until next time...

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Retreat Time

Leaving this afternoon and back Sunday afternoon.  I'll do my best to take lots of pics to show you all the quilty goodness next week.  Until next time...

Saturday, May 16, 2015

A Funny

Funny pic I thought I'd share.  Until next time...

Friday, May 8, 2015

Mail Goodness

The third installment of yarny goodness arrived in the mail this week from indie dyer Tanis Fiber Arts out of Montreal Canada.  The first shipment arrived in January and the second shipment was in March.
The color is called Willow.  It's a gorgeous blend of soft green, soft blue and a bit of yellow.  It says Spring to me when I look at it.  It's not Spring outside right now.  It was below freezing last night and it will do so tonight too.  All the poor flowers and trees and grass don't know what to do with these crazy fluctuating temperatures.  I hope it's Spring somewhere in the world!  Until next time...

Saturday, May 2, 2015

My Next Project

Yes it's a big pile of yarn.  And it's for my next project.  I'm going to teach myself how to crochet (with the help of Youtube videos) and a couple of books.  I'm hoping to make some Granny Squares and some other blocks.  Wish me luck!  Until next time...

Saturday, April 25, 2015


A friend of mine sent me this link to a blog that shows a very special pair of slippers crafted by the blogger.  I agree with my friend, I need a pair of them!
Click on the pic to go to the blog of the woman that made these slippers.  One little problem though. Can't make them yet since I don't know how to crochet.  I've been watching YouTube videos and I think I'm finally ready to tackle it.  Wish me luck!  Until next time...

PS.  I just realized after I uploaded the pic that the slippers are knit, doh!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Good Music

Amazing local musician performing one of his songs.  Very popular here and abroad. Enjoy!  Until next time...

Friday, April 10, 2015

Pirate Day

It's Pirate Day for me today!  I'm having some eye surgery done and afterwards I'll be rocking the pirate wearing the eye patch look.  Until next time...

Saturday, April 4, 2015


I thought I'd share some wips and finished projects that I've knit in the last while.

First up is a wip that is about 80% completed.  It was a Mystery Knit A Long (MKAL for short) that started at the beginning of January.  The theme for this year long set of MKAL projects is travel.  This wip's design was inspired by the country of Morocco.  Two colours of yarn plus gold beads!
 Next up is the next installment of this MKAL series that just started this week.  It also is a 2 colour project.  The inspiration for this project is Springtime in Paris.  I don't know if you can tell but the yarn has silver sparkle in it! This project will have silver beads.
Here's two garter stitch shawls that I finished recently.  Yes it's the same pattern knit up twice. 
That's it for now.  Until next time...

Friday, March 27, 2015

Free Patterns

Recently I was surfing through the free quilting patterns and found some really cute ones.  Did you know that there are over 800 free patterns on Craftsy???

In an earlier post I mentioned how Mother Nature wasn't through with winter yet?  Well earlier this week we got snow on 2 different days. 

Anyway back to the free patterns on Craftsy.  Anything to take my mind off the fact that winter isn't quite done!

This block looked like it could be fun. 
I've never tried to piece letters or words before so this could be a good first project.  Okay it's settled,  I'll put it on the list of things/techniques to try in the near future.  Until next time...

Friday, March 20, 2015

Rocky Road

Earlier this week it was my DD's 23rd birthday.  Where does the time go?
A friend of hers from Norway made her this beautiful cake that tastes similar to Rocky Road Ice Cream.  What's Rocky Road flavour you ask?  Chocolate Ice Cream, Nuts and Marshmallows all together.  It's yummy.  It's late in the evening, almost bedtime and thinking about this cake is making me hungry.  Lol.  Until next time...

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Mail Goodness

In January I posted about receiving some mail goodness. If you haven't read the post, read it here.  Yesterday more mail goodness arrived from the same source, Tanis Fiber Arts, a Canadian indie yarn dyer from Montreal.
The color is called Spun Sugar.  It's soft and pink and sophisticated. And oh so soft.  I love it!  Tanis designed a hat pattern for it.  Whether or not I make the hat time will tell.  Winter is nearing the end I hope.  It's been warm (just above freezing) and sunny all this week which is very exciting.  But I've got to be realistic.  Living here means winter drags on until some time in April.  That means even as snow is melting right now, more snow and cold temperatures will come back. Guaranteed.  Mother Nature will not let us off easy.  So the thought of knitting another winter accessory right now is not that appealing.  But the color is so gorgeous!  And I just finished 2 shawls (pics to come next time).  So we'll see.  Until next time...

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Like many of you I am an avid reader.  Not only do I read articles and books about quilting and knitting but I also enjoy reading fictional books.

One of my friends at the retreat a couple of weekends ago was reading this book and highly recommended it.

I've been lost in the Scottish Highlands reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon
Actually I'm listening to the audiobooks.  The narrator, Davina Porter does an outstanding job.  I'm well into book #4 which is called Drums of Autumn.  Yes there's love scenes (which my 22 year old daughter calls "bodice ripping scenes" LOL) but there's mystery and adventure and more.  Lots of fun and very enjoyable :-)
Until next time...


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