Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I know I'm a bit late
But fact is always a fact.
And 2014 is finally here!
Happy? Unhappy?
Literally, I don't feel much of it. Maybe 50-50
As for me, 2014 is another growing up year
As I'm gonna take another step to the future of me, of us
And I'm not talking about those funny huge thing
Let's just all work harder for the better life
Change for better, definitely
Prepare for here and hereafter
Never forget our previous dream that still remain as a DREAM
Make it happen ;)

Monday, September 16, 2013

A Stray Soul

Looking for the rest of me,
Looking for the next of me,
Looking for the best of me,
Let it go,
Let it go,
Let it go,
Have faith,
Have faith,

Monday, November 26, 2012

November Post

Hello to nobody but me! just a lucky day to write something here. been missing like always and life seems have no mercy on me. i mean, work and work. yes, work. eh? work? i even grad from my kulliyyah, alhamdulillah. one of the biggest history in my life, finish my degree after 7 whole freakin' years, crazy huh. and i'm not even taking medics (haha). somehow, studying was fun. and currently been missing my study much, but to have that again, big NO, thank you very much. i think i waste too much of time to the prosperous life that i dream a lot. but no offense, we can't buy knowledge ;) how time really flies. i'm getting old! lots of friends already engaged, married, and even have kids. so happy for all of them but deep inside my heart, i'm so jealous and my time hasnt come yet. been together like 12 years, but apakan daya, selagi x diizinkan, x kemana juga. so, i'll just wait ;) pray for me! so ok. again, i'm posting another latest photo of me so that i won't forget. pft. till then.


Below are the latest. My graduation day

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


mannnn, this is awkward. dah berapa bulan tak update blog and finally nak post something. yeah something to be remembered, if only later, i could even forgot my face! so here i am, trying to kill the time that i know, it's very limited now. i know, i need distraction, as my butt pun dah sakit mengadap autocad what so ever ni. 10 days to go and i'm about to go! i finally will end my degree with such a hugeeee relief. can't believe it. i feel like a medic student somehow, doing degree like ages. people will think i'm such a problematic student, failed my subjects and keep repeating it, which actually i was not. UIA term is really longggg. :( and somehow, i changed my course which wasted my 1 year study. if only i were the ICT student, i might be working now. but it's ok. i've learnt a lot in UIA. a lot. and i'm sure i'm gonna miss this university and the surround people. it's a sure right? 
so ok. till i'l be writing again. in one fine day. 

nak tunjuk muka terbaru. boleh? :p

Sunday, November 27, 2011


u've been nice but people cheat on u. u get marry, but something happen which u finally separated. u become a true friend, but they give u shit. u was once a young girl, but now u've grown up. u're a rich girl, but u have less love and attention. u live in such an even family, but the love u have is unconditional! when u're in a so called hard time, few people show up and lean them their hands. when u're up from the ground, people come and praise u. u're not doing such thing but people still accuse you. whatever it is, i believe, things happen for a reason. have faith and be strong. live your life until u feel like it's finally worth living! :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

i'm back! eh ada ke orang kesah?

lama sungguh x blogging!! well, dulu blogging sebab nak update blog bisnes sy, shoppinggirlfriends ittew, tapi sekarang dah lama stop. so bersawang la dua dua sekali. and here i am. i'm back for good i guess. since mr amir dah kalut dgn blog hosting die tu. oh btw, the blog is still in progress. pening kepala buat website! but i know i can count on him.

so what are we offering nanti? of course for a business yaww. we're also gonna help anyone who wish to clearing up their wardrobe, which they can put it at our blog and website for a selling. yeah! anyone interested pls contact me, paling senang, inbox me at my fb, ok?

Monday, August 8, 2011


Alhamdulillah.. rezeki bulan puasa.. ku hargai jumlah itu walaupun tidaklah seberapa. tapi, ya. alhamdulillah, kurniaan dari-Nya ;)

Last week was the greatest moment in my life as i passed my exam to be a unit trust consultant. indeed, i really fall for this career. Now i'm officially a unit trust consultant and i believe that i can go far and committed enough to be one of them. Yet i ain't leaving my passion. Interior design is my other half ;) i'm a designer, i'l always be! *gilas poyos bangats*

Just got back from jb, doing another job, promoting caltex new campaign. lol. kerja ape plak ni?? aiyoo.. sooo much work i did la.. but it was fun and perfect! knew such awesome boss, colleagues and yeah, everything was awesome! learnt inglish a lot! inglish = india+english

ok la xnak bebel lagi, like everyone is reading this crap! niteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Welcome Ramadhan

Ramadhan is around! and july just end. ur totally gonna be missed... wish to see you again next year.. if only i had the chance again :( i just love you july..

ok forget about july, august now back.. comes with package, Ramadhan as well. i had my first puasa and alhamdulillah, it went well.. but still hadn't had a chance to tarawikh. deep in my heart, i wanted to celebrate my Ramadhan with full of ibadah and finally celebrate the most exciting raya :)

to all my muslim friends, 'selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa'..

