Monday, August 29, 2011

As promised

The oak buffet, or sideboard, as some us remember hearing them called in our youth.

I wish the round turned posts on either side were more visible in the photo, the growth rings spiral round like a candy cane......very nice. The hardware appears to be original and age appropriate. Probably the mirror has been replaced as it has none of the flaking of backing that caused many, let's call them beauty, spots to show through.

The new kitchen table is in the next room. At first I thought to strip it and show the natural oak under the paint, but I'm beginning to think there is a reason that it was factory painted. Most likely because, while it is solid oak, there are many short boards joined together and the overall effect may be less than perfect to the eye.
Still it is a nice solid, well made table and if we can find a set of chairs that will complement will make a nice heirloom table........well maybe not heirloom, but we're getting on towards middle age and it can probably last most of the next 131 years.

Unless we get drunk and climb up there and start dancing around showing our asses. In which case, the table may survive, but, we'll likely break our fool necks.

One thing I've learned by observation........

The rich don't necessarily have better taste, they simply know that if you start with quality you won't be having to spend money to replace it every time you turn around. That saves money, which eventually makes one rich.......or tightwadish.

They think we don't realize

That the more they try to scare us into accepting that only the government can protect us, that we must ever depend on them for our security and safety,...the more we realize just how ineffectual and inefficient and power hungry they really are.

The day we realize that we are Sovereign Individuals is the day the shackles fall from our limbs, the scales slide from our eyes, and we see the world and it's riches for ourselves.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Good Day

It has been a good day here at the Kudzu Grotto. Still 2 hr's + to go, but, I'm sitting here at the keyboard and baring something unforeseen it will go down as one of those good, good days.

I know that some in the north east portions of the country may be a little wet and there were some for whom Irene was a disaster of the highest caliber and my heart goes out to them, but, as long as my sisters in VA and MA, their husbands and children are OK, then I'm happy. Just as I know the rest of you folks throughout the NE are happy that PBO (pres. barry obama) was in charge at the Crisis Center Headquarters. Whatta president.......whatta guy!! Coming home from vacation early just to guide the ship of state through the choppy waters kicked up by Irene.
I can just here them now, up there in the AOP (Asylum On the Potomac), singing in unison..

SWG is sure to love this one.

Anyhoo, the Kudzu wife and I left this morning to visit the little antique store in the school house. That's where she said it was and who was I to argue. We needed a new kitchen table and chairs and that was where she was bound to look. So we did.

We saw many old tables and assorted oddments many of which were of interest, particularly an 1890's buffet in quarter sawn oak which I can only describe as striped, were it maple it would be Tiger Maple, but, it's Oak. I'm sure there is a wood workers term for it, and I should know it, but it escapes me right now.

Something I've always wanted. Now I can say I have one. Great piece, great price, (methinks). It sits in the livingroom. I'll try to post pictures tomorrow.

The Kudzu Wife found her table.....but unfortunately, no chairs to suit her. I can feel another expedition coming soon.

Arriving home we awaited a visit from my Salvadorian buddy, Armando. He walked from Metzapan to the US to escape the civil war there while in his teens. He brings things to sell me on a regular basis.

Today, one of the items was 2 Marine Corp Qualification Badges, ( Sharpshooter, and Bayonet)and an Army Air Corp Instructors Wings from WWII. The wings most caught my attention, being a former Army Aviator myself, albeit from a younger generation. I haven't yet researched the Marine badges but the Wings look like this......

These items will not be shipped off for scrap, but added to my small collection of militaria. Sentimental ol' fool...........that's me.

Much has been going on in kdzu's life of late and the blogging is slow. I have to remember to breath in and out and block most things that threaten my blood pressure. I'll fill you in on some of it later.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Interesting question

I can't help it. Things just pop into mind and out through the keyboard.

I wonder, if there are any of the candidates running for president who are running them on a business like basis........that is, are they taking on any debt?, do they pay their bills when due?, how much did they spend on the dog and pony show in Iowa last weekend?

In these days of interwebz and electronic mediums those questions might be easy to find answers to those questions and more.

I'm just too lazy to go looking.

If any one out there has any of the answers, I'd be interested.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Apocolypto Syndrome

Go over to and read some of Ron's fine ranting.

Monday, August 08, 2011

I wonder...

... if now that the Chinese are saying what folks in this country have been saying for years the idiots in politics will pay any more attention?

Look at the market......look at the gold price. Hell just look around.

This mess has to be deliberate. No way on earth to fuck it up this bad by mistake.

Bad doo doo on the way.

Oh Yeah!

Passing the debt increase bill really saved us from disaster, didn't it.

Gold has increased to over $1700.00 the ounce.

China has gone from lecturing us to declaring the $ dead.

The rating agencies have downgraded our credit rating with promises of more downgrading.

Gas is up. Food is up. Nearly everything costs more except the price of your McMansion which is down 30% or more.

Our enemies are emboldened in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

How's that "Hope you can believe in, and Change" working out for you now?

The apes are in charge of the zoo and slinging shit on everything.

Friday, August 05, 2011

It seems that I am bereft of my famous Kudzu covered header on this blog. Something I've noticed for a little while but inertia has prevented me from giving a big flip about.
Now there appears some weird symbol at the top and although deleted yesterday, appears again today.



It's like being trapped in The Twilight Zone.

Thursday, August 04, 2011


We're saved!

Catastrophe has been averted and once again the wheels of state will be able to turn with everyone employed by gubbermint and all us pensioners and welfare recipients, out of work rocket scientists, Foreign and domestic bond and treasury note holders, receiving our monthly handout and interest payments on time.

Of course, since the funds are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Federal Reserve, they will buy less and less as the price of everything goes up due to the sellers wanting to maintain their purchasing power.

You don't have to believe me or the talking heads in the LSM........just check the price of gold and the markets around the world.

Deep, deep doo doo folks......but let's keep electing politicians to go to D.C. to help us out......OK?

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Future plans

I think I'm gonna join the local Republicrat party. Not that I have anything to contribute or anything.
I just want to be able to identify the bastards so if I see them crossing the street I can hit the accelerator.
I might get me one of those brush guards to go on the front of the Red Ram first. I don't want to ding my bumper. It's hard enough to get the bug shit off the grill.

Maybe I'll get one of those big hay bale spikes too. Then I can see how many will fit on there before I have to pry them off.

Just Damn!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The House is on Fire!

And in danger of collapsing around our very ears; and few there are, who are dragging over hoses, much less trying to find a faucet to attach them too. In fact they seem incapable of even identifying sources of water from which to dip teacups to fling upon the flames.

