Quilt Testers In Action

Quilt Testers In Action


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wabbit Wednesday

BC here. Today I'm speaking for the Rabbits of this household. (Not Wabbits, Mom. I know how to speak English, primitive language that it is.) We are feeling outraged, and full of disapproval. We are very upset that a Predator has been brought into our house.

And a smelly predator, at that. His fur smells, his breath smells, his food smells, and his toys smell. On top of that, all his toys squeak like a small animal in trouble. What the heck was Mom thinking?
She says she wanted someone to walk with and cuddle. So, I'm being punished because I'm too smart to walk on a leash (apologies Speedy) and don't like Human Bean smell all over me? I mean, us. This is so not fair.
Guess I'm going to have to do something about this. And, I'll probably have to do it all by myself. Jensen is too busy trying to see if that smelly food is edible. (It's not. That's obvious.) Watch out, Predator, I'm coming for you!
Happy Camel Day, Everybun! Now, how do I load this pellet gun....

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


This post is starting what I am hoping will be a relaunch of my blog. I've never really been able to get back into the rhythm since Weasley crossed the bridge, and it's starting to feel like something is missing. Facebook is fun, especially for keeping up with my scattered family, but it seems like we build stronger connections on the blogs.

So, if you haven't been on Facebook, you won't know about our new family member. Buttercup and Jensen the Wonderdog have been joined by Knight the Real Dog. Some kinks are still being worked out, but overall the adoption is going well. It might be easier if Knight hadn't fallen in love with Buttercup, and if he didn't think bunny treats should go to Real Dogs....

Knight in Jensen's window. He likes to keep an eye on the neighborhood.

Knight with my Dad. He really does think he's King of the Hill. Knight, that is, not my Dad.

My Dad is the Emperor (with old clothes) , crowned by one of my nieces during a family gathering.

As for creative work, I haven't been doing much sewing since the weather turned hot. Except for repairing dog toys, as Knight is heck on squeaky toys. I have been doing the weekly prompts over at Journal 52. This week's prompt was technology. While I love technology, and playing with new gadgets, sometimes I get frustrated because it changes too darn quickly. That leaves me feeling like this.

Well, I won't say I'm officially back until I manage to maintain this for awhile. But right now, it feels really good to be writing here. Thanks for your patience. See you soon.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Month Is Going By So Fast!

Hi, everybun! It's a very gloomy Saturday here. I hope it's nice and sunny where you are. It's hard to believe how fast this month of poetry has flown by. We are down to the last few days! Today I was sitting here drooling over the Pier 1 flyer that came in the mail, dreaming about nicer days to come this summer. Putting that together with a conversation I had a couple days ago with the Husband about taming our blackberry patch was the inspiration for today's poem.


Antidote for the Modern Lifestyle

My wicker chair,
          Painted in vibrant parrot colors,
                    Hides deep in the blackberry brambles.

Behind me, a cushion eases my back,
          Convincing me to put my feet up
                     On the gray boulder footstool.

On the iron arbor overhead,
           Long canes cross, and then cross again,
                    Tangling, and softening the glare of the sun.

My book waits in my lap.
           Real paper pages beckon to me,
                    Promising tropical travel adventures.

But, for now I am content
          To listen to a small brown bird
                    Chatter with the local frogs.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

Hi, Everybun! I hope you are having a good Easter. We played outside, and met a human bean not much bigger than Jensen. He was cute, and very gentle with us. His big dog has me a little worried, though. Mom says she just wants to play, but she's sooo big!

Anyway, since I had something to say, I thought I would take over the poetry business for Mom today. I hope you guys like my work.


Poem for Mom
By Buttercup

With my pink ears,
White fur,
Red eyes,
Do I look like the Cadbury Bunny?
Oh, wait-
I guess I do.
But inside,
I am no Hollywood Diva.
I do not depend
On a hare stylist and assistants.
I have many adoring fans,
But no special effects crew
To make your Cadbury Egg dreams
Come true.
Be satisfied
With the “eggs” I leave you,
And stop complaining.
OK. I guess she told me. Buttercup does have attitude! I want to send out a quick "Thank you" to everyone who is hanging in there with us for this month of poetry. I  We are having fun, and hope you are, too. Thanks especially to RG, Rachel, and Speedy, for all the encouraging words.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Garden Dreaming, On This Rainy Day

Hi, everybun.  I have been keeping up with the poetry, although I haven't been posting it. My parents have returned to the North, and I went to visit them, which is more fun than virtual reality. As a bonus, I got to see two of my amazing nieces, and also got to see our lovely shell, on Quilting Arts TV.  I hope your weekend was at least as good!

Rather than doing the full catch-up, I thought I would just post today's poem. It's a very gray, and a very rainy day here today. Instead of actual gardening, I've been looking at garden porn catalogs. Dahlias are kind of a pain, because they need to be lifted from the ground, and stored inside over the winter. But the flowers? Simply amazing. I may actually plant some this year, how about you?


Sun shines yellow,
Wheel in motion
Turning on its edge.
               Into Lilac Time.
Karma illuminates
          Depths of select hearts.
Folly dazzles,
           Appears Abundant.
                Into dinner plate dahlias.
Sunshine yellow,
With a fine
Orange-red edge.