Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Workshop Update

I've a workshop update for anyone interested in REinventing before the end of the year.

These are the dates/times available here at the Studio;

All Day Saturday
16th & 23rd October
10am - 3pm

All Day Friday
3rd & 10th December
9:30am - 2:30pm

All Day Saturday
4th & 11th December
10am - 3pm

The Fremantle Art Centre have REinventing advertised as;

Ready to Wear...Again! 
19th Oct. - 16th Nov. (5wks)
9:30am - 12:30pm
$144/members $130

or for anyone wanting to have fun learning basic sewing skills they have;

Learn to Sew  (4wks)
24th Oct. - 14th Nov.
   Teens - 10am-1pm, $70
Adults - 2-5pm, $150

The Tresillian Art Centre are offering REinventing as;

Wardrobe Surgery (8 sessions)
21st Oct. - 18th Nov. & 2nd - 16th Dec.
10am - 1pm

Calico & Ivy 
have just welcomed me to the fold by including me in their Term 4 brochure;

Learn to Sew (6 sessions)
20th Oct. - 17th Nov.

These other venues I have listed can be contacted to make a booking - their details are to the right of this post.

I will be offering more workshops for 2011 and am in the process of working on the brochure which I will have available in time for the Fashion Talks at the Claremont Showgrounds, 18th-21st Nov. 2010.

The format will be similar to this years, as it worked so well however I will be introducing more specific styled workshops in the form of the sewing pods ie. Splice Skirts.

 I will be inviting other artists to utilise the Studio during 2011.
Rebecca Cool will be conducting an all-day painting workshop here on the 22nd January and even though I haven't advertised, half the spots are already taken!

A popular idea to have emerged during the year has been gift vouchers, so for those generous souls with Christmas gifts in mind you have the opportunity to purchase Studio REinventing & Learn to Sew gift vouchers at any time - just contact me.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Male REinventions

With my workshops I do try hard to cater to everyone - including blokes!

I had my first male person join a REinventing workshop.
Jemesa happened to be in the right place at the right time, heard me talking about REinventing, thought it a good idea & made the call.
The fact that this is the first time a bloke has signed up is not through design on my part, I'd love it if more did, I think it's more likely because I don't target my audience - I'm happy to go where I'm invited, talk to anyone that's interested & teach those that want to learn.

Jemesa has some definite ideas on making REinvented garments for plus-sized women which I have no doubt he'll be very successful at.
(REinvented skirt into dress)
Selfishly though I was pretty keen to work on mens clothes with him, for the short time I had him, so insisted he bring along something we could REinvent for him - he obliged.

(REfashioned T with Hood)

(REfashioned shirt with hood)
Surprisingly for me it turns out that alot of the design techniques I use for womens REinventions are suitable for blokes. 
To me it makes sense that REinventing would appeal to both sexes - because REinventing makes sense.
Hopefully I'll get the opportunity to work with more men in the future.

Being the last day of the All Day Friday Workshop & Jemesas birthday we celebrated with cake for morning tea.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I woke this morning thinking,
'what do I have to do today'.
The realisation that I don't have to anything much is very nice 
so I decided to do just that.

This is a taste of our Sunday.
Stella - volunteering at local school fete for a couple of hours.

Eliza - thrilled to be doing chores.

Dan - blokey stuff.
Rosie - staying warm.

Me - catching up with friends.
In between doing nothing much I'll sneak in
a little pattern making & sewing, piano & homework supervision, a driving lesson & domestic duties
because in reality in order for me to do nothing at all 
I'd have to leave the country!

I wonder how you do nothing?!

Monday, September 13, 2010


There are those that think making an outfit to go with shoes is a little odd 
- in the world of REinventing nothing is odd, everything makes sense.

I'd absolutely nothing appropriate in my wardrobe to wear with my new brown shoes, then found these Fishermans Pants in my filing, which I knew immediately would work once REinvented - having done it for myself before & for others.

By combining 'me' (size + height), with the style of shoe (elegant chunky - just like me!), I figured I'd be comfortable if the finished garment was either long or 3/4 length.

I also wanted to keep the garment as plain as possible so opted for 3/4 length then I'd have the option of wearing it with pants or tights - giving the overall 'look' the extra interest I felt I'd need.

 It's a Keeper, having passed the wearability test, as it was very comfortable & didn't require any tweaking or adjusting during it's debut - the Open Studio yesterday.
I'm looking forward to introducing a few new brown items to the wardrobe so I don't wear this one out!

 I should report that the new shoes are extremely comfortable. I was a little nervous, when after a couple of 8hr days they were still a little firm - it took 3 wears to wear them in and now they're as comfy as my Docs.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Open Studio #2

It was a little damp & windy outside today for creating
- it wouldn't have been conducive to talking or eating either!
After listening to me talk about REinventing, where I showcased some new ideas for Spring/Summer along with old favourites, we grabbed a cuppa & a snack, had a wander in the garden, before launching ourselves into the Mini-Workshop.

Everyone created their own Rose from a Mens Tie & Flower from a Zip.

I got to show-off the new dress I'd created to go with the new shoes I'd bought which went well with the Zip necklace I'd made earlier.

I've got to get busy now & finish a sewing job to be picked up in the morning so will show more of the dress tomorrow.

The next Open Studio, Fashion Talk and Mini Workshop will be,
10th October
Contact me to book a spot.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I've often wondered what would happen if I gave 4 women the same project, with a choice of the same designs and the freedom to create. 

We finished this 2-day Learn to Sew workshop today and the projects were 2 cushions - one with a zip & one with a button closure.
The 5 designs were a love heart, flower, parallel lines, circle & spiral which could be stitched & appliqued.

Brigita, Emma, Nicole, missing is Rosemary (camera shy)
All very different 
but then we are aren't we....

as are our sewing machines!

Friday, September 10, 2010


A chance comment yesterday was met with the answer I've been looking for for months!

I've loved & wanted this magazine ever since Clare lent me her copies over the period she did workshops with me. It's a quality publication, beautifully presented in a format that I find appealing.  

Having tried & failed miserably to navigate the Selvedge on-line purchasing page and not knowing of any other way to get my hands on copies of my own it was looking sad and then I find out my favourite fabric shop stocks them!

 I rang them. They had one copy left. It's now mine and I'm on their list.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


I've just discovered the best cure for a self inflicted headache is my comfort food!
 Heinz Tomato Soup with a dollop of sour cream and sprinkle of parsley
- what's yours?

If I'd had my wits about I'd have grabbed a loaf of fresh bread from the local Growers Market this morning where we had Fathers Day breaky.
If it wasn't for a workshop this afternoon I'd probably not be moving very far from my sunny spot and new mag.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

This little Piggy went to Market!

I had to go to 2 destinations in order to purchase a twin needle and replenish my skin care. Fairly simple exercise, not too draining on time or expenses.
You'd think!
I know exactly where the needles are situated in this shop and once inside all it was going to take was a right turn & 5mins however I went left!
An hour later I'm sitting in the car thinking, "what was I thinking?!" Not entirely true, the whole time I'm walking around the shop (with a shopping trolley!) plucking this & that I'm thinking "WTF am I doing, I don't need more fabric - do I?",  justifying each metre purchased with "well, summer is coming and you don't have that colour, fibre or print".

I promise to make clothes!

It wasn't over though, I still had to negotiate the Shopping Centre for the one other thing still on my list. 
Again I knew exactly where I had to go & again I sabotaged myself.

There's only one place in Perth that sells my favourite brand of shoe and it just happens to be directly opposite my skin care shop.

I chose to go in. They were on special. I bought 2 pairs.

I promise to make clothes to wear with my shoes!