Everyone is screaming, "Fire! Fire!", but, the reality is that almost half the occupants would rather the whole thing became nothing but ash, instead of working together to save their home.

As evidence of this, watch to see how many member of the Senate were even in their chairs listening to this impassioned, un-teleprompter assisted, plea from the new Senator from the Sunshine State.

Personally I think the floater should be washed down the gutter with the rest of the shit.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Hi-dee-ho Neighbor

It's not that I don't have opinions about everything going on these days, it's just that I've come to opine that it may just be better to keep my head down.......
or at least stand behind the tomato vines.

Of course it might work better if instead of red I tried some camo clothing and face paint.

Or maybe keep the red and stick my arms out to scare the crows.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Straining @ gnats

Much being made of the verdict in a trial in Florida the last few days.

Personally I think the jury got it right. The prosecutions case was a Tower of Babel with a base built on sand.

Apparently........I was not there and, truth be told, didn't have a great deal of interest in the matter, except what little I did hear or read didn't seem to have a consistent element of exactly what the prosecution was saying the ultimate crime was.

The jury seemed to get the same feeling.

It is up to the government, whatever level you're dealing with to prove beyond a shadow of doubt their case. It they fail in that one area they do not meet the standard with which I'll wager every one of us would want met if it were us sitting behind the defense desk.

Too many talking heads invested way too much time and effort in what, after all, while heinous, is an all too often type of case in this country. They'll all probably get a huge bonus for getting people all over the world to watch their shows and through the increase in viewers and listeners, cause the advertising sales people in their organizations to be able to increase advertisers and revenue. Books, tv shows and movies will probably further increase sales...........
And after all, that's really what much of the furor is about.

I think that's something people really ought to remember. The only reason any program is on TV or Radio, or even newspapers, is to enable them to sale their product, which isn't the, it's the ability to tell potential advertisers, 'look how many people will see and hear your just sign here'.

There is a reason that statues of justice depict a woman blindfolded holding a balance scale.

Gonna be another hot one here in the south. Maybe a few showers later. Let's keep it real.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Theft Update

I guess it is probably policy of my bank to attempt to make whole it's customers who fall pray to identity theft......especially if they notify the bank before they open on the day it's first noticed. But it makes a guy feel special that everyone in the small branch of the local bank I deal with are all supportive and ready to do whatever they can to help.

Although it probably also helps that they see me at least one and sometime 5 days a week, always with a smile and friendly word to all and occasionally bringing by a surprise to show them or an offer to render service.

So far they have provisionally replaced the money in my account while they investigate.

Needless to say a new card and pass word will be arriving soon. You forget just how often you make use of the convenience after a while. I assure you I'll be checking out the POS devices first from now on.


I had my first ever acupuncture session late this afternoon. Hopefully to spark a break to the stalled improvement the medical massage therapist has been giving my neck and shoulders.

A bit weird at first, along with a little doubt about it's effectiveness..... I'm
now a tentative believer. Before the hour and a half session was over I was able to turn my head fully to the left and on the right side of neck and shoulders where pain was to rotate my head and neck farther than has been possible in many years.

All of this due to having needles placed in the back of the left hand and heel of left foot.

Hardly seems like the appropriate place when the pain is in neck and shoulders on the other side...........but, I'll not argue with success. Unless, of course, I wake up in the morning paralyzed from the neck down.

So........two good results of having the grandmother run into the back of the truck over a month ago. I found a great medical massage therapist, as opposed to just a massage for relaxation, and she referred me to an Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture doctor with an actual Doctorate instead of being simply certified by some school no one ever heard of and whose phone # has been disconnected.

Unfortunately, instead of being able to simply swipe my card I had to remember to carry my checkbook and write out the check.

How quickly we succumb to these modern conveniences.

You all have a wonderful Independence Day. Think about Liberty an all that goes with it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

They finally got me....

Identity thieves that is. A**holes.

About to write the kudzu wife a check this morning and bethought to myself to check online the status of the Vast Kudzu Fortune. (VKF)

Good thing I did.....

Some how, probably through a skimmer, my debit card # had been used 3 times in Orlando, FL. I'm pretty sure I've never even been in Orlando, but, an atm at the 7-11 located at 6994 West Colonial St. had turned over nearly $900.00 of my Obummer stimulus stash. Good thing the welfare check is due day after tomorrow, although, I'll most likely be mightily tired of Pork & Beans by then.

Did you know that the Orlando County Sheriff's Department will take your criminal complaint online now. It's so refreshing not to have to actually talk to a live human to resolve these types of incidents.

Still if by some freak of nature or perversion of the normal way of things they do actually send a contentious human out there to look at the atm video tape (assuming it actually works) they might actually be able to see who the scum-crawling septic tank resident was that hied himself (or herself) off with the sum total of the VKF, no doubt to help fund their way through Law School, which they will need as a part of the resume that will help in their aspirations to enter public service and eventually become part of the great and wonderful leadership we have in Washington, D.C.

Is this a great country or what?

I'll tell you one may see my mug shot in the paper for vandalizing convenience store fuel pump card readers, as I'll never more slide my card to one with out making sure it is an integral part of the original equipment, and in no way can be removed by less than a blow torch and crow bar.

It's too bad that vengeance can't be applied to folks like that by the victims. I don't want justice.....

...retribution is more to my liking.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My money

Head over to Hoosierboy for a letter we ought to send to every representitive at every level.

They ought to be required to recite "It's the people money, taken from them by force" into a voice recognition device every morning before being allowed to get out of bed, and then twice before being allowed to vote on any piece of legislation no matter how insignificant or how much or little money is being authorized.

Failure of the device to recognize their voice should lead to an electrical shock of sufficient strength to knock them to their knees being applied to their brain stem by implanted device similar to those used to track missing dogs or other animals.

This would also allow the public to track their movements at any hour of the day or night.

Just a little food for thought.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day beginning to wind down to the supper time. Just turned the grill on and when it seems hot enough will tenderly place some of that ol' expensive cow parts on the rack.

The wife of my youth and I took a trip up to Dahlonega to see our friends at the Grisson Mine. Delightful folks with a wide range of mining, dredging and panning supplies, and their own pit mine which they dig out crush up and sell to the touristers in small bags or buckets to experience panning for gold themselves. What a thrill to find color in your pan.......of course if you have your own little honey hole where the only costs are getting there and a little backbreaking work, finding a small flake or nugget is even sweeter.

Our three kids all called and wished me happy papa day. I talked to Diana last week and I know she and the kids were treating Adam well today.

