	«11/9/02; 9:44:41 AM by DW
		«Designed to run every minute, prepare a static HTML file with the latest headlines, every hour, just after the Radio aggregator runs. Basically a demo for Radio-Dev'ers.
local (adrdata = @user.aggyBaby);
if not defined (adrdata^) {
	new (tabletype, adrdata);
	adrdata^.whenLastBuild = date (0);
	new (tabletype, @adrdata^.items);
	adrdata^.template = aggybaby.data.virginTemplate;
	adrdata^.htmlfile = "c:\\program files\\radio userland\\www\\userland\\aggyBaby.html";
	adrdata^.ctChecks = 0;
	adrdata^.ctBuilds = 0};
adrdata^.lastScanInfo = aggregator.getLastScanInfo ();
if adrdata^.whenLastBuild " + adr^.channelTitle + "   (" + date.timestring (adr^.when, true) + ")</h4>");
					lasttitle = adr^.channelTitle};
				add ("<p>" + adr^.itemText + "</p>")};
			htmltext = string.replace (string (adrdata^.template), "<%bodytext%>", htmltext);
			file.surefilepath (adrdata^.htmlfile);
			file.writeWholeFile (adrdata^.htmlfile, htmltext);
			adrdata^.whenLastBuild = adrdata^.lastScanInfo.whenComplete};
		bundle { //send an email
			tcp.sendmail (user.prefs.mailaddress, this, "Rebuilt the aggyBaby page, here's the URL:\r\r" + user.aggyBaby.htmlurl + "\r\rPretty fast, eh?\r\r" + clock.now ())}}}