Well we're here Boys and Girls. The last day of 2008 and a mere 443 blog posts after I started my new years resolution to make at least one post for every day of the year I was able to and I think you'll agree I smashed that goal good and proper. To put that into perspective with my blogging frequency in previous years, I managed 148 posts in 2007 and only 122 in 2006. This also means that I've managed to make more posts this year that I have done in the past two years combined!
Allow me a brief moment of feeling smug with myself. :-)
Of course I suppose that doing so many posts possibily indicates that I have way too much time on my hands and my social life sucks ( this is a rhetorical statement mind you) but I still like to think it was a good achievement myself.
So I think that keeping the blog up to date is one resolution that will definately be repeated in 2009.
Oh yes, I made some other resolutions didn't I? Hmm, I guess time for some honesty there and admit how I did.
1) Exercise more
This one was going good until I injured my knee and fell out of the routine. The fact Grumpy put the bike in the garage didn't help either. So I think it's safe to say I failed on this one.
2) loose weight.
This one was also going good until I messed up on the exercise one. I don't think I'm any worse off then I was at the beginning of the year but I don't think I'm any better either. So this was is also a fail.
3) Cut back on sugar and caffine.
I kept going on this one a lot longer then one and two, but stresses and various things going on meant I did go back onto the caffine. However I'm nowhere near as bad as I was at the start of the year. So I would call this one a moderate success
4) Keep the blog more up to date.
Well at 443 blog posts I would have to call this one a resounding success.
5) Try and get more people to read my blog and leave comments
Still making progress on this one. I know I am getting a lot more readers ( ahh the wonders of google analytics) comment leaving is still a bit more hit and miss for want of a better term, but it is still better then the start of the year. I would call this one a moderate success.
6) Get Finances under control and start saving.
Much, much better at handling my money. So I would call this one a success.
7) Try to minimize the amount of time I spend wallowing in self pity.
This one is still proving tricky, but I'd like to think that I'm becoming better at handling any big issues, so I'd like to think compared to the start of the year this one was a light success.
8) Make a new friend.
Well my attempts at making friends with new YSA might have hit a major failure recently but I made three new blogging friends, and met a lot of nice people at this years YSA conference. So I would call this one a success as well.
9)Develop a new skill
I've really got the hang of publisher now and I'm very adept at using it. So I would call this one a light success.
10) Broaden my history knowledge by studying about the tudors.
I've read several books so I'm quite up on the history of the tudors now. So I would call this one a success.
So out of ten resolutions that's two fails, two light success, three success's, two moderate success's, one resounding success. So I don't think that was bad going at all.
I didn't get up to much today as it was very cold. Extremely cold in fact, Grumpy had great problems when trying to go out as it was so cold the de-icer froze on his windscreen when we sprayed it on! It froze extremely quickly as well. I hadn't seen anything like it before. I was very glad I didn't have to go into work this morning.
Well I'll be staying in tonight. Boring I know but theres not anything on nearby I want to go to and I certainly don't want to be driving anywhere long distance in this conditions. So I'll probably be seeing in 2009 from the comfort of the lounge in Saxon towers with a glass of Shloer here in geeksville.
Happy New Year everyone where you are. Here's hoping that 2009 will be a great year for you all.
See you in 2009 folks!
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