Wednesday, June 29, 2011

yogi training

When I was a freshman in college my sisters and I took a community yoga class offered at BYU. We went every Tues/Thurs for the whole year. On the side Andrea and I would do Bryan Kest's Power Yoga video and that year began my love for yoga. Which has just barely blossomed (just like the lotus flower) into a semi-obsession.

In May I started taking a yoga class twice a week from Kim at the Orem Fitness Center. It was different/better than any other yoga class I have ever taken. She told me it is called Anusara Yoga (read this definition of Anusara yoga:
Anusara (a-nu- sar -a), means “flowing with Grace,” “going with the flow,” “following your heart.” Founded by John Friend in 1997, Anusara Yoga is a hatha yoga posture system that unifies a Tantric philosophy of intrinsic Goodness with Universal Principles of Alignment™. Anusara incorporates a "celebration of the heart," philosophy that looks for the good in all people and all things, and uses precise physical alignments to open the heart physically (an open heart is part of all yoga traditions but in the western world this focus is often lost and John Friend has re-emphasized it).
Don't you want to do it too?!?) and she personally includes rapid eye treatments and Kundalini meditation. It is amazing! I feel sad whenever I miss a class, wish the classes were longer, and hope that one day Kim produces a DVD with all her varying classes. She focuses on a different Chakra every month, giving us the essential oil that accompanies that chakra and teaching us all about the power we hold within ourselves as we open up to the energy and life force and release fear. I'm so into this right now and could talk 'yoga' for hours.

If I am every in Orem on a Tues/Thurs at 10am you know where to find me.

Monday, June 27, 2011

one may's work: the wedding dress

I finished Bryn's wedding dress and she put it to the test. She's married now and it worked out fine. Here's some photos of me with my friend and our creation. Congrats to Bryn and Jesus.