Sunday, July 17, 2011

1707 again!

hari ini hari kejadian saya.. happy birthday jue!! pukul 10.30 mlm lagi.. along, bro in law, and my adik was home after went to the national stadium for liverpool vs malaysia tadi commit something for my birthday.. i never thought for that surprise!! nasib baik they prepare for small pieces of cakes je ;) tu pun x habis jgk.. i really2 appreciate that.. with ayan and sara sibuk makan kek. they are my happy pills! once again, happy birthday jue! u know i really don't want to celebrate my birthday. i'm 24 :( but it's ok, i'll take it as i'm, the grown up jue, not the tua jue, yet. and plus........ Happy 9th Anniversary, B! you know it's a long long loooong way to turn like this. and a lonnnnng way to go too.. i always love you like the early time we use to.. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

My Man

I don't know whether it's appropriate enought to call him my man coz it sounds damn weird since we've been together since young. Dulu my boy, now macam suppose to change already since both has grown up! Maaaaaannnnn! I have a boyfriend since form 2, damnitstrue! Hihihi.. So it's been 10 years already but officially entering 9 years relationship this real soon.. Counted on my birthday, at padang sekolah, we declared our relationship after so much obstacle. Suppose to be a cinta monyet during that period of time. Still remember the time kena panggil dgn cikgu rosli, cikgu geografi, kena sekolah kaw kaw sebab couple blablabla. Sampai tua pun jue takkan lupa :) i miss everything about school life, beautiful. Damn! I missed every single thing.. Pergi rehat sama2, pandang2 jeling2 wahahaha! Malu lah gileeee.. Believe me i'm such an innocent when i was at school. Buat hal sndiri je with my besties. I matter no one! Life seems never complicated to me..

Eh lari tajuk da.. Just a few things i'd like to list why i love my man. My man? Yes!!!
- he's never get me boring
- whenever i'm hungry, he'l cook for me or bring me to eat
- he made silly joke and i can't help laughing
- he's damn funny
- Whenever i feel sad, he's always gonna be the one to listen to me
- he trust me like no one did
- he's always the one i seek for help
- without him, i feel so lonely
- he understand me enough like nobody can
- he treat me like baby (only when we're not quarrel)
- he teach me a lot in life, how to treat people, how to deal with different kind of them
- i learn a lot from him
- he's always my lifesaver, whenever i need help
- he even help me finish my handouts!
- give me everything i want as long as he afford
- always wants my full attention, but he can be very undertanding
- a sporting person but can be so childish when things not so clear.
- a forgiver
- very sensitive but so understandable

And so many things.. I can't think.. Later when i remember i'l add. Hope tomorrow gonna be a great day of mine.. Good night world ;)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

berwajah baru

finallyyyyy... berjaya tuka blog layout and i made it to the simplest blog i ever had! em, rasanya blog macam ni jue ada masa mula2 buka blog last 4 years kot. eh lupa la bila start blogging ni.. almost 4 years kot. maklum la tengah baru2 nak blogging dlu, lepas tu mula la nak hias2 blog bagai sebab lupa diri jap.. now i'm back to what i used to have before.. tp dah matang sikit kot.. dulu childish nak girly2 cartoon cute2 tu. ergh. malu je. ni nanti esok2 malu dgn blog sekarang ni pulak sebab dah makin tua. tolonggggg... oh july you're already here. i just love you but i don't want to meet you again, 17th July.. seventh, the best ever month for my entire life..

Monday, June 6, 2011

the age of marriage?

oh there's an issue that keeps bothering me. i just don't understand why my kind of batch is busy getting marry and all sorts of thing. baiklah. jodoh di tangan Tuhan. but i just don't get it. ok maybe coz i haven't finish my study yet, so that kind of awkward feeling is bothering me. it suppose to be very common already.. yes, almost of them has start working since 2 years ago, why bother waiting right? heheh. and yet, i'm still here, x matured lagi.. man! bila nak habis belajar ni oiii oii!! for a person like me.. no point to get marry now.. no money, no carrier, no property, nothing! and refer to our plan, the late we get marry, the grander ceremony we had. berangan :p.. honestly said, rasa rimas tgk kawan2 kawin, then update kat fb. kenapa ntah nak rimas. jealous ke ape ntah.. huhu i think they're super lucky. envy them actually. well well well, i just want to finish my study. kumpul duit, have a better life.. enjoying what my bf achieve.. looking at the coolest and awesome engineer i have (gedik), then accomplish everything as planned. can't hardly wait :( 

