Monday, June 26, 2017

Removing Revolting Ribbing REfashion

'MakeOver Monday' 
... sharing how I cut up & REinvent items from my wardrobe 
in the hope you'll pick up some scissors & start cutting up yours!

There's nothing like the desire 
to wear your newly op-shop-sourced favourite cardigan
to the last class of an 8wk workshop
that needs a Ribbing REfashion 
to get the creative mojo pumping!

I dislike ribbing because of the way it drags the front of the garment to the back 
and sometimes the length of a cardy is too long.
With an hour up my sleeve 
the ribbing came off

and some recently handmade bias binding went on

and even though I didn't have time
 to hand stitch the ends or replace missing buttons 

she was perfect...

 not only does she now sit comfortabley at the right length
looking good with the tunic I made last winter
she also does a great job of showing off one of the new
 Frippery Pebble neckpieces.

and just in case you'd like to do something similar
there's new workshop dates/times up on the Website 

....and there's still a few Fripperys left in the Shop.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

MakeOver Monday - What Goes Around

'MakeOver Monday' 
... sharing how I cut up & REinvent items from my wardrobe 
in the hope you'll pick up scissors & start cutting up yours!

What goes around comes around
or is it 
what comes around goes around???

Either way 
here I am 
on a Tuesday
pretending it's Monday...

I made a skirt
which I've named  
due the 5 panels of different fabrics which wrap around  
in a fun & flattering nature

 typically with a skirt you need a top
and because I didn't have one
I grabbed a knit skirt from the filing

and with the help of sleeves & edging
 from a filed cardy
I made one

which I think works wonderfully with the skirt

and now all I need is a name for the Top?!

Monday, December 12, 2016

MakeOver Monday - A Pant to Frock Challenge

'MakeOver Monday' 
... sharing how I cut up & REinvent items from my wardrobe 
in the hope you'll pick up scissors & start cutting up yours!

You know how it goes...

three people in a room swapping life stories 
when one mentions how important it is to challenge yourself
and someone else jumps in suggesting a 
Pants to Frock REinventing Challenge would be a good idea
and before you know it
everyone's getting excited about having a breakfast catch-up in a months time 
to check out each others creations.

It took me a little while to wrap my head around how best to tackle the challenge 
however with a new found love for linen 
I armed myself with two op shop sourced linen pillowcases
a pair of linen pants
and a scrap of vintage floral cotton [an after thought]

and created a Pearl Frock

complete with pockets

which I wore with pride
to catch-up with Alex & Denise at our breaky rendevous
for show & tell

where Denise shared her once stretchy floral paisley printed as new op shop sourced jeans
 transformed into a sexy sleeveless shift complete with pocket

and Alex had stitched her embroidered linen pants into a combined top/bolero attached to a billowing cotton skirt for a very bohemian look.

It was so much fun 
 we're already talking next time.

ps. joining in with Not Dead Yet and Not Dressed as Lamb.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Full Circle - Childrens Creative Sewing Classes

 Feels like I've come full circle...

from the girl who hated sewing as a child [too many rules]
to the 20-something who decided to study it [wasn't going to be a barmaid or gulf cook for ever!]
learning that you need to know the rules 
before you can break them
who for the past 15 or so years has shared her version of sewing with others via workshops/talks/blog posts

all the time developing her craft 
to this point 

creative sewing classes for children 
with a focus on REinventing
because these are the sewing classes I wish I could've done as a child
and now as an adult
knowing the truth about sewing
[you create with your head, hands & heart]
that through the art of stitch you discover 
slowing down, answering your own questions, listening to & relying on your intuition
 there's a ripple effect when you realise your ideas & thoughts are worthy
failures, mistakes & errors are the best excuse to do better next time

all attributes that some most struggle with in this 
fast paced technology driven in your face take a number at times soulless world 
because it's hard to find a soft place to fall 
and I'd like to offer that
somewhere that screens are turned off & imaginations turned on
where being connected is about being the best version of yourself
and taking time out to create is cool
cos you get to make stuff!

click on image for more details

There's more info on the website [link above] however please don't hesitate to contact me if you would like more details. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

MakeOver Monday - Tops as T-shirts

'MakeOver Monday' 
... sharing how I cut up & REinvent items from my wardrobe 
in the hope you'll pick up scissors & start cutting up yours!

