Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tightrope Walking in a Trapeze Swock while making Obi Belts from Mens Ties

'MakeOver Monday' 
... sharing how I cut up & REmake items from my wardrobe 
in the hope you'll pick up scissors & start cutting up yours!

I like my new job description
 nearly as much as I love my new
Trapeze Swock
named in part because the sleeves came from a Cirque de Soleil t-shirt top

and the full circle skirt I attached to the other t-shirt top
is as big as a tent

my clothes are my tools of trade
and where some items from my wardrobe are best suited to lounging on the couch
this particular Swock was perfect for the 'tightrope walking' I did last week

when I conducted a REinventing workshop 
with a group of Yr11 ATAR Fashion students

and had the opportunity to share my REinventing story

while showcasing some of my REinventions
explaining the techniques I use

before the girls launched themselves into transforming 
mens ties into Obi Belts 

and considering they'd never machine embroidered before
and I'd never conducted a REinventing fashion talk exclusively to teens before
we all came away richer for the experience
and I for one am looking forward to doing it again.

Joining in the Linky fun over here.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Create - It's What We Do

Sorry no MakeOver Monday today
instead I wanted to share what's been going on downstairs in the Studio 

I'm a little embarrassed & sad 
that with all the creating that goes on here
 I'm unable to share anywhere near the amount of photos I used to
totally due to the temporary [we wont be renting forever!] lack of good light 
and any decent spots where the girls can do their super model thing

for anyone who's been before I'm pretty sure you'll get a sense of the familiar
and for those that haven't
here's a glimpse of how it works and what goes on...

they came 

not only for the homemade deliciousness

or the candid chats about kids, blokes & crafty stuff 

as always it was to slow down 
leaving the world outside the door
in order to do what we do best


and bond

Leonie, Jenny, Marie
Kate, Rennae, Inge & Alex
Meg & Sue

to focus on what's important in that moment

and to lift each other up
so that at the end of the day 
we get to feel as good as we look!

Kate & Alex at lunch 

It's always bittersweet at the end of a workshop 
when everyones packed up & headed back out into the big wide world
some I know will return while others will stay in touch 
and I'm very grateful to have had the opportunity to share time & space with every single one...

if you'd like to join us for the next Workshop
 new dates are up on the website.

Only 1 spot left!

Monday, June 13, 2016

MakeOver Monday - Sewing Swocks

'MakeOver Monday' 
... sharing how I cut up & REmake items from my wardrobe 
in the hope you'll pick up scissors & start cutting up yours!

What do you call a Jumper, Sweater or Jersey
attached to a Shirt, Skirt or Frock

Shumper? Skumper? Frumper?


they're a Swock [sweater frock]

after creating the original Swock
I knew I'd have trouble stopping
and have since created another 3!
Sweater - Skirt

a couple have pockets 
and others have the buttons stitched down at the back

Sweater - Frock
they've fast become my go-to-winter-wardrobe staple
they're quick to make
perfect with leggings & jeans
are incredibly comfy while keeping me warm
and go with ALL THE boots.

sweater - [hubbys] shirt

If you'd like your own Swock
I've created a detailed step-by-step 4page pdf for easy download
which is available in the Shop

without the need for pattern cutting, garment sizing and fabric buying
you'll never look at sweaters, jumpers, jerseys or shirts the same way again
and will be REinventing yours 
& possibly your loved ones wardrobes in no time.

Monday, June 6, 2016

A Letter about a REinvent

Dear A & K,

thankyou for having enough faith in me to ask if I'd work out how to make this picture a reality in time for your next class.

image credit

I'm not sure if you realised just how excited I was for you to leave that day so I could start cutting up shirts & jumpers 
and after selecting a couple of volunteers that's what happened. 

It's been a while since an idea for a  REinvent had me racing to the finish line and even though in reality it wasn't my idea 
it was none the less refreshing to be looking forward to a project that didn't involve another tunic. 
It happens on occassion where you can see the process laid out before you like a road map and all you have to do is stick to the speed limit dodging any obstacles that might happen along the way.

With all eyes on the prize I was confident enough to start taking photos 
excited to share the journey with you in class
and everyone else via a MakeOver Monday post

the other volunteers

after hours of repeated cutting, pinning, trying on & taking off 
and the selection of two more volunteers
I have to admit to using your names in vain 
as I could see that road along with the idea disappearing over a cliff...

sorry girls some ideas don't work
[and some people look good in a paper bag]
it turns out the bottom of a jumper stitched to the top of a shirt is one of them
gravity is a bitch and as soon as you move the whole thing ends up like a straight jacket
even shaped it not only looked ridiculous it was uncomfortable

to say I was disappointed is an understatement 
on a personal level it would've made a great sample for an up-&-coming teens workshop 
and I knew how much you both wanted it in your winter wardrobes
 so I took my own advice before binning/refiling it
I walked away returning the following morning less pissed off with fresh eyes 

and came up with the

Shumper 'Swock'

so thrilled was I with the outcome I retrieved the original and did a similar thing
which Sue kindly modelled during Saturdays class
I wasn't sure about the pockets 
however am totally convinced now.

So there you have it.
Moral to the story
on the rare occassion that some books make better movies
it happens that some garments make better photos...
meaning a shift in perspective can make all the difference 

look forward to seeing you soon and hearing your thoughts.

Love, Jody x

ps. not sure I'm able to stop!