I kinda think I've posted the following poem before, but it hasn't been in any of the June archives I've looked at and it should be posted on a Fathers day.

Behind a Fathers Mask

To a small infant child, behind the mask of a father
is a person who is never wrong.
It seems he knows answers to all of her questions and
He is powerful and strong.
With a kiss to a boo-boo or a pat on the back, he
takes pains of the body away.
He makes pains of the heart disappear with a hug
and the words "I'm here to stay"
As the child grows older and independent she also
Grows away from the man she calls dad.
A relationship with him is just something she
holds in her heart that she once had.
Now a rebellious teenager who claims to know all
Dad never seems to be right.
And the long talks they once had now take the
form of a never ending fight.
So she leaves the masked mans arms to see
the world on her own.
And learns too quickly life could have been easy
had she only known.
After fighting the battles with him and saying
Things that weren't ment.
Thru all of the madness and tears only his
Love was being sent.
And now a full grown woman independent and
It is understood he was trying to be what she needed
him to be.
So she no longer tries to see behind her
fathers mask.
Now answers come without effort about a good and
bad past.
And she see him thru different eyes than a young
infant child and his identity comes thru.
He is not just my father, nor is he my enemy,
he is my dearest friend - forever true.

Oldest Daughter

We have no idea what kind of father we'll turn out to have been until we see what kind of mothers and fathers our children turn out to be.

The Kudzu Wife and I have been blessed beyond measure.

For that we can thank the children we knew.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Stormy Weather

Boy, we had some last night. Not as bad as some of the folks more westerly of us have had this spring, but quite a show of thunder and lightning with more than an inch of rain and what sounded like enough wind to carry us away.

But......I looked out the office window from my easy chair, where I'd retired to after the power flickered and the computer and monitor shut down......and the leaves and branches of the trees were as still as on the calmest day of the year. WTH??

I've never experienced anything like that.

I had a 10 inch plastic lid sitting atop a coffee pot outside the shop.........with nothing weighting it's still there this afternoon. No protection.....sitting there on a 4 ft tall military container in the middle of a small grove of oaks.....from 10 inches in diameter to 30 inches diameter. Not a thick grove. Spacing from 15 feet to 40 feet apart. Weird I tell you.

I know I wasn't dreaming cause the pooch was going ballistic with fear and the wife commented on the severity of the storm.

Have you ever heard of such a thing?

Or do I need to cut back on the meds?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Another one ............

..........Bites the dust.

Can you imagine my glee?

Monday, June 13, 2011

I needed a laugh

And tonight I got this one.

I'm sorry. Does this make me a bad person?

I just like to see examples of Darwinian Selection in action. It might happen to me one day, but I like to think I know enough to check to see if the switch is on before sticking my finger in the light socket at least.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


In just less than 7 months I'll (should I be so lucky) be 62 years old. Won't be long before I can retire to a life of luxuries afforded by the addition of social security payments to our income.

Not that I'm counting on that.

For the past 42 years I've taken way too much pride (one of the churches 7 deadly sins) in being an american......a veteran and a citizen of the USA.

This Memorial Day weekend while remembering friend and comrades, amongst all the many other causalities of all the conflicts involved in founding and keeping this Nation Under God, I also grieve for those who are now being slaughtered by those who supposedly 'protect and serve'.

You may or may not be aware of the murder of Jose Guerena .

Google the information. Try to get as many facts as are available from whatever sources are available.

Posting has been light and sporadic for some time now. For many reasons.

This Memorial Day weekend I'll be remembering and grieving for a lot of reasons.

Will I be back here when I'm somewhat recovered?

Maybe.......maybe not

It'll depend on whether I can take any more self-flagellation over my foolish pride.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The world didn't come to an end on Saturday

But for some it did on Sunday night.

A tornado right thru the middle of Joplin, MO. Heartrending.

Maybe that cornball preacher just got a few of the details wrong.

Maybe if I were able to build and new house out in the country it would be all concrete, dome shaped and protected by as much earth as I could pile on it.

Folks, if you're religious even a little bit, pray for those souls in Joplin who have to pick up the pieces. If you are not religious......send food, water, temporary shelter and whatever else you can afford. Go and help if you can.

I'm gonna dig me a Hobbit Hole.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Inch by inch.......

...Step by step, slowly we creep, closer and closer, day by day.....

To being a nation completely controlled by criminals and thugs.

For nearly a thousand years of both English Common Law and the Bill of Rights amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America the police power of government has been constrained under the Fourth Amendmant to respect the sovereignty of a persons home.

Apparently the Indiana Supreme Court has other ideas about that old moldering Document.

This and other egregious assults, such as the messiah snapping his fingers at businesses
and ordering them around, along with so many more acts of a government totally out of control, leads me to wonder if it's now time for the citizenry of this country to take a page or two from the playbook of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr's. philosophy of Righteous Resistance.

If we continue to bow our head by our silence to these acts of Tyranny by a government totally out of control perhaps we'll deserve what we get.

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Saturday Evening

The wife and pooch are ensconced on the Genuine Naugahyde cover couch watching the Saturday 'Brit Coms' on PBS. I like 'em as well but they were re-runs over in the ol' Blighty 10 years ago and are becoming a little tiresome in their repeats here in the KG (kudzu grotto) as well.

It's been quite a week.

Pres BHO has been strutting around like a little bantam rooster all week while al-queda blusters and threats and tv and radio talkshow hosts make much of the fact that enhanced interrogation from years before he was elected brought about Usama Bin Laden's much delayed demise.

I think it's a bit telling that BHO went to Ft. Campbell to congratulate the people who carried out the raid in Pakistan. The aircraft and crews might have been from there but they were but the bow, delivering the arrow of SEALS, who I suspect strongly were not stationed there and quite possibly refused to be part of the Dog and Pony Show, preferring not to prostitute their abilities and deeds so cheaply.

At least, so I prefer to think.

Gold and silver, especially the later, succumbed to the pressure, eased along by George Soros' selling at the peak, aided by the Commodities Exchange who, as they did in the 80's changed the margin rules weeding out those without sufficient knowledge of the market. So it goes. Remember......... those with the gold make the rules. Play their game at your peril. The old Scottish wisdom still holds true....... "Money is flat and meant to be stacked up".

The kudzu wife continues her recovery from surgery. She's sleeping thru the night now, mostly without too much aid from pain relievers. Thanks for your prayers and good wishes.

I watered the garden this evening, it having been 4 days since the last good rain. It continues to grow well...I'm ahead of the weeds so far, and I'm looking forward to the day when we can eat the first squash out of it.

Once again the music in my head took over as I stood there playing the water shower up and down the rows. Tonight's tune was always one of Usama Bin Laden's favorites.

