The Redford Family

Our crazy, loud, busy, noisy, happy family!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Date!

Clue #9 I've Protected you throughout the years through hot and cold, through rain and snow. I've helped you keep your job and your church callings.  Who am I?
The VAN!  Easy. I like the easy ones!

Clue #10 I hate kids, they squish, smash and tromp all over me.  I save them from harm and they don't even say thank you. Hint: Millet, 2007

Ok..bugs, carpet, grass...nope...wood chips.  And Millet is our friends maiden name and 2007 is the year they were married.  Kind of hard!  So we dropped the kids off at the Britton's and my clue was in their wood chips.  Thank you Brianne for not making it a hard find!  Rich tried to throw me off and asked Eric if he told me about "Chucky cheese" yet.  I am glad he was just kidding.  A date night there wouldn't be too romantic!  With this clue he also have me a cute key chain that has a big silver "M."

Clue #11  It is a place of fun and laughing glee- a child's utopia.

Again..please don't be chucky cheese!  Jk.  It was our local toy store...Funtopia.  I had to go inside and ask for my next clue.  It was a bunch of letters to unscramble.

Perry's Deli!  (Local Deli)

Inside Perry's I had to find the last clue.  Eric said we were in a hurry so he pointed to the clue-a train on the counter.  Eric also gave me a note pad and cute necklace with this clue.
Our final destination.... Napa Valley Wine Train!  And we were off...


Dinner Car on the Wine Train!  They serve you a 4 course dinner.  Fancy!

Sorbet between salad and main course.

Between Cars!

Our view from the Dessert Car.

They even brought us special Anniversary Truffles..yummy!

The train ride was 3 hours and went from Napa to St. Helena and back to Napa.  We had a nice time visiting and enjoying the beautiful views of all the wineries. 

I've decided to make a bucket list for things I would like to do in Northern Cali...Wine Train can now be checked off! 

Happy 10th Eric!  Thanks for the week of fun!

Friday, July 15, 2011

More fun clues...

Clue #6-2 I'm at home both in the air and the sea. Hints: Yellow, Slidel

From the movie (Sweet Home Alabama) of course!  (Eric gave me an another was from the movie...then I got it immediately)  Picture was taken while watching the movie!

Clue #7 I toss and turn through seemingly endless trials. I pass through them for my own good. They smooth out my weaknesses to make me strong.

This one took some thinking...first thought was my bed/mattress..then maybe the boat..still nothing.  Eric said it was in the house and downstairs.  Then I got it...the rock spinner.

Ok NOW...where is the washer??? It can't be inside, right?

 "Eric I found it...IT"S NOT INSIDE, IS IT?" His reply.."It makes MEMORIES."  Oh GREAT!

"REALLY!!!!" GROSS... 

Luckily... Eric said I could use the hose. Thank Goodness.

Found it! 

Clue #8 I push, pull, tighten and stretch.  I create modesty and beauty. What am I?

First thought...Bra!  Eric laughed when he saw me looking in my bra drawer.  It didn't take me long though...sewing machine!  It was hidden in the secret compartment.  This one was easy!

Waiting for the next clue....

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Hunt Continues...

Clue #4 Douce Casa 1,12,1,2,1,13,1

This one stumped me...I knew Casa was "House/Home"  I looked up Douce in Spanish and it said "quiet." Which didn't really make sense with House.  And the numbers...I didn't even know where to start.  Kara figured it out for me (Thanks darling) The numbers spelt "Alabama."  And the first thing that pops into my head.... My FAVORITE movie EVER...SWEET HOME ALABAMA!  I {HEART}it! By the way...Douce means "Sweet" in French.

I found the DVD and the next code, 109.  Which brought me to the next clue...

Clue #5 So I can kiss you anytime I want.

Easy!  This quote is said two times in the movie..once at the beginning as kids and once at the end. I love this quote!  So cute.  Now I just had to find the numerical reference.  I watched the clips today and wrote down the times the quotes were said.  Got it! Answer... Movie time 1:24

Clue #6-1 So I can kiss you anytime I want.

 The best part of the whole movie!!!!!  Answer...Movie Time. 1:40:18

Clue #6-2 I'm at home both in the air and the sea. Hints: Yellow, Slidel
???? Any ideas...send them my way. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Our 10th Year Anniversary....

{10 YEARS}  It has gone by so fast. I remember our wedding day as if it was yesterday...I still feel very young...I am not old enough to be married 10 years already! 

