
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I won!!

Hellooo my friends!! How are you all doing?? You all must be wondering what I won. I had blogged about it in my last post here, about a craft challenge. Well, I won in that. And do I have to say that I jumped with joy. I did!!!!!

Let me also share a picture of these brooches I made with denim and fabric scraps..Don't they look sweet??

Before I leave, I need to ask you all something. I am planning to start selling some of my work through Etsy. Good idea??What do you say??Please have a look at my Facebook page here and please tell me what all I should be selling outside India. What all would work..Help!!!

Thanks Craftgirl78 for the "One Lovely Blog" award. Thanks so much!!:)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Oats tin recycling

Helloooooo friends, how is the new week for you all?? Schools have re-opened here after summer break and we are trying to get adjusted to the new routine.
There was a craft challenge organised by a local lifestyle store, 2 weeks back. I participated in it and this was my entry. The 4 pictures take you around the garden on the tin. Awaiting the results, but I am totally fine even if I don't win because making this was so much fun. I really wanted to make something that made me happy. And it did exactly that :)

So byee till my next post. Have a nice day and a great week ahead!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Denim Bunting

Helloooo my friends, I just found out that while I was away I got two blog awards. One is the Liebster blog award by Matt of According to Matt. And the Versatile Blogger award by Gramma Rita of Gramma Rita's Crochet Etc. Thank you so very much both of you. I am touched.

Let me show you all a bunting I made with denim. I had earlier shown you a triangle one. Today will show you another one (my favorite) that I made.

This is a very good way of reusing discarded jeans. What do you think??

That is it for now. Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fridge Magnets

Hello all..Here its raining in the evenings the past few days and I am loving it. I have planted some more plants in my tiny balcony garden. Will show you all pictures later. Made some new fridge magnets for my store. Here are a few. I think they are too cute. What do you think?

Catch you all later. Have a nice day!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

I am back!!

Hello all, I am alive, very much alive.. Big sorry for going again without notice. I used to see the number of followers increasing, and I used to feel guilty. But I just could not sit and write a post. I was too caught up with setting up a store (online on Facebook as of now). Its here, RainbowBunting.

I hope that from now on I will have a little more time for my blogging, now that everything is almost set up. But though I did not leave comments, I used to occasionally quickly go through all my favorite blogs (lots of them) :)..I hope I continue to get the love here that I used to get before. Please!!I know there is lots of catching up to do. Let me show you something that I made last week. We have an exhibition coming up for stuff recycled/upcycled to celebrate the Earth Day(22/04/2012). I have made these from my husband's jeans(with his permission).

A bunting

and a few key rings

Making one more bunting..Pictures later. Okay then take care all of you..Have a nice day.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Girly Girly Bunting

I made this thinking it would look so cute in a little girl's room. Making a few of these for a craft fair. Some of you asked me for a pattern when I blogged about it here. So here you go.

For the triangles
1 dc in first ch [2dc]
Ch2, Turn
dc in same st, 2 dc in next st
Ch 2 turn, 2 dc in the next st, 1 dc in next the 2 stitches, 2 dc in the last st.

Till row 5 you will increase like this by doing a 2dc in the stitches on the extreme left and extreme right and 1 dc each in the middle stitches. After that I increased only every alternate row. 
(Every other row - 1 dc in every stitch)

For the flowers

Ch4, sl st to first chain to form a ring.
Ch2(counts as first dc),12 more dc into ring     [13 dc]
(Ch1 , 3 tr, 1 sc) into one stitch, 1 sc into the next stitch
*sl st into next stitch, (ch1, 3 tr, 1 sc) in the stitch, 1 sc in the next stitch*
Continue *-* to finish the round  [6 petals]
Sl st to the first ch1.

I made 10 triangles and 10 flowers . Attach each flower to the triangles.
If you have any doubts or suggestions, please let me know. Would love to see the buntings you make. Have a great day!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Granny Triangles - my way

Many of you asked me how to make the triangles for the bunting in my previous post. Some of you asked if there is a pattern for it. There might be a pattern for it in many places, as it is a very basic pattern. Same as in a granny square, but you work three sides instead of four.
Here is how I make them.

Ch4, sl st to first chain to form a ring

First round

Ch2(Counts as first dc. I always ch2 for dc instead of ch3 because I find it balances the height better.)
2 dc, ch2,3dc,ch2,3dc,ch2, join to top of first ch2

Second round

sl st in the next 2 dc (I sl st in the back of the chain)
sl st into ch2 space.
*3dc,ch2,3dc in the next space*
Repeat *-* once more, sl st to top of first ch2

Third round

sl st in the next 2 dc
sl st into ch2 space.
*3dc in next ch2 space
3dc,ch2,3dc in the next space*
Repeat *-* to finish the round and sl st to top of first ch2.

Repeat third round till the triangle is as big as you want.
Please feel free to tell me if there are any errors or confusions.

I have added small metal bells below each triangle. So now they look pretty and sound very good too!!