I saw a new items when I logged onto the net today saying that scammers have been using the forthcoming deadline for taxes to send out lots of fradulant emails to con people into giving them their card details.
However the tax service is not along in suffering this. Our company has also been the subject of several scam emails and I have lost track of the number of people ringing up to ask if they really have a package or if they should open the attachment. Now I can understand people checking as I've seen some of the spam emails and they look remarkably authentic.
What baffles me is the people who proceed to argue with you that the email isn't fradulant and they should try opening the attachment. If your going to ring up to check to see if a email is genuine why would you then argue with the person at the company whose telling you it isn't.
Even after eight years in customer service new things always come along to keep baffling me.
Celebrity ended on Friday. Hurrah. It was also the last one ever Double Hurrah!!!
Grumpy has been out all day so Owen has been steadly getting more and more concerned. He's currently sitting in the hallway staring through the glass in the front door waiting for Grumpy to get home. It's quite sweet actually when he does that.
Opposed to the really annoying pacing back and forth he normally does like a anxious parent waiting for the teenager to return home.
Later folks.
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7 years ago