Kinda gets you right there, doesn't it?

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Clouding the issue

Much is being made these last few days about whether to show the pictures of a dead Usama Bin Laden or whether waterboarding helped produce the intelligence that ultimately led to his demise.

WTFC Th' goat F***** is dead. Good enough for me. I'm just a little saddened by the fact that they didn't dip him in pig shit before they wrapped him in the shroud before they turned him into fish chum, but other than that I'm fine with it.

Did we pour a little water over the head of a few people to get the information. So What. I'd authorize the waterboarding of every person who might ever have had even the most tenuous of contact with him or his cohorts.

We're at war with Islamic fundamentalists who from the day they first went to school were taught one thing. Follow the Koran and death to anyone who doesn't convert willingly or not.

Of course Christians have not much room to talk. We've killed our fair share over religion over the years. It's just that mostly we've grown past that.

Don't believe me.............What about the guy that hid out in the mountains for years after bombing the Atlanta 1996 Olympics and that abortion clinic. He didn't just get the idea one day and think, "that'd be fun, hear, hold my beer".

There are damn few saints that walk this earth. Get used to it.

Blasts from the past

This former Junior Bird Man was jolted today to receive a letter from Charlie Horse 40.

Mack from my old helicopter unit in Quang Tri somehow tracked my address down.

Stick a feather up my ass and tickle me silly. When they remember you from 40 years ago, it kinda chokes a guy up.

I'd spent way too many years reliving to myself those halcyon days of yesteryear. So much so that my vision was clouded for many years, although I'd have denied strenuously any suggestion that was so. Thankfully things got bad enough, and I still had sense enough, to reach out before seeking that last blissful refuge of darkness.

I remember Mack as the older new guy in our unit (he had by then 15 years service and it was his second tour). Our unit check pilot, we flew up to the unused airstrip at Dong Ha where a few auto rotations and questions established that I at least wasn't gonna kill us that day. Although I well remember the day they ordered me to take off with him in the front seat, in near zero, zero conditions and fly out to Khe Shan. I told him to make sure I keep us straight and level and when we got up to 80 or 90 knots I pulled it back slowly and climbed us up through what seemed like a mile of clouds (actually 800 or a 1000 feet)'til we popped out into the clear blue and turned west to where the monsoon was over beyond the mountains. They didn't give us but 5 or 10 hours of instrument training back then and I well remember the advice the instructor gave about flying in clouds, "don't fly in clouds, they're full of rocks".

Memories of the past.....long ago and far, far away.

Also got a call tonight from Bob Smith who was still new when I rotated back stateside.

Old times.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Common sense or Intelligent sense

Cordite high

Gonna take some doing to bring me down this evening.

"A bad day fishing is better than a good day at work", they say. I'll second that. And raise you a good day at the range is hard to beat also.

After what has been a longish period of time away from doing any serious practice, I finally broke down this morning and told the kudzu wife that I was going to get my hair cut, buy some fertilizer for the garden, drive down to Monroe, Georgia to see if anyone wanted to sell any scrap and get in some practice at The Trading Place's indoor firing range.

I won't bore you with pictures of the targets as they were pretty well shredded after a hundred rounds or so of .38 spl fired, for the sake of comfort and expense, through the S&W Mod 586 stainless .357, and the 9mm spat out by the old Browning Hi-Power. Let's just say that 2 in the heart and 1 in the head is still achievable even if I did have to adjust the S&W's sights a bit.

My right elbow is a bit tender after that. Either Carpal Tunnel syndrome, which was diagnosed a coupe years ago, or bursitis. Whichever hurts the worst. Next time I see the primary care Dr. I'll try to get something done about this. Glad I didn't try to shoot a box of the .357. I'd have to get a sling and trolley for the right arm.

The garden is doing awesomely. I put some 10-10-10 out and watered it in pretty good. We've got flowers on the squash plants, tomato plants and a few of the green beans. So far I haven't see any blooms on the pepper plants and since I'm not a big fan of peppers other than crushed red on a pizza or whatever in just past mild salsa, I haven't really looked at them.

You do know how to water a garden don't you? Well at least a smallish one like we have. You set the sprayer nozzle on cone and pretend your are a spring shower. Set a cup in the middle of the garden and when the drift has filled it about to 1 inch full you've done enough.

There is something satisfying about watering a garden that way that can't be matched by one of those back and forth sprinklers you set in the middle and all you have to do is turn on the faucet. I would say almost Zen like except my fervid pea brain keeps humming a tune. These evenings selection was........

They don't make them like that any more. Whether that's a good thing or not I'll leave you to decide.

We're due some rain and possible thunder boomers tonight and tomorrow. Ya'll keep a weather eye out.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Sleeping with th' fishes

They say our Navy Seals killed Bin Laden.'s about time that ol' Bastard met his maker. Wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall at that meeting. Will it be a kind loving Christian God, or an angry vengeful Muslim God. Of course if you trace the divinity back far enough maybe it's one and the same. What then.

The reports say the Obama personally authorized the hit and watched it in the situation room. If so.......kudos are in order. I hope there was a mini-camera attached to the helmet of the guy who pulled the trigger. A leader shouldn't flinch from violence carried out at his behest. Again......I'd like to have been a fly on the wall watching Obama's face. Was there joy, anguish, fear....... we'll never know the truth for sure.

Will this make us safer? Doubtful. Replacements for Bin Laden are prob'ly queued up at ever mosque in the world. This'll just be one more reason for them to play jihed.

But it takes the public's mind off of the fiscal mess the banksters and politicians are foisting off on the backs of the people. Not just here but round the world. For there will always be those who wish to profit from the labor of others. Not a bad thing if they are the inventor, entrepreneur, builder of the enterprise. Not a good thing if they, through fiat currency and false promises to sock it to the rich, bleed us of our lives.

Be that as it may, let's all send up a prayer. About what is up to you.

Me? I cooking up a Salmon Puff for supper. Smelling good. Served up with a little yellow corn cooked in lots of butter with salt and pepper............Mmmmmmmmmm make you hurt yourself.

Sleeping with th' fishes

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Paying the piper

As we all know if you don't pay the piper he'll pipe a merry tune and lead all you precious children out of town and into the forest, never to be seen again. I hate it when that happens. Don't you?

Not to worry........

Here's a good way to pay him.......well at least for the next year.

With a hat tip to Karl Uppiano and much thanks to Bill

Back again

Although we've not been gone far. I've been reading my favorite bloggers and visiting new ones for most of the past month. I've just not been able to work up enough of a give a damn to post something of my own.

