Saturday, April 2, 2016

Petals - This Was Always Going to Happen.

In a crafty creative sense
do you ever feel like you've taken the long & windy road 
to get where you didn't know you were going...

sitting back now admiring the Petal Necklace prototype
I think that's exactly what I've done

because upon reflection
it's clear that she was always going to happen

and the journey started way back with the first Fripperies
[apologies for there not being any Fripperies available for sale at the moment]

which accidentally morphed into the Pebbles

then while creating the Pod Necklace pdf

the first Petals were created

 and here I am back where it all started
only it's not the exact same spot

the view's slightly different

 and the potential
greatly enhanced
[Petals & Pods entwined]

 it was a sometimes frustrating trip
with many speed bumps along the way
however I'm pleased I perservered

cos my winter wardrobe isn't looking quite as sad as it did. 

Some of those speed bumps I mentioned relate to the Pod pdf being a thing
- just as soon as I iron out a few things she'll be a available in the Shop.

MakeOver Monday
Next Week

She's a roomy sized soft & floaty cotton artist-style Smock covered in a luscious floral print on a sweet dove grey background
that looks ridiculous on me...fingers crossed I don't make it worse?!

Jody x

Monday, March 28, 2016

MakeOver Monday - Perfecting Pods to Soothe the Soul

As much as I enjoyed the road trip last week to visit friends 
I need to put my hand up to struggling with the demands of semi-sole-parenting a particularly challenging teenager 
 with both activities seeing MakeOver Mondays take a back seat

I'm determined though not to let the latter get the better of me
instead successfully maintaining my creative mojo
by partaking in the mindful art of handstitching-at-night-on-the-couch  
which always helps to soothe the soul

 this particular idea has been busting to get out and become a thing for quite a while
and  by selecting some of my treasured saved scraps from reclaimed fabrics
the 'Pods' were created

[Fabrics from a cardy, wool jacket & floral frock]

and just like any idea 
you never know if it's going to work
until it does

so with delight I can say
what was bouncing around in my head all that time
pretty much resembles what I can now wear around my neck.

A Pod making pdf will be available in the Shop soon.


Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Domino Effect...Ate My MakeOver Monday

To whom it may concern,
the dog didn't eat my sewing homework however
due to a series of events not dissimilar to the Domino Effect 
I've no 'MakeOver Monday' to show you...  

 it all started with too much fabric & not enough shelves
and a Studio constantly in a state of chaos

which lead me to think of doing this 

and even though very time consuming
it's turned out to be a great idea

in turn prompting
an all-over Studio spruce up

including organising a separate space 
for fabric I'm prepared to part with

and while on a roll with a rush of ideas to the head
I threw this one out there

which turned out others thought a good idea too
with both 5wk Workshops fully booked within days.

So please forgive me for not meeting my MakeOver Monday deadline this week
and I'll apologise in advance for next weeks not making it either
as I'm escaping for a few days where the plan is not to think too much...

Jody x

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

'MakeOver Monday' - Cutting up Cardys.

'MakeOver Monday' 
... sharing how I cut up & REmake items from my wardrobe 
in the hope you'll pick up scissors & start cutting up yours!

I collect cardys
they're top of my list of favourite things to wear
I've been known to design a frock around how best it will suit a cardigan  
and likewise if a frock needs a cardy then I'll REfashion one.

Knitwear features heavily as one of my favourite things to cut up
I love it so much I wrote  
explaining how I do it 
which has turned out to be my most most popular post
[read over 15000x!] 
so I figure I'm not the only one who likes the idea 

I've a few pink cardys in the collection however not all are in my wardrobe
most are filed waiting for their opportunity to shine
as was the case with this
vintage buttery soft lambswool/angora cardy

I knew when I spied her across a crowded oppy that she'd be too small for me
and that I'd never wear her with that ribbing
the missing button wasn't an issue
and to be honest I think the nibbled bits happened after I brought her home 

all attributes which combined to make her the perfect REfashioning volunteer.

