Friday, December 31, 2010


Sorry for the delay in detailing about the Challenge - today was a day of distractions.

In the meantime here's a glimpse at my Christmas present to myself.
(I love my Pouffe!)
Being we're in the middle of 'major' renovations and school holidays, I've been distracted by arguments related to tiling & the painting of floor boards, along with organising & driving to sleep-overs, hence the delay - all I'm good for at the moment is making a cup of tea.
The plan is for tomorrow being that it's a new day and a New Year!

Best wishes for a magical 2011...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Eco-Quilting Invitation!

I love my Quilts.
 I use all of them through winter and look at them longingly during summer.
 Most I've purchased or been given, some I've made.
This is the only me-made one I can show you as the others are securely secreted away in a plastic bin under a very heavy table.
I've never used a pattern or been to a class so I'm not even sure I'm eligible to use the term Quilt - I will though because I like the word, it invokes cosy childhood memories - I'll look it up later?!

 I've crocheted one blanket in my life and that was for Grannie.
I'm pleased to have been given it back after her death because the colours remind me of my childhood & her.

 For me quilts are comforting, whether I'm wrapped in one or have just caught a glimpse - they're my happy place.  
Sooooo with my take-it-as-it-comes no-pattern approach to Quilting I'm going to extend to those brave enough to travel with me, the opportunity to create their own
 I'm setting myself a challenge next year - a New Year Revolution, which I would love for you to join me in.
Come back tomorrow and I'll fill you in on the details! 

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

We started a new tradition this year. 
18 Christmases ago Dan brought home a scrawny little live pine tree for Elizas first Christmas. Afterwards it was planted in the garden and now stands about 20' high.
The following year we purchased a plastic tree and it has serviced our needs faithfully every year since. This year when pulled from its box, comments were made about how old & shabby it was looking and collectively we decided it should be retired & replaced.
When push came to shove and she was headed to the bin and us to the shop, I couldn't do it! 
Christmas wouldn't be the same without her and once dressed in her bling she stands as proud & perfect as any of her newer shinier contemporaries and besides I LOVE old and shabby!
Out of this the new tradition was born - a display of Elizas Tree will adorn our Christmas table from now on.
On the 25th this year we celebrated with breaky here at home with my mum and sister. 
We opened presents in stages, partly because the Omelette Bombs were taking longer to bake than expected and because I'm a sadist and like to draw out the opening of presents!

Eliza stole the show, when after partially opening her present from Dan & I, she burst into tears.
In part it was the shock of receiving her very own Laptop but more so, in that moment, she realised her Mum & Dad accept & support her choice to live independently, that we love and are proud of her. 
There wasn't a dry eye in the room! 

  It's predictably hot here in the West this time of year (38º-40ºC) so Christmas Day for us is not spent too far from the air conditioned comfort of the couch while Boxing Day is spent at the river with family - another tradition.
I save up my light reading for the occasion, knowing that there is nothing to be done but kick back once we arrive and unload, food, kids, & Kayak.
It is such a joy to see my beautiful girls reconnect with their gorgeous cousins....

...while sharing moments with their darling Dad & daring Uncle!
Todays another day and I've now got to brave the heat and post-Christmas shoppers to pick them up from the movies
Hope you're enjoying your Christmas break!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sew with A Friend

$10 off any Studio Workshop when booked with a friend
for the period
January - April 2011.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

On a Sunday

We go to the dog beach most Sunday morns, fortunately it's 5mins from home.  

 The earlier you get there the better - less crazys, more car bays, not so hot.

We don't stay too long.
Just enough time to get wet, wear the dog out...

beach-comb for flotsam & jetsam...

 and work up an appetite.

My breaky was sauteed field mushrooms, courgette, onion & capsicum, on brown rice, under a fresh free range egg with garden tomatoes - oh yeah it was yummy!

Hope you're enjoying your Sunday.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Holiday - 3 Wishes & a Promise

There were a few reasons we headed to Victoria for 10days
  • Wish #1 - take advantage of cheap airfares.
  • Wish #2 - Stella wanted to celebrate her 10th birthday with her best friend.
  • Wish #3 - I wanted to chat & shop with mine.
  • Promise - I said we'd return and stay longer
Everything else was a bonus....
 Stellas best friend is 84yrs old and they met properly for the first time last year when I drove the girls East. 
At the time we'd called in to say hello as Mrs F is the mum of Stellas godfather, who died suddenly 5yrs ago.
Little did we know these two were in fact kindred spirits. They now phone & write regularly and during this trip were inseparable.
 Mrs F lives in her new home, which is next to the home she raised 6 children in, which is next to the home she was born & raised in.

We were fortunate to get accommodation at the farm-stay styled resort owned by a family member which was not only luxurious, it was entertaining and a stones throw from town.

I was far too busy talking & shopping with my friend Reg to take photos of the 2days & 1night we spent together in the heart of Melbourne - as evidenced by the mishmash of photos.
We had the best time and are already scheming planning the next one!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Holiday - Accidental Tourist

I'm not a very good Tourist, I don't normally go to touristy places, or do touristy things. 
My idea of fun on a holiday is to check out as many Op Shops as possible. 
That's how we found this place. Mum & I headed into Warnambool, making a bee-line for the Info Centre, where I asked for a list of all the Op Shops in town. I was handed a sheet of paper with all 7 listed, along with a map detailing their where-abouts. 
On the way to the car Mum happened to glance over the balcony & spied a woman dressed in period costume leading a group around a cobble stoned pioneer village.
We bought the girls back the next day and spent hours wandering around - like tourists....



Sadly the Op Shops weren't comparable however I did manage to find some treasure which I'm looking forward to sharing.