Not that the month has been with out thing of interest........

I had an older lady run into the back of the Red Ram while I was stopped at a red light about a mile from home. Thank goodness for a nice new chromed hitch ball and bar. It centered her front bumper and only hurt Red's feelings, while bending her bumper around it and demolishing her name tag. (Inez, if it matters)

Neither of us was damaged, as I first thought, and though I'd left my license at home, since neither of us wished to make a report the nice Highway Patrol Officer gave me back my insurance card and wished us a safe trip home.

The Kdzu Wife had her throat cut. Not by terrorists, but by a young man who, looking too young, claimed to have preformed thousands of spine operations and taking cadaver bone fused a couple of her top vertebrae and relieve the pressure on nerves to shoulder and arm which had for a while threatened to paralyze her left arm. Guess you can't judge a Doctor by the apparent lack of facial hair big enough to require shaving on a regular basis. She is much improved and came home a week ago today after a one night stay at St. Mary's Hospital here in the Classic City with a much greater appreciation for pain relievers and muscle relaxers.

We have a small garden planted with two squash plants, four tomato and six pepper plants, along with two short rows of green beans. I planted them in the new topsoil I had dumped in the sinkhole that had been growing steadily bigger in the back yard. Happy to report that everything is looking good.

The recent violent weather in the south only brushed us a little bit late one night. Some needed rain and lots of rumbling and flashing but thankfully none of the Tornadoes that devestated areas to the west and north of us. I hope none of you were seriously affected. If anyone has heard from Eric SWG let me know as he's been suspiciously missing from the blogosphere the last few days. Hope he and Mrs SWG are alright. So many people are not. Over three hundred dead. Towns and communities wiped out. Many without electricity or other public services.
Say a prayer of blessing on all those affected and another one of thanks if it isn't you.

In light of these recent events the political and financial melt down of this country I love doesn't seem quite as relevant as it otherwise might. If you've been paying attention to the price of gold and silver and their reaction to the actions of the Fed Chairman Mr. Bernake and politicians of all stripes you see that my assertion that we're all screwed has not yet been discredited. The violence in places near and far including McDonalds in this country indicate that my prediction of Feb. 21st is still on track.

While you're on you knees for yourself and those lives disrupted by mother nature be sure to request a blessing that this nation will turn back to God, for that nation that turns away will be cursed until they once more remember him.

Keep well dear visitors. I'll probably be back.

Thursday, April 07, 2011


Richard Nixon declared "War on Drugs" in 1971. Are we winning?

Lyndon Johnson, carrying forward initiatives started by JFK declared "War on Poverty in 1964. Are we winning?

George W. Bush Declared "War on Terror" in 1971. Are we winning?

VA psychiatrists, psychologists, and even outside evaluators all agree that I'm not 100% correct in all my thinking. But.....are they right?


I just have to wonder though, if we haven't all been acting a little crazy for the last 50 years or so.

We willingly cast our ballots every two or four years for politicians who say, "give me your vote and the authority and I'll solve all these and other problems".

Do you want to lesson the costs associated with drugs? Declare them legal. Stop prosecuting people for possession. Start a program of treatment for anyone who wants to quit or control their desire for mind altering substances. Is someone in pain? Let them and their Doctors use whatever gives the best and greatest relief without fear of governmental oppression.
After all that if someone harms someone else through force or fraud because of, or while under the effects of, said mind altering substances, have a simple penalty...... Death by hanging to be administered immediately upon conviction after a trial in accordance with Constitutional standards.

Do you want to end Poverty in our time. Stop paying people to be poor. But provide lands, fertilizer and equipment whereby they may grow their own sustenance, build their own housing, raise cattle, whatever. Support them in this effort for one year with whatever they require.......after that provide only the land.....that they may realize that they have to work hard, save and preserve what they can, and above all they don't eat their seed corn. If they do eat the seed........let 'em make it as best they can.

Want to end the War on Terror? Fully recognize the Second Amendment at all times and in all places. Stop trying to tell anyone else what to do, whether in this country or without. Deal honestly with other countries in full transparency to the public in every country. If anyone wants to mess with us........
Fuck 'em. Long, hard and repeatedly until they either quit.....or die.

But then they do say I need to keep taking the meds.

Whatta I know?

Just this.

If we don't change things soon......we're fucked.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Move over Ayn Rand

I have a new love of my life.
(well my ranting and raving over political correctness and idiot politicians life anyway).

Go over here and watch Anne Barnhardt Give 'em hell

Watch the second video first. I promise you you'll not regret it.

Woo haa!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

What are you afraid of?

What are you afraid of?

That "tsk tsk tsk" as you sit in the Doctors office? Opening the electric bill at the first of the month? Of not hearing the car pull into the drive at 11:00pm the night your daughter has her first date? Watching the boss bring the checks out at the end of the week and hoping there's not a pink slip in yours? Standing at the grocery checkout and watching the numbers add up higher and higher?

We all, even those of us too proud to admit it, have those things which cause us a bit of concern, whether great or small.

I used to worry that my falling asleep before I got to the "amen" in my bedtime talks with God might show a lack of proper respect.

But there is one that most of us don't want to talk about, except in whispers, only with like minded friends.

Check out this article over at Whiskey & Gunpowder.

April 15th is coming soon. Don't tell me your heartbeat doesn't pick up about 2 beats per minute.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Always there.

I just came in from walking the pooch down the drive for his nightly sniff and snoop, combined, of course, with whizzing on ever spot he thought appropriate to leave his mark. At all of 18 lbs. (which granted is a little chubby for a Yorky) he thinks he's 10 feet tall and bullet proof.
Truth be told he owns the Kudzu Grotto (KG) and will loudly protest any incursion....... even if he only thinks he heard something approach. Woe betide any other dog that should approach the chain link boundary of his domain. He may not be able to get to them but you'll think he's gonna chew through the fence and gnaw them down to kibble size.

Some people live with delusions of being more important than they actually are also. For instance most all politicians of whatever stature.........even if it's only county marshal of Franklin County, GA, one step up from dog catcher, but he get's to ride around in a county truck that has Marshall painted on the side.

We've got a lot of deluded people up in D.C. also. They think they are great leaders, but take a look at the fine messes they've gotten us into.

Some of us think we have the power too........after all we contribute to the parties and pull the lever for the above mentioned bozos.

It's a clear night here close by the Classic City. A little chilly to be walking the dog in pajama bottoms and a cotton tee, but as I walked with the pooch back toward the house.... I looked up and thought to look for the North Star. I immediately spotted one that I thought was it. And then I second guessed my self and had to look for the Big Dipper, or Ursa Major, to confirm identity. I was gratified to see I was still able to spot the North Star (actually at my age I'm glad to be able to see it) and to know I could count on it to give me a sense of my direction.

