Sunday, July 31, 2011

W.I.Sh - Latest Op Shop Treasure!

Every now & then when I can find the time I'm going to share with you my latest Op Shop treasure under the title  
(Why I shop where I shop)
 My favourite Op Shop has fabulous designer labels mixed in with not so fabulous wanna-be designer labels and they're all the same price ie. Jkts $6, Knitwear $4, Tops $2.50 etc. and everything in this Op Shop that has a turquoise plastic tab is $1.
 The vintage cotton hand embroidered tablecloth was hanging for $4 however the denim hadn't quite made it that far and was still to be priced - I'm always a little nervous asking about stuff that is behind the counter, having been scarred from past encounters with cranky over-worked & under-paid volunteers, anyway not the case this time, she was very accommodating and I got approx. 8m for $8. Denim here in WA is as scarce as hens teeth, so that was added incentive to bravely tread where I often wont.

I knew if I was patient enough for long enough I'd eventually find a felting book from an oppy - this was $2 and has an alarming amount of information in it.

The Jacket might be the reason I join a Gym!
The arms are little tight and I can't quite bring myself to REinvent it - wonder what the chances are of finding another one for spare parts.

Thankyou to everyone that has joined in the Give Away it's not too late if you haven't - I'll announce the winner tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

GiveAway & Gift Idea

I celebrated a significant birthday today, not the mile-stone that next years will be however big enough for me to re-evaluate my standing in the hierarchy round here - I figure I'm deserving of unquestioned respect now that I'm old - they all thought I was very funny.
    Over the years, a family tradition for birthdays has developed - we end up in the garden eating birthday cake drinking cups of tea. The cake is always presented on the plate my Aunty was going to throw away and this year the cups of tea were poured from my brand new fancy pants teapot!

It got me thinking about other peoples birthday traditions, cos I'm sure we're not the only ones and besides I needed a theme for the Give Away.
If you have one of your own, a family birthday tradition, that you'd like to share, leave a comment, either here or on facebook and I'll pop you in the draw to win your choice of a 
Sew Outside Lines pattern!
You've got 'til the end of the week (winner announced Monday) and if you comment in both places you get twice the chance! 

I'd also like to share with you this bag which was inspired by a REinvention, REinvented during a REinventing your Wardrobe Workshop - try saying that fast!

Created from a denim skirt folded in half with 3 mens ties plaited & stitched to form the strap...

...this one is a gift for someone elses birthday!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Spectacular Splice Skirts

 This skirt never ceases to amaze.
It continues to surprise, thrill, please and excite everyone that comes within Cooee of it!

 Over the weekend I had the privilege of sharing time & space with Bronwyn & Meredith, when they joined me at the Studio for a Splice Skirt workshop. 
During the workshop, fueled by copious amounts of tea & yummy food, we solved most the worlds problems & some of our own, 2 of us nearly convinced 1 of us to buy the green Docs she knows she deserves and while they created their Splice Skirt masterpieces, I managed a REinvented Piece of Cake Frock.
 Both girls required their patterns be altered due to size & length preferences and that's the beauty of a workshop - I get to explain how easy & straight forward altering a pattern to fit is, knowing that they not only have a pattern perfect for them, they have the skills & confidence to go forward and conquer the world! 

 Meredith will rock the bus on her way to work not to mention the other Dr's when she gets there!

Bronwyns new skirts are sure to brighten & entertain the children in her care, especially if she teams them with those green Docs!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Potato Printing with Doilies

Sue has REinvented with me in the past and will do so in the future and like all good REinventors Sue's not afraid to try her hand at new things - we're a fearless lot!
 Last weekend, while the rest of the class stitched their REinventions, Sue printed hers.
I coined the term, Potato Printing with Doilies because it is literally just that, you employ the same strategy & techniques as if printing with a carved-into cut-in-half potato - only without the potato because there's too many other options, like doilies, stamps, table runners!
All you need is:
fabric paint
 lots of newspaper
plastic chopping board
small paint roller
  printing surface
rolling pin

I think you'll agree, something as simple as a splash of colour & a strategically placed pattern can totally change the look of a garment - for the better!

I'd love to show how much fun this is, so I've set aside a Sunday here at the Studio to do just that....places will be limited so best to book early - contact me for details.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Space - the more ya got the more ya need!

I'd workshops over the weekend so the patterns could no longer live in piles on the cutting table.
 Space needed to be created for the ones not on their way to Melbourne - the ones waiting for new homes (hint hint).
For those who have never been to the Studio, realistically there isn't enough room in here for another Doily....but where there's a will there's a way.... so  I slid open the infrequently-opened-cupboard, reached in (up to my shoulders - they're deep shelves) and unceremoniously dragged out arm loads of chaos - mixed up garments & fabric
and dumped it on the floor.
Stepping around the mountain of chaos (pretending it wasn't there), I proceeded to file the patterns on the shelves and was thrilled with how well they fitted and how neat & tidy they looked,
I remember thinking...
'Jody, Jody, Jody - why oh why can't you file fabric & garments the same way?'....
simple answer...
'because Jody, you're only one person and life's too short'
besides that's why doors & drawers were invented - so you can shove stuff behind & inside them and then shut them!
Once I started REfolding and REfiling, I REdiscovered old favourites, along with a plastic bag of forgotten treasure


There was a brief moment when I thought it would be a good opportunity to cull some of the accumulated treasure, knowing it was going to be tricky finding spots for it all,
that's when that little voice kicked back in saying,
'Jody, Jody, silly sweet fool - you know that will never happen - where there's a will there's always a way and besides isn't that why you made curtains for the cutting tables!'

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Jacket for Stella

RyW - Stella by Re-inventing Fashion
I created this Jacket for Stella a few of years ago 
using a Jumper which I split open down the front, 
REplacing the back with an adults T-shirt,
REshaping into a crop style,
 stitching the frill from a skirt around the entire edge
and adding her favourite Capris pants (which she no longer fitted),
once REcut & free machined embroidered into,  as the sleeves.

REfound while tidying the Studio and even though it was only worn a couple of times how do you get rid of things like this when they hold memories?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Cute as a Button!

Finally found someone to explain the procedure involved in producing my own Grab Button - YeHaw!
Turns out it's not that big an ordeal when you're spoon-fed the info - looks good, just hope it works!