Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Op Shop Rescue :: Seeing the Potential

Not all treasure that is rescued
remains as it was originally intended
a little like Furniture Fudging
I enjoy seeing the potential in my treasure rescues

the crocheted Dolly Varden & edging on this napkin 
have been carefully unpicked & cut away
ready for their next incarnations

I had hoped to find a matching one 
as pocket embellishments was the first idea that came to mind

the brand new scratchy wool UNwearable-as-a-jumper
and funky too-small knit top 
may join forces & become my new favourite Jumper Wrap 

I don't knit
but I could
and if I did
I would so knit stuff from this book

starting with these adorable flower toggle things

a once-upon-a-time Shadow Box
is destined to become the next Frippery Tray
once I fill the other one

and gorgeous hand stitched linens

 should be framed. 

I would now like to take a moment to thank all the people 
who don't see the potential in the things I do

because without you...

doesn't bear thinking about! 


  1. I second your thanks to all those thankless people because my little house would be empty without them. Pretty projects as usual. Cherrie

  2. All those beautiful things are so lucky to be in your hands..they are about to receive a whole new life in which they will be admired.

  3. Lovely finds. I am wandering up to our local Op Shop today. They are having a 50c sale but still have some things that are staying marked up. Wish me luck.


Come in & take the weight off.....jug's on.....sorry about the mess ..... I like your hair - where'd ya get your shoes!