Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Doe #1 files pro se motion to quash & plaintiff opposes in Patrick Collins v Does 1-45

A third John Doe has filed a motion to quash in
Patrick Collins Inc. v. Does 1-45, this one pro se, and the plaintiff has filed a memorandum of law opposing the motion.

Doe #1 motion to quash
Plaintiff's opposition memorandum

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Ray Beckerman, PC

Monday, August 06, 2012

Friday, August 03, 2012

Motion for discovery granted in Digital Sins v Does 1-27

In Digital Sins v. Does 1-27, the plaintiff's ex parte motion for discovery has been granted.

June 6, 2012, Opinion & Order granting discovery

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Ray Beckerman, PC

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Jon Newton is baaaaaack

Jon Newton, scourge of the entertainment cartels and former owner/editor of Canadian freedom of speech advocacy site p2pnet, is back with a new blog -- http://www.myblogdammit.net
(The RSS feed for the site is http://www.myblogdammit.net/?feed=rss2)

Jon has been a great friend to this blog, and to the victims of the RIAA and movie industry bullying.

He had to stop publishing after suffering two heart attacks, a quadruple coronary bypass and a stroke.

Jon is one of the original supporters of Anonymous. http://anonnews.org/external-news/item/160/

He was also the defendant in a milestone defamation court case which, had it succeeded, would’ve put a permanent chill on the Internet in Canada with repercussions echoing around the world.

“I'll still be focusing on freedom of expression on and off-line, and the ongoing adventures of Anonymous", he says.

Jon's most recent post centers on the missing RIAA site.

Jon can be followed on Twitter as @jonnewton8

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Ray Beckerman, PC

Judge concerned about "indicia of improper conduct by plaintiffs' counsel" in In re BitTorrent Adult Film Copyright Infringement Cases

In In re BitTorrent Adult Film Copyright Infringement Cases, in Central Islip, Magistrate Judge Gary R. Brown has again become concerned with "indicia of improper conduct by plaintiffs' counsel", and directed plaintiff to provide a sworn response to the Court's list of questions.

July 31, 2012, Order

Commentary & discussion:

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

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Ray Beckerman, PC

Monday, July 30, 2012

Plaintiff files opposition to Doe #41's motion in Patrick Collins v Does 1-45

Plaintiff has filed its memorandum in opposition to defendant Doe #41's motion to sever, dismiss, and quash, in a Manhattan BitTorrent download case, Patrick Collins Inc. v. Does 1-45

Plaintiff's memorandum of law in opposition to motion by Doe #41

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Ray Beckerman, PC

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pro se litigant, Doe #8, moves to quash in Patrick Collins Inc v Does 1-45

In Patrick Collins v. Does 1-45, a second Doe has moved to quash, this one appearing pro se and filing his or her motion through the Pro Se Clerk's office.

Doe #8 motion to quash

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Ray Beckerman, PC

Monday, July 23, 2012

Doe #41 moves to quash, sever, dismiss in Patrick Collins Inc v. Does 1-45

In a Manhattan bittorrent downloading case, Patrick Collins Inc v. John Does 1-45, Doe #41 has filed a motion to sever John Does 2-45, dismiss the complaint as to them, and quash the related subpoenas.

Notice of Motion
Memorandum of Law
Doe #41 Declaration
Morlan Ty Rogers Affidavit

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Ray Beckerman, PC

Robertson motion for summary judgment denied, lawyers' motion for leave to withdraw granted, in Capitol v MP3Tunes

In Capitol Records v. MP3Tunes, defendant Michael Robertson's motion for summary judgment has been denied, and his attorneys' motion for leave to withdraw has been granted.

July 23, 2012, Order denying defendant Robertson's motion for summary judgment, granting attorneys' motion for leave to withdraw

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Ray Beckerman, PC