It's hard to get lost when you know what direction you're headed in......

Maybe we all ought to look up in the night sky a little more often......

Maybe make it a requirement for any political office to be taken blindfolded out onto a hill on a dark night and pick out the North Star within a second guesses allowed.

If they can't find it, make them walk home. Alone.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tyranny? You decide.

While I might have chosen to call it something other than dollars, I hardly think This amounts to terrorism.

Heaven forbid that someone get the idea that the current Federal_Reserve_System"> notes (every penny of which represent a debt instrument obligation of our treasury to the Central Bank) issued coins and paper money are somehow less valuable than pure silver.

I wouldn't be surprised to find this guy disappeared to GITMO before long.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Who The Hell...........WTF

I would probably have wagered a smallish sum.......perhaps a nickel, against the chance of me ever agreeing with anything Louis Farrakan ever uttered.

Color me Embarrassed .

After a day of lounging in the shade of a pine tree on Fox Lake, watching those with more willingness to brave the sun than I, pluck crappie after crappie from the water, and come home to a TV dinner followed by homemade Banana Pudding, to see on the news feed that my government has launched cruise missiles into Libya........I have to ask the same question of Obummer. "Who do you think you are?"

I wonder what the reactions of the good citizens of the USA would have thought if after the last election when the GOP won a majority in the House of Representative and listening to all the caterwalling from the Left if Libya had launched missiles into Washington, DC in support of the Democrats?

What do you think the people of Libya think about what we unleashed on their sovereign soil?

For some reason, I don't think we won any hearts and minds even though we are supposedly supporting the rebels. We still sent bombs into their country because Obummer was embarrassed by media reports of how ineffectual he has been.

This will not end matter the outcome in the short term.

Just my opinion.

Unintended Consequences
they never quite turn out like you think they will.

I suspect the Muslim Brotherhood and Bin Laden are laughing their asses off right about now.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


......the situation in Wisconsin for a moment.

With all the lay offs all over the country, what do you want to bet that double the number of teachers who are shutting down the schools there could be found among the unemployed and might me more than happy to fill those positions for 3/4th the salaries the protesters were making.
Fire 'em all and hire non-union workers immediately.

Could it be done?

Monday, February 21, 2011

At a loss

The is so much anger being shown by people around the world this week that I truly am at a loss for words.

Most anybody that's spent more than 5 minutes with me will tell you that's not an everyday occurrence. Give me an opening, no matter how small and I'll attempt to fill it with my tongue............wait that didn't come out quite how I intended it.......

Let's just say that I have an opinion on most everything, and mostly am not shy about expressing said opinions.

Lately, however, I've begun to think that maybe I should just keep my thoughts to myself. (Who says you can't teach and old dog new tricks?) The jury is not in however and maybe I'm leaping to conclusions a little too fast.

It has been said that change is inevitable and that our ability to change with the times has a lot to do with how successful we will be. (take a look back at the dinosaurs for instance, or the Native Americans......well up until they got the idea of running the gambling houses to get their due one mark at a time.)

By the time this coming summer ends I expect to see more traumatic change in the world than has occurred in many a moon.

Whatta ya think? Am I just whistling in the dark?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Early (for me) on a Wednesday morning.

I was awakened by the wife in response to a note left on the coffee maker. I've become much too used to awakening when the urge strikes me and have determined to get up at an earlier set time. We'll see how it goes.

One thing about my avocation.........not a job, as it's self imposed, is that I get to do a little traveling around North Georgia and see some of my friends made over the last 16 years. Yeah, we do a little business........but, I'd be just as glad to see them over a coke at the local convenience store. Most people are pretty nice one on one and it seems to me that if we could get more of that type communication going between peoples of the world that international relations might go along a bit better.

Of course for that to work we would have to keep the politicians and bankers completely out of the picture.

I know........ a dreamer I remain.

On the other hand, for some of the asshats in the world we just need to use a neutron bomb on them and take all their usable land and stuff.

This has the advantage of directness and efficiency and would soon eliminate either all the asshats or us........whichever came first.

Of course, I, as ruler of the world and Regent Potential of the Universe, would be in charge of deciding which ass hats would hear the gong.

We've had a couple of very nice days here in NE GA. Bright sun and warmish temps...
.. just a long sleeved shirt and it's pretty nice by mid day. A little cool in the mornings......I always check before starting down the ramp off the back deck, to see if there is any frost that might cause my feet to slip. A few more sudden smack downs of that nature and any brains in by buttocks will start slipping out the cracks.

Ya'll have a good day.........go out and make some money.....then convert it to gold or silver so as to actually have something of value.

It still surprises me that people will actually trade those items for pieces of paper with green ink on them.

The handwriting is on the wall and I have little faith the people in Washington are smart enough to keep us from going into default.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

In The Garden

We got the ol' Grump planted today.

After several emotional days with lots of people to call......lots of people calling with condolences, questions about arrangements, visits to the funeral home, the viewing, the renewing of auld acquaintances, the sharing of memories, looking thru his picture boxes, (remind me to post the picture of Miss Panama City Beach 1971, my better half in her pink Bikini) (I'm thinking of making it my screen saver)), the murmurs of, "Oh, don't he look natural, just like he's sleeping", (and the Funeral home did do a good job ), the Au Capella singing by the members of the Shoals Creek Primitive Baptist Church of the always favorite In The Garden and Amazing Grace, 4 of the Fulmer Sisters blending their sweet voices in harmony, and a comforting message by the Preacher and his son Chris, who have for the last 5 years had made it a point to drive 40 to 50 miles each month to bring the love of Carl's brothers and sisters in Christ to him, we got the Grump laid in a clear area of the cemetary surrounded by oak and poplar trees, then partook of a delicious meal prepared by the ladies of the Church.

If that is a long, run-on, blurry sentence, it is exactly how it seemed. Time rushing past with much to do, much done, and finally we can look forward to taking a deep breath, a little bit slower pace, a time to adjust to having only two people and a neurotic pooch in the house. (It just may have been more stressful on the pooch than on the wife and I).

Several people expressed their condolences and sympathy here and I very much appreciate it. Very kind of you. While I've only met and known you through your blogs and your occasional visits to mine, you feel like family and I appreciate you much more than words on a screen can express. Thank you.

Tomorrow is another day. We plan to sleep late and take the pooch for a little ride which he loves to take.....if only for the opportunity to stick his fuzzy head out the passenger side window and get brain freeze as his ears and hair are pushed back by the wind.