Before I could take the scissors to anything 
I needed to find another knit to be part of the experience 
because in order to make this work I needed  to make her bigger 
which meant more fabric was needed.

I came up with two options in the end

a pretty-girly-lacey-floraly concoction
which I'd have never worn 

or a contrasting-chunky-throw-on-&-wear-anywhere version

which won

the red knit was from a REinvent I did a while back
using a friends cast-off knitwear 
which I adored 
not just because it fitted & looked good 
but because the red knit is so soft & luxurious... 
like wearing a marshmallow.


The first to go was the ribbing 
which immediately released & relaxed the rest of the garment

then the back was separated from the fronts & sleeves

and used as a template to cut into the 'marshmallow' knit
allowing for a generous amount of extra width

which in turn meant the sleeves needed to be wider

after much disappointment [again!] with the new fabric marking pencil 
I opted for the tried, true & trusty salvaged soap shard
and cutting lines for the sleeve inserts were marked on the pink cardy back

 it was about now that the Walking Foot came out of its box
because once you've sewn knits with one
you'll never go back

just like having an Overlocker with Differential Feed
makes all the difference

having said that 
you don't have to have either in order to sew knitwear
I never did for many years and was very happy with the outcomes
only now I'm happier

here's an example of what the overlocked sleeve insert looked like after I overlocked without dialing in the Differential Feed settings
even with the utmost care & attention to not stretching as it feeds through
 it ended up stretched & wiggley
and that's when a good steamy iron comes into its own

by hovering the steaming iron over the stretched seams 
[without touching]
you can pat the seams flat, holding until cool
and back in shape
then if you like, press the seam flat
to set the stitches.

It wouldn't be a REinvent or REfashion if there wasn't the need to unpick something

however it is rare that you'll need to unpick something more than once
unless you're like me & take three attempts to finally wrap your head around 
 mirroring the bias binding used as facings on the front bands 

 it then took for ages to come up with the best way to attach the bands to the front

 have I ever mentioned how much I love bias binding

picking out buttons

and hand stitching

however  when it came to darting the front 
so that it sat flat and didn't stick out 

hand stitched darts weren't going to work
nearly as well as machined ones

but back to bias binding
and never throwing anything away

bias finished off the 3/4 length sleeve hems beautifully
and the ribbing made for a perfect collar around the back neck

which in the end meant the back blended perfectly

with the sides

and the front

 I'd also like to think she suits the new hairdo

  and works well with my Pebbles

which brings me to next weeks MM offering...
I've an idea ticking away in my head that involves the Pebbles
which I'd like to get out of my head 
and around my neck
so unless you can read my mind
 I've nothing to show you at the moment for next week.

 My apologies for this weeks MakeOver Monday turning up on a Tuesday 
I'm going to blame the delay 
on another Public Holiday appearing from nowhere and my need to spend time with the teen,
a dog requiring a Vet visit
and who'd have thought organising a vintage fabric sale on Instagram would be so time consuming
- there's another one is happening tomorrow! 

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Vintage Fabric Sale

After years of collecting fabric
I've run out of room
so am doing this!

Details here.

Hope you can make it. x

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Pebble Tattoos

Pebble Tattoos are where machine embroidery, appliquĂ© & REinventing collide!

The Pebble Tattoo© project is now available in the Shop

They're ideal for those who are interested in
getting creative with favourite fabrics, remnants & scraps...
if you're anything like me and don't throw favourite fabric scraps away
because you know you'll find a use for them one day
that day has come

and you're only limited by your imagination!

Within the 6pg printable worksheets are
full colour images and easy-to-follow detailed instructions for

the Adjustable Pebble Tattoo© Neckpiece

the Pebble Tattoo© Brooch

and the Fixed Double Strand Pebble Tattoo© Neckpiece

I hope the idea of experimenting with making your own Pebbles appeals to you
because I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with yours!
JodyP. x