Sunday, January 30, 2011

Splice Skirts

    Studio Workshops;
18th, 25th Feb., & 11th March - Fully Booked
26th, 27th & 28th April - Fully Booked
22nd, 23rd & 24th July
14th, 15th & 16th Oct.
15th, 16th & 17th Dec.

includes Sew Outside the Lines™ Splice Skirt Pattern with 2 style variations, in your size!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Rebecca Cool Workshop

Last Saturday my sewing workshop was turned into a painting studio, when my friend Rebecca showed 8 girls how to overcome their fear of a white canvas.
 They didn't look very scared to me!

I don't paint so was in awe of the natural talent that Rebecca brought out in everyone and just how diverse the finished pieces were.
It wasn't all painting, 
there was contemplating,
and lunch, where we got to learn first hand how devastating the proposed Coal Mine at Rosa Brook is going to be - HQ for the site is earmarked for the end of Ross & Rebeccas road!

Stella shone as the 'art technician' on the day - making cups of tea & cleaning paint pots'.
Reb rewarded her with a picture & 2days on the farm - I now have a goats milk drinking, vegetarian who refuses to eat anything with wheat in it!

It was great fun & I'll be putting my hand up for the next one. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Rebecca Wore

I made this Apron Wrap Top for Rebecca last year and saw her wearing it for the first time last weekend.
 I'm always a little nervous creating clothes for someone when
 they're not around for me to pin on.
Apart from the mens tie I've used to  finish the edge, this was a length of fabric folded & stitched, without cutting, to form the shape & style I thought Rebecca would like & suit - I'm thrilled it worked!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dresses & a Movie

The girls & I went to see Tangled -
them in their new op-shop dresses and me with my new very short hair cut.
 The older they get the harder it gets to find things for them in Op shops - Eliza is girly & very particular and Stella would live in flanny shirts if I'd let her!
Getting Eliza to step foot in an Op shop these days is easier now that she's living away from home & counting her pennies and getting Stella to wear a dress is easier when her sister is around.

The movie was fantastic - I laughed, I cried and I kept thinking this is a wonderful feeling, being able to lose myself in the magic of a fantasy - that never happens these days so I made a point of enjoying it.
Interestingly there were a few Dads in the audience and they were laughing as loud as me!

and me sporting the new hair cut will have to wait until I can get someone to take a decent photo - that might be a while!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


A heavy shower of rain this morning was what was needed
 to freshen everything up & cool everything down 
  none of this has been much fun the past week in 35ÂşC+ temps!
I know I don't feature but someone had to take the photos - you'll just have to believe me when I say I'm pretty handy with a hose, a bag of tile cement & a drill with a mixer thing on the end, along with a tile-cutting Saw,  I'm not too bad with a paint brush either, even though I do hate painting as much as cleaning walls!