As a stand alone garment
I don't wear T-shirts 
and haven't since I've been old enough to buy my own clothes
 I'm pretty sure the initial aversion to them was due entirely to having the body shape of a boy [no shape] which has continued over the years as I've morphed into a beached whale

so when out & about on rescue missions
and I see simple frock styles made from gorgeous fabrics
just like this fabulous original 60's frock 
it doesn't matter that she's not wide enough to get my left leg into
I know I can make her fit...  

a cardy for every occassion

the tricky part can be deciding
 which of the REinventing options on file to choose from

each choice would've created entirely different looks
meaning different uses
and with summer on the way I opted for 
the least invasive & obtrusive 
by cutting a wedge from the ribbon detail on the tablecloth
rather than going full floral

with lovely deep in-seam pockets being retro-fitted
as a matter of course
because who knew pockets could be so handy

and with early morning dog walking
& beach combing expeditions to maintain
having a Top I can chuck on and walk out the door in
means Tops are my T-shirts. 


click on image for details

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Create Before Christmas!

For those who'd like to create before Christmas
I've squeezed in a couple more workshops... 
click on the image for details.

Monday, October 31, 2016

MakeOver Monday - The Exhibition Ensemble

'MakeOver Monday' 
... sharing how I cut up & REmake items from my wardrobe 
in the hope you'll pick up scissors & start cutting up yours!

I knew back in July 
I was going to my friend Reginas [aka The Mad Queen
first solo exhibition in Fitzroy

Some of Reginas Tapestry & Tin Tea Frocks - over a third of her exhibits sold on the night!
when you have someone in your life
who's a diamond
you book your flight 3mths ahead of time 
to fly to the other side of the country 
leaving your children to fend for themselves 

what I hadn't counted on
was that two days before I was due to fly out
I'd change my mind about the outfit I was preparing to wear on the big night

so armed with the understanding 
I do my best work under pressure
and an extensive REinventing resource which sometimes doubles as my wardrobe
I grabbed two items 
a fisherman frock made years ago  from a sheer metallic fabric
featuring mens ties for shoulder straps
and an op shop sourced heavily hand embroidered silk skirt 
that had been filed for years
just waiting for this moment....

the top of the frock and the bottom of the skirt
[with retro-fitted inseam pockets]
 were attached to each other
which took a couple of goes 
and the opinion of the eldest 
to get the depth of the bodice right

and being I was heading to  Melbourne 
she needed a Cardet
which I REfashioned from a too-small woolen knitted cardy/jacket
by manipulating the fastenings

and for those essential items
[keys, lippy, cash]
a Fragment Bag was neccessary
to complete the
'Exhibition Ensemble'

I was lucky enough to come home with my absolute favourite piece from the exhibition

and 4days worth of wonderful memories!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Steve McQueen, Owls & Jumpers REinvented

You might not ever want to cut the back off a t-shirt 
and replace it with one from the back of a mens shirt
restitch the neckline with the front tab from a woolly green cardigan
and machine embroider a bouquet of appliquéd crocus and waratah into
Steve McQueens hand

or discover how to
turn fabric owls from a rescued frock
into Fripperys

transform unwearable knitwear into


wearable wraps

that Fripperys always look good on 

but just in case you do
there's new workshop dates up on the website.

Monday, July 4, 2016

MakeOver Monday - A Swock REinvent

'MakeOver Monday' 
... sharing how I cut up & REmake items from my wardrobe 
in the hope you'll pick up scissors & start cutting up yours!

When you're on a roll it's hard to stop
and in the case of Swock Sewing
it seems everything hanging in my wardrobe
is a potential Swock in the waiting

the latest has the count at 5
and she was created from a green cardy 
attached to what had orignally in life been steel grey cotton pants
 and a locally designed/manufactured skirt
both were op-shop sourced 
and both were transformed into a skirt a few years ago 
with the addition of a mens tie around the hemline

If you like to keep your sewing simple 
and your wardrobe wearable
I'm pretty sure you'll love Swock Sewing as much as me.

For a bit of fun and to share the love I'm joining in here this week.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tightrope Walking in a Trapeze Swock while making Obi Belts from Mens Ties

'MakeOver Monday' 
... sharing how I cut up & REmake items from my wardrobe 
in the hope you'll pick up scissors & start cutting up yours!

I like my new job description
 nearly as much as I love my new
Trapeze Swock
named in part because the sleeves came from a Cirque de Soleil t-shirt top

and the full circle skirt I attached to the other t-shirt top
is as big as a tent

my clothes are my tools of trade
and where some items from my wardrobe are best suited to lounging on the couch
this particular Swock was perfect for the 'tightrope walking' I did last week

when I conducted a REinventing workshop 
with a group of Yr11 ATAR Fashion students

and had the opportunity to share my REinventing story

while showcasing some of my REinventions
explaining the techniques I use

before the girls launched themselves into transforming 
mens ties into Obi Belts 

and considering they'd never machine embroidered before
and I'd never conducted a REinventing fashion talk exclusively to teens before
we all came away richer for the experience
and I for one am looking forward to doing it again.

Joining in the Linky fun over here.