The Redford Family

Our crazy, loud, busy, noisy, happy family!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ryder 8 months old

A few things I wrote down at 8 months:
*Loves to pinch..ouch is right!
*Loves to bite...ouch again!
*He has 2 teeth on the bottom
*Love to make raspberries and spit.
Eats everything..yeah..except when it isn't food. I have never had a baby who puts EVERYTHING in his mouth...And I mean anything he can pick goes into his mouth.  I have to watch him like a hawk.
*Stands up at the rail to the kitchen and just waits for us to open the gate for him. He doesn't like the baby gate.
*Loves toys!
*Loves sitting with daddy while he watches TV (opposite of Cooper)
*Says "dadda"
*Loves to play and loves to be tickled.

Ryder got a boo-boo...poor baby.  Cooper gave him a kiss to make him feel better...such a nice brother.

 He is a climber...he loves the stairs.
 My happy boy!
 He loves this times while mommy cooks or cleans the kitchen. Look at that tongue twisting action!

Cooper's Fall

Monday, January 28th wasn't a happy day for any of us..but especially Cooper.  Brooklyn took Cooper outside with her and he decided to jump off the top of the rock waterfall into the lower pond...well he hit his head right on the edge of the rock slabs that stick out. (The guy who built this house did NOT have little kids...definitely not child proof..lots of dangers.) Brooklyn and Easton yell and carry him to the deck. I come out running and see lots of blood.  I had the kids run over to get my neighbor to help and I called Eric. He came home and we went to the Lakeport hospital..well it was flu season and waited for over an hour and didn't get called back and they said it would be a couple of hours before he is treated.  We finally decided to leave and go to St. Helena Hospital because we called them and they had no wait.  So Eric dropped me off at home and took Cooper by himself.  He got there, walked in, walked straight back, they glued his head and they were out of the hospital in 30 minutes.  No one was there.  (Later...I know why...I'll explain that at the end*). I would have liked stitches but the doctor said glue was better for this type of injury. ( we found out it isn' forward to May)

It was really deep as you can tell. Big cut. Poor guy.
 He was so brave.  Didn't throw a fit at all.
 Hey I am glued!
 All done!
 Time for ice cream!

Well the glue didn't stay. I was concerned it wouldn't heal right but I called the hospital and they said I could bring him back and they can glue it again but I would pay another ER visit.  I talked to my brother who is an ER doctor and he said to let it heal. So we did.
 Healing...slowly but surely.
 This picture almost makes me cry. This was the day before he fell.  He is so cute with a perfect forehead.  Sniff, Sniff. Now he is a cute kid with a scar!

*So the hospital had no wait...the other hospitals were full of flu sick patients.  Hmmm interesting...well now I know why...we got the bill and they billed his 30 minutes ER visit at a level 3 for $2800. What? Crazy? No stitches...that is for glue.  I called...they said it is what they charge because they are in the "Napa" Valley and it is more expensive to have a hospital there. I asked them to review the file to see why it is level 3. Stitches is usually level 2.  And this was glue!  She called me back finally in September and said the ER looked over the case and said it was RIGHT and there was NOTHING they could do to adjust it. I asked her to send me the ER papers and she said she would. Well she never did. I called a month later and a new lady was doing that job. She looked over the case and said the ER HAD changed it to level 2 for us and it took off $1,000 BUT said it was never processed. So she processed the change and the insurance and myself would get a refund for the difference.  I was totally shocked...this is NOT what the lady told him the first time she called me back.  I think she was being dishonest and didn't want to tell me they adjusted it and didn't process the change.  I was pretty mad but glad I called and talked to the new lady...I was proud of myself...It took a long time, many phone calls but I got it reduced to where I felt was more reasonable.  I did learn a valuable lesson...never go to any doctor in Napa Valley.  I will drive the extra 15 minutes and go to Santa Rosa. They won't get my money again.  Lesson learned!

By the way I am writing this in October...way late..that is why I am telling you what happens months later but posting the date for January. I like to keep the events in order and around the time they take place.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

He knows better...little sneak!

Look what I found him doing...little sneak...he knows not to touch Mommy's camera...
at least he put the strap over his head.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Girls Day Out!

Brooklyn and I had a girls day out!  We went shopping for her new dress to wear to the daddy daughter dance next month.  We went to her favorite place to eat "Freshy Freshy" (Fresh Choice) and then went to Costco. After Costco we had time to go to some Go-Cart Racing. Brooklyn was less then a inch too short to drive lamo. So she had fun with me while I drove like a crazy lady.  It was a great day with my big girl!