We decided last year to switch every year who was in charge of our anniversary. (Stole the idea from some friends) I did it last this year is Eric's turn...Lucky boy!  I originally said I would like to get a diamond band for my wedding ring, since I never got one.  Well..that wasn't going to happen..they are way more expensive than I thought and I couldn't find one that even looked good next to my ring.  I wish we had bought it at the same time from our jeweler.  He had a band that matched perfectly....well they are out of business now.  So that wish went down the drain. 

Eric called me last week and asked me if I wanted an IPhone or an IPad for our anniversary.  Don't get me wrong, I would love either of those...but they each have a negative...I don't want to pay extra monthly for the Internet/web plan with the IPhone and I think the IPads are way over prices. They are worth $400, not $600 plus.  So I just couldn't let him do that.  I want an IPhone but with no Internet plan.  Someday I am sure the IPad will be more reasonable.

I really feel like an Anniversary should be something romantic and not about a GIFT. And about spending time together to celebrate our special day.  So I gave Eric the challenge of doing something ROMANTIC. That is what I REALLY wanted.  I know he can be romantic, not saying he likes to be..but I know it is possible.  And when he is...I LOVE it!  I am a girly girl who wants to spoiled by LOVE!  

On Friday, Eric called me from work and told me that we are going to do something special this Saturday Night!  I was excited!  He was really planning something.  

So Monday Morning, I woke up and found a hand written note on the mirror. It said...

June 11th
Only one day away until we've reached 10 years together.  Amazing & Miraculous to say the least.  This week begins with clues that will lead you to the final prize at the end of the week.  one or more daily clues will need to be solved in order to make it to your final destination. Good luck, Love Eric
PS. Your journey will begin where you work the most. 

Just the note brought a tear to my eye.  It meant a lot to me that he took time to do something special for me.
This washer was with the note.  Cute!
I found my first clue on my computer..yes I work/play/explore/waste a lot of time on here. 
This is what the clue said...
The concept of Ying Yang is used to describe how polar opposites or seemingly contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other in turn.  Opposites thus only in relation to each other. 

My Love,
It seems at times that we are like water and oil.  It is a fact true that we are opposites in many ways, interconnected in the vows of marriage.  Bond together by the forces above.  Only able to exist and become great when we are together.

Turn on "A walk to remember" scene 20 only. 

Clue #1 I sacrifice myself for the great good.  I daily rid the world of filth. I protect you from disease and sickness. You'll find your next clue inside of me.

I looked in SO many places, the vitamin container, Lysol wipes, garbage can, cleaning products...anywhere I could think of. I even asked many friends to help me out. And even on facebook.  I thought about soap and a friend had mentioned it again and I had noticed Eric had changed ours in our bathroom.  I looked around it but didn't see a piece of paper.  Well the clue did say.."inside of me." So I finally found the clue.

I then had to enter the code I found on an Excel Spreadsheet and it gave me the next clue...creative huh?

Clue #2  The next clue is address 186.
I looked in the phone book, my address book (but I don't have 186 addresses in there..I did count though), our ward list, the address to the Manti Temple where we were married.  Eric gave me a hint, "It's a location at home."  I found it outside in front of my flower bed.  Someday we will reglue those tiles.

Clue #3 The third first breath taken is where you'll find me.
This one was alittle easier...well of course it had to do with Cooper's Birth.  His first breath was taken Nov 24th, at 12:20am or 00:20am.  But those didn't I had to think a little harder and I figured out that it had to have been the hospital room number. Come am I suppose to remember that?  I was busy pushing and having a baby.  I found it on my hospital bracelet though...its a good thing we keep those little memories.

Clue #4 Douce Casa 1,12,1,2,1,13,1

Stay Tuned...This is fun!  At least for me! 

PS..Today was our actual anniversary.  I surprised Eric with lunch at work...with his favorite from Tings, Green Curry.  He loved it! Happy Anniversary Babe!

Love this moment...

LOVE it when babies discover themselves in a mirror..Precious!

ANOTHER HAPPY NOTE:  COOPER SAID "MAMA, MAMA" for the first time tonight. {7-12-10...on our 10th year wedding anniversary...good day}  He was standing up holding onto a chair and didn't dare to let go.  I was in the kitchen and he said "Mama, Mama" and I peeked around the corner and he had the biggest smile on his he knew it worked and I was coming to get him.  It was so sweet and it made my day!  Just the way he said it..I know he meant it for ME! 

He has said "Dada" a couple of times...still not sure if he knows what he is saying...but for Daddy's sake...we'll just say he does.:)

Crawling Boy

My LIFE is over...I have a busy baby...Cooper never stops...unless he is sleeping. (I {heart} NAP Time!)