Friday, June 3, 2011

life's getting hard

for god sake.. what an abundance blog i have here.. mcm kalau la blog ni sebuah rumah, dah bersawang dah.. how pity.......... what a life i have now. i mean, i'm turning into a 360 degree of me. unexpected job, but still, i'm not gaining any super awesome thing to happen like other super lucky person out there. feeling down you know. it's tough actually. how can those people say it was so easy and effortless. come on. why miracle haven't come after me? just give me once so i can be super believe in this! nah.. today i surrender, i mean for 1 day of my entire months. i need break. i wanna do things i love. yeah. away from job, away frm kids, away frm boyfriend (definitely he's not here).. i need to give a space for my own self. doing things i want, surfing, reading, pampering self, laying on my bed. what else? shopping? nah.. no budget. it's been a while and i miss my study time already :( i miss my old time in school definitely. no self thinking about money, about what to be in the future. it sucks! school life is full of things i create without think further. just do what we love. being in love, definitely without commitments. it's different. as for now, what we do today is for the sake of what we want to achieve in the future, i mean for the marriage, for the needs. again, it sucks! i wish the road is just easy as i blink. no bumps, no left or right, just straight! everything can happens down the road we go.. college life is about to end. 1 year to go then i'm totally a complete adult. well, most of the friends has turn to adult. lol. they even got married and have kids already. time is fast. can't believe this is our time already. grown up already. teenage life has over. sigh. i miss my teenage life! mr.bf.....

sorry no pics available in current moment.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

i'm a workaholic

terlalu busy mengejar harta keduniaan, smpai lupa dengan blog ni. eh? sigh. third year just leaving, kerja sampai lebam. HSBC redemption dah habis, now waiting for my pay cheque. takpe la tak banyak pun, tapi still dapat tampung wang utk berjoli. huahua.. i miss that job actually. wake up early in the morning, wearing all blacks, ipod all the time, komuter, rushing all the time, meeting greedy customers (blugrh) and so many things. and i think i moved to the next phase of life! habis dgn HSBC, there it goes public mutual unit trust. i think i found it. i will make it. yes i will! oiiii intern bile plak? proceed to september. confirmed! ;)

so off to bed now. skarang dah tak jadi burung hantu lg. da~

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

see you next year!

berakhir sudah hari-hari yg azab. salah satu azab dalam study la ni. major one. and the presentation went well, but certainly with more drama and drama. biasalah. problematic batch gitu. all out kata nyo.. macam biasa, ada tiga major presentation and hari ni paling best sebab dah rilex and tunggu kena panggil, then proceed to the presentation to the external reviewer. from uitm lah, u ape lagi la wa tak tau. hope mark tak turun. tak tau la.. sem ni rasanya sgt struggle even rasa mcm nak muntah darah. it's killing me.. but i think i still manage to do that. even banyak sesak nafas. tapi still gagahkan diri seiring dengan other IDmates, even x seiring sgt lah pon.. tak la segempak mane, tapi Alhamdulillah.. i'm quite satisfy with the 3D perspectives compared to last sem punye project. tapi bila tgk last sem punye project, rasa not bad jgk design. pulakkkkkkkkk. dreaming lah kau mek jueee :( orang lain lagi gempak, jealous. jgn risau, jealous ni tidaklah harmful. guys!

ni partition saya. saya guarantee saya tak berebut partition ;)

talk about this studio.. well, problematic batch. rebellious. seriously. rasanya saat paling best adalah time first year. generally lah. and i'm not talking bout me. well, during my first year, i'm still with my own life, tak berapa nak mingle dengan diorang lagi.. tapi bila dah naik 2nd year.. jue dah start try my best to get to know all of you.. well, it's jue! jue is always jue yang tak suke amek pusing orang. tapi bila dah get together, studio is fun, totally awesome! happy sgt. we all like a huge family with people from different background obviously. kalau submission dah nak dekat tu.. biasalah semua nak stress, nak gelabah, serabut fikir banyak nye lagi kerja nak kena buat. model x siap lagi, perspective, 3d lagi, nak render lembap la, macam2. paling sakit bila sememangnya semua orang tak cukup tido utk beberapa lama. stay up at night, tponteng klas pagi and all. mcm mana xnak stay up, siang hari ade other commitment, gi other klas, with other submission lagi. memang stress jadi school of art student nih. perlukan ketabahan dan kekuatan emosi :(

bila stress dah beraja, macam2 boleh jadi, orang tu gaduh sana, gaduh sini. paling sedih this year la, third year, paling banyak drama. sedih jgk tgk perpecahan KAUM ni, tapi nak buat camne, nak fikir almost 50 head mmg muntah. nk consider <50 ni mmg susah kalau masing2 nak buat kepala sendiri and degil and selfish. susah beb. takpe la.. asam garam kehidupan seorang pelajar design? consider like that lah. walau ape pun, walau kecewa mana pun saya, dear my studiomates.. ketahuilah anda, sy sgt sayang anda semua. percayalah this course nanti, our fight akan buat kita rindukan saat2 belajar ni, suatu hari nanti. dah takde lagi design studio nanti.. InsyaAllah dengan berkat ketekunan kte sem ni, gaduh sana gaduh sini utk dpt grade yg best, kte dapat naik 4th year, proceed dengan practical training, then for our final year project. i'm so happy to be a part of you guys. kadang2 tido pun sebantal semeja kat studio tu sbab stay up buat keje.. sanggup gi beli kipas sbab studio malam panas :( seriously i'm gonna miss all of that. hope our final year nanti kite dah x gaduh2 macam ni lagi. i really want to appreciate you guys for our very last moment.. let's rock the internship guys! see you when i see you! :'(

ok. dush! mek jue emo.