Monday, October 23, 2006

peace and pictures

I feel great today!! I finished two midterms today and feel free. No more worrying. I was telling Bryn that I feel like it is the last day of senior year of highschool. So I will prolly do something like I did the last day of highschool today...hmmmmm maybe toilet paper some cute boys house, have a slumber party or watch Clueless. sounds good. At least until tomorrow I don't have to think about school. YES!!! Well heres the pictures of the fishing trip. I loved it.

Here's what the deer see when they are hunting us....

Mister Beaver, hibernating. Thats weird he didnt want to hibernate inside his little house.

Here's all of us. It was the first day of hunting, so we all had to wear bright orange so as not to be shot...and also it was really cold. You can't tell from the photo. But it was up in the mountains and there was snow.

So I caught my line on some branches going for this really great hole...Aaron built a bridge from big rocks and hopped across the river to rescue the blue fox lure that Tom lent me. He looked just like spiderman.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

its official...

So I bought Mac Daddy a cover the other day from the Apple store. Now he can really go EVERYWHERE with me!! I walked in and James was there with a friend. He helped me decide which case was better. I told him the requirements like this, "You see since Mac Daddy and I are life-long companions now, getting married soon, its official, I need a soft case, cuz he will be sleeping with me now and..." And basically I guess that was the only requirement.
So this weekend Mac Daddy went with me to gallery stroll up in SLC (he stayed in the car while I went to the galleries), he met my sister (we watched "13 going on 30"--I love that movie and it really deserves its own blog) and he went fishing with Tom, Tom's Dad, Bryn, Aaron and I. I LOVE FISHING and so does Mac Daddy. We were a little sad that we didn't catch any fish, but we hiked around up in the Uintas, saw a dead beaver, there was snow and it was the first day of hunting season so we had to wear bright orange.
I will post pictures later because I got some good ones. I loved the trip, listening to Greg Brown sing about fishing and joking about putting the hook in the beavers mouth to pretend like we fished it out of the river. But then we decided to leave him alone, because maybe he was just hibernating and not dead at all. He would be really mad if he woke up with a hook in his mouth. I mean, I would be.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

please for the love of life, wear a helmet.

Today as I rode my bike to school I witnessed an accident. I think I went into shock even though I was a whole car lane away. Here's the scoop. I was in the bike lane...looking behind to see if there were cars so I could cross and go up the hill to campus...well there was a silver truck so I let them pass. When I looked forward the truck had gone to make a left turn and hit a motorcycle that was going straight. The motorcyclist flew off the bike and hit the truck, the ground and eventually ended up wedged into the side of the truck. He was just like a rag doll flopping around and then finally landed and started screaming from the pain and shock. I just went to class. There was really nothing I could do but watch and wait for the ambulance and as I rode away I heard the sirens. It was a surreal experience and has helped me be a very cautious driver all of today and I hope for all of the rest of my life. I hate car accidents...they are always a unwelcome surprise that cause soooo many problems.
On a better note, I think I joined a discussion group where we talk about things. Tonight was the first night and I loved it. We discussed some questions that this Protestant minister had put on a questionnaire that he had taken to Mormons and Baptists all over the country. It was very interesting. We all wrote manifestos. I liked this one guys about renouncing being a homo-sapien...instead he said we should be eco-sapiens. well, ok.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Missed me, missed me, now you gotta....

This is me looking at my new mac. It really has nothing to do with the subject heading but the subject heading has to do with the fact that I miss my awesome friends. Last night I went to a show for Golden Shoulders...just minutes before I found out that Camille and Micah were playing. They are my favorite band ever!!! I think I am their biggest fan ever and also I can't wait until their cd comes out, I would listen to it all the time. We just talked and talked and loved and loved. I loved especially when we talked about the dinners we used to make together. We agreed that we want Cami to make us dinner again. Also I thought a lot about how I used to play the guitar and Camille would play and harmonize with me...ahhh the good old days. I am glad she married Micah because we wouldn't have ever made it to stardom with our Indigo Girls covers.
Then my friend Nate and Tom came over and we were playing the guitar and banjo and I got to harmonize and sing along. A couple of weeks ago I started playing the guitar again (I really havent play for a year or so) and just the other night, Bryn was playing the banjo and I was just playing some easy chords and singing random words that happened to rhyme and she said, "what song is that you are playing," "Oh just one I am making up" "hey thats awesome" "welp, I better write it down." So I wrote it down and we have been playing it over and over again. yes yes yes. I love life.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Yes YEs oh yea

So I got a mac. WOW. I named it Mac Daddy because I am practically married to it and feel like I dont need any other companion ever. It is fun to learn all the command keys and just push a button and have my widgets come up and be able to write sticky notes and take pictures and listen to music and do lots of mac-ky type stuff. I was getting so bored writing spread sheets and word documents on my pc. Heres me really happy the day I opened the mac box.