After all is said and we remain. Projects waiting to be undertaken and accomplished. Leaning on one another for support. Looking forward to another 43 years of marriage...(well, at least I am. The wife is not so sure she'll make it that far).

And so it goes.......Another Saturday Night at the Kudzu Grotto.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011


The ol' Grump passes during the night........sometime after midnight when I finally lay down.
He'd had a busy day with visitors and was tired. He'd gotten up around 7:30pm to eat 2 bites of an egg and cheese biscuit the wife had cooked for him...took his pills and had his first nebulizer treatment.
When I put him to bed he wanted to keep his quilted jacket on over his PJ's and apparently at some point he got too warm, sat up on the edge of his hospital bed...took both the coat and PJ top off.......put the quilted jacked back on, buttoned it neatly and simply fell back with his feet off the bed.

Quicker than maybe we were expecting, but more gently than I expected also.

So the end or one more period of time. New beginnings for us all as we'll adjust to the absence and he to the presence of those gone on before.

So: R.I.P Carl Edward Murphy (12-18-1928 - 2-8-2011)

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

A world gone mad

Who in their right mind 60 years or so ago would have predicted the messes we would find ourselves in today.

I expected anti-gravity levitation belts that would whisk me effortlessly anywhere I wanted by now. Not that I'm complaining about the ride in the Big Horn Hemi-powered Dodge in the yard.

We've been paying bribes to Egypt for the past 30 years to prop up the government there and what has it gotten us? A government that spent the money on keeping themselves and their enforcers in power and trickled little to none down to the population at large. Hit them with an increase in food costs past what they can afford and I'm surprised the resulting riots have been as small as they have.

What would we do here? With millions of privately owned weapons and vehicles to get places can you imagine the carnage that would have taken place?

On the other hand the fast food diet we subject ourselves to is now claimed to Lower Our IQ's

DUH. Huh.

Keith Olbermann is now going to send tingles up Pope Al Gore's legs.

Obama's people have no concept of the "open to the Public" idea.

Must be all those Big Mac's with super-sized fries.

Not only is Joan Rivers still alive , they feature her in a Superbowl ad that doubtless has teenage boys all over the country jerking off in the closet.

Oh sure we believe that's really her. She's had more nips and tucks than an Amish Quilt. Doubtless she has to shave her throat already, you can only imagine whats hanging between her shriveled dugs. Probably looks like the backside of an ol' Jersey cow. (shiver)

Ya'll come back when you recover from that image.

Another week gone by.

The past eight days have been a little hectic.

The news on the ol' Grump is that he's still kicking but not very high. Kidneys started back up somewhat, but circulation to extremities is decreasing. Feet are swelled past the point of being able to get his house shoes on him. Bigger size coming up.
The hospice nurse comes out twice a week and takes vitals, adjusts medication and consults with the wife. Tuesdays and Fridays are bath day and thank goodness hospice provides people to help with that. The first two had him laughing and giggling but the one today was older and a little more dour, although she did sing off key which aggrieved the Grump somewhat.
We continue to adjust to the changes. More of a stress on the wife of my youth.
Ya'll keep here in your prayers

Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Update

The ol' Grump has been sent home from the hospital. He has had 4 days of people paying more attention to him and he's eating it up. Every memory he's ever had is told and retold.

The situation with the Kidneys has not changed, so they quit giving any medication for it. They also disabled the defibrillator he's had for the past 5 years.
A hospital bed has been moved into his room and the old double bed moved out back to the tool shop. The hospice nurse will start visiting tomorrow.

As they say, "time will tell", so all we can do is all that will get done and finally his preacher will get to preach him into the ground.

The Grump is OK with's been a long life with all it attendant ups and downs.

And so it goes.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Morning News in the Afternoon

The phone awakened the wife and I around 2:30am. After fighting with, and nearly being strangled by the mask and hose to the CPAP machine I finally made it to the phone before the ol' Grump's nurse hung up.

It seemed the ol' Grump was living up to his nickname and giving the staff at the hospital fits.

Accusing them of trying to rip him off and rob them for his money......the insurance companies were all thieves who weren't sending the checks when they should, how in the hell was he going to pay.......

I dressed and instructed the wife to go back to sleep. (does she listen.......NO)

Arriving at his room I calmed the ol' Grump down and finally got him to lie back and let me pull the cover up over him. It only took 40 minutes or so. I stayed til 6:30 and came back home since I had to make a trip to Cleveland this morning. The wife went to sit with him.

Trying to drain the fluid from him is not working......kidneys shutting down... Dialysis not much of an option...the Doctors about of options......friends and family coming round.

We'll see.

Ya'll pray for the wife.......and the ol' Grump, if so inclined. We'll see how it goes.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Evening 1/23/11 9:56pm

Finally the week is drawing to a close. I'm ready.

Sunday started out with my left shoulder attacking me at odd times for no apparent reason. WTF (winning the future, Right, thanks presbo) is up with that. I know the rotator cuff is torn, so is the right one, but this would make my knees wobble and stop me in my tracks while I was just walking along.

Monday morning I hie myself down to the local bone popper, Dr. Hooper, Chiropractor, having figured out that if I turned my head to the left and down the pain would shoot to my shoulder. A quick ride on the massage table then a few well considered adjustments to the spinal bones and, voila' no more pains. This was great news since I'm a wimp when it comes to pain.......I mean come on, I take enough central nervous system suppressant to not feel being hit by a train, I don't have to take shoulder pain.

By Tuesday I'm all kinds of disgusted with the noise coming out of the talking boxes and the interwebz. If you are into that sort of thing you can check out Drudge Reports or visit your local leather clad dominatrix student of the school of Marquis de Sade. I'm ready to find 50 or 60 wooded acres with a bubbling brook and go sit myself beside it until the mushroom clouds dissipate from over the major cities or the smoke from the riots blows away.......whichever comes first. Don't bother me, let me listen to the water and the wind in the river cane.

Wednesday I'm wondering if gold is going to fall back to 1980 levels, and the coming financial, job, food, energy holocaust is indefinitely postponed.

Thursday, the ol' Grump needs to go to the emergency since he has swelled up with fluid 'til he can hardly breath and get around. The wife takes care of that while I take care of business, which I was glad of since my favorite thing in the world is to wait around in the hospital emergency room waiting for someone else to be seen.
He is admitted and kept overnight while they try with medicine to get him to take a leak larger that half a teacup. Wife is some stressed and the poor pouch having to stay in the house most of the day totally by himself is near catatonic with distress. His joy when the wife got back home is pure unconditional joy and love.