This was taken July 2nd.  He is a pro crawler now.  He crawls up our 3 steps, he stands himself up on everything, especially the TV stand and in his bed.  He is one fast crawler and loves it...that is until he bumps his forehead on something hard. :)

I took Cooper in for his 6 month checkup...well at 7 months.  He's one healthy little boy!  He proudly measured 27.5" and weighed 16.15 lbs!  The doctor said he was 50% for his height, but only 15% for weight..I don't believe the doctor...I think he misread the chart.  He is not a skinny boy.  He has chunky lugs and a little belly...with a six pack of abs.  (He really does...he does crunches all the time...he has some serious abs.) He's healthy and that is what matters.  The doctor also said he could eat anything we were eating as long as it is mashed up...WHAT??? AT 7 months...I don't believe that.  So he can have spaghetti, cake, ice cream, pizza....I wasn't too impressed with the doctor..Adios..I will go back to his original doctor!

And more big news...Cooper got his First TOOTH on July 7th!  He got a bottom middle tooth in..Yeah! 

PS..Can you view this video?  I can't when I look at the post and I am not sure what is wrong. I have noticed the same thing happen on a few friends blogs as well...just not sure if it is just me and my computer.

Eric saves the day!

My friend, Heather came over and needed HELP!  Her little sweet four year old was combing her hair, but really was wrapping her hair around a comb.  Not good...her husband tried to get it out but said he would have to cut her hair off.  It was a big chunk of hair to cut...Heather didn't want to do that.

Eric came to the rescue. He asked her if she wanted the comb..she said NO, She wanted her hair!  So Eric cut the comb into pieces..who would have thought of that..not me.  Once he cut the comb into pieces, he then took a hook tool and slowly removed the comb. 

We then took some good oh detangler and it was as good as new!  She only lost a few hairs...Eric saved the day and made Heather a very happy lady!

Bowling Fun!

Last week, after Coopers doctors appointment I took Easton Bowling.  The bowling ally does FREE Bowling for Students during the summer. So I only had to pay for myself..can't beat that.  It was a lot of fun and very fast.  It only took us 1/2 hour to bowl. It was great fun.  Cooper was happy to watch from his car seat at first, but it didn't take long before he wanted out.  So it was "fun" to bowl with a baby.  It was a close game.  I won (114-98).  I even got a strike!  Easton got a few spares.  With bumpers of course:)

Great fun with my favorite Eastee!

A fun picture of us!  He loves his mommy...well most of the time. :)

My little Shark!

Cooper loves the pool! He loves the water. He loves to splash, kick his legs, grab his toy, he even loves it when the kids splash him in the face. He loves his feet to go up and down in the water. I am relieved he loves the pool because we live at the pool during the summertime! I don't get to relax as much as did last year..I actually have to stay in the water this year.:)

He even loved our little beach...and especially the sand. He wasn't too happy that I wouldn't let him eat it.

Road Trip Stops...

In June, We went up to the Redford Family Reunion in Washington. It was a reunion with Eric's immediate family. We rented a cabin by a lake and enjoyed each others company. I don't have the pictures from the trip...but once I get them I will post about the whole reunion.

On the way back...I decided to make a fun trip out of it and see a waterfall and see Grandpa/Grandma Redford. It was Father's Day and we had a long 14 hour drive home. So why not stop for a bit on the way and enjoy some sights and company. Our first stop was at Multnomah Falls in Oregon. It was along the highway. It took a bit to park...I guess it was a popular Father's Day destination. We walked up to the first look out and took a few pictures. It was beautiful. You could feel the misty water from the falls. Cooper didn't like that. It was a short visit, but worth the stop. We took time to eat a snack and feed Cooper.

No Judging...we were traveling!

Our next stop was in Eugene to visit Grandma/Grandpa Redford.  She made us dinner and we enjoyed visiting.  She loved seeing the kids.  She was sad she missed Brooklyn.  (She went to Utah for a couple of weeks..we'll blog about that when she gets home).  It was a short but enjoyable visit.

Cooper is a little busy grabbing Great Grandpa's hair.  

It was a long drive home...but so much more enjoyable to take a few stops and enjoy some great company and sights.  And with Cooper...he needs a few break from his carseat.  We have another road trip in two weeks...yeah!

I didn't take any pictures of our drive up to Washington..because we drove ALL night.  We left around 7pm and arrived in Moses Lake around 9am.  Not bad with a 6.5 month old. Cooper slept for 11.5 hours straight and didn't cry at all.  We stopped for Breakfast at Denny's and he had a bottle then. Such a great boy he is.  Brooklyn and Easton did awesome too.  Both just slept and didn't complain at all.  Easton did make us laugh when he asked, "Are we there yet?" and we had only been driving for 45 minutes!