Friday, the ol' Grump is still no better, maybe a little the worse since he is more disoriented than ever and is afraid the cost of hospitalization will be too much. This from an 82 year old with money in the bank, social insecurity, a county pension which includes insurance in addition to medicare, a supplemental policy for everything else and holds a note on the rental home I bought from him. He ain't got to worry about money, but he does.

And I.....well I found this little item this morning.

1929 100 Lire, issued by The Sovereign State of the Vatican, 90.8% gold with a portrait of the then Pope, Pius XI.

Out of a mintage of 10,000 this one fell into my hands.

1929 was the year my father was born in Birmingham, Alabama. This one is probably a keeper. Researching a coin online will get you more information than you can use sometimes, but the end results are almost always interesting even if the coin has no great value.

Still it may be comforting to meditate upon as I sit in the cane beside the creek.

We'll see what tomorrow and next week bring, if I'm still around and if I feel like it.

Hope your weekend is great. Get off your ass and go somewhere and do something.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Once upon a time long ago

and not so far away, I owned a dairy farm. Well I owned the cows and equipment, part of the land with my mother and sisters, and all of the debt.

And life was good, well except for the getting up at 4am and getting slapped in the face by a wet shitty, half frozen bovine tail while trying to milk the ol' hussies. But, mostly good. Because we could sell all the milk we could produce, even if our government set allotment was lower, the Atlanta Dairies Cooperative, which not only bottled milk but made ice cream and had a Cheese plant to take care of any surplus over the demand for milk and ice cream.

A lot of dairies cooperatives were not so fortunate and were selling milk to the Federal government as powdered milk, Cheese and butter which the gov't would dole out to less fortunate countries, less fortunate citizens (read those on the public dole).

However even with all their largess the gov't still had to pay billions to store milk products, with the amount growing larger ever year. They did this because the farmers had an awfully good lobby in Washington, DC which funneled much moola into the pockets of congressmen and senators. And life was good for them and us.......

Well, up until the gov't in it's wisdom decided they couldn't afford the cost of storage anymore and sought to reduce the amount of milk purchased.

You'd think that would be easy enough, just stop buying the surplus milk, right?
The farmers were smart enough to figure out that reducing the size of the herds, feeding less high protein grain and other measures would work and within a week, voila' no more surplus.

Wrong that would be way too simple. No.......the gov't in it's wisdom would pay the farmers not to produce milk.

I'll not bore you with the process, let's just assume the gov't got to spend billions more. And the farmers went on to other profitable pursuits.

Today we have a problem with unemployment in the nation. Rates, depending on who you ask are over 9% according to the gov't figures and in actual fact are closer to 20%.

Many and varied are the solutions put forth by the experts, most of them long on predictions and very, very short on specifics.

I have a plan.

Want to really fix the unemployment problem? Listen up. Eliminate all bailouts, subsidies, giveaways and support systems - both to business and to labor. Abolish all employment restrictions and employment paperwork. All free labor - undocumented non-citizens - to compete equally with native-born workers. Cut taxes to a flat 10% rate for everyone. Abolish every government agency that begins with a letter of the alphabet. Then abolish the rest of them.

I confidently guarantee that the nation would be back at full employment within 30 days.

I can be confident because everybody except the criminal element would be busy working their fingers to the bone growing a garden on any available piece of dirt, and defending it with extreme prejudice to the criminal element many of which would be left to rot where they lay, or thinking green, we could use them for fertilizer. Or in more rational societies they'd be hooked to plows to till more ground.

As long as the feds take the pressure off labor to make adjustments. Giving food stamps, minimum wages, unemployment compensation, make-work, shovel-ready boondoggles - all these things cause workers to think they can continue as before...that a "recovery" of the good ol' days is just around the corner...and that they'll soon be earning as much as they were in 2007. Maybe more!

Tain't gonna happen.

Remember the cooking, gardening and canning advice your grandmother tried to give you. You'll wish you had her around for a little advice again.

I wonder sometimes.....

.....Why I ever try to put thought to keybord.

Especially when there are people like Vin around.

Go Here and read his "I like to pay taxes, with them I buy Civilization".

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


... What do you consider necessities.

Food, water, shelter, transportation (I love my Truck), a source of income that allows you to provide yourself with these things and hopefully a little more.

I could add chocolate (dark) but my body would probably be better off with out it, although my mental state might get a little out of kilter. (Heaven knows I'm not fit to be around most of the time, but deprive me of a source of comfort and I won't be held responsible. Just sayin'......)

From whence cometh this rambling you might ask? Well, you might although there are few enough of you that check in here, statistically we matter less than the gnats bite on an elephants ass.

But as we were riding by the public housing (welfare housing) the other day it was pointed out to me that *..... lived there now along with her off sprung because she is mentally incompetent. This led to me asking, "what purpose does it serve the government to maintain this waste of air and her equally useless youngun,for it too will never be capable of much, at the citizenry's expense"?

The answer came quickly, "They've got to have something to spend the money on".

Well said. But more correctly, the government has to have something to spend the tax money's and the money's they borrow on else how could they stand before us and say, "Look what good use we have made off all that money and beside, you are not having to take care of your own defects and self created problems yourself". Lord knows none of us want to take responsibility for our old, incompetent, burdensome relatives, repeatedly pregnant daughters, drug addled, alcohol besotted, or simply too sorry to work, sons. Do we? Well?

If the government didn't take at least half of everything you earn in some form or other, of which half or more is spent on the bureaucracy administering this clusterf*** do you think that costs of care for these individuals might not be greatly reduced?

Just wondering about the necessity........

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Confession.......of sorts

I must confess to stealing the following paragraphs from an email received from The Daily Reckoning.

Look...according to our new Daily Reckoning theme...political parties, voting, the blah, blah of partisan well as Paul Krugman...

...they are all almost irrelevant...all “products of the past”...


...full of sound and fury, but signifying nothing.

The real trends are bigger than that. What is at stake here is a model of government that began with Otto von Bismarck. It is a model in which the state supposedly serves the interests of the citizens. (Under the previous model, there were no citizens...just subjects who owed a duty of obedience to the sovereign...and in exchange received protection.) In Bismarck’s model, citizens give up a portion of their output...and stand ready to protect the state with their lives. In return, the state gives them the right to participate (through elections etc)...provides protection from foreign states and domestic outlaws...and makes sure that their physical needs are taken care of.

This model seems to be headed for bankruptcy. The big question is: when the state is unable to provide the benefits it has promised...what will happen? Will the masses accept less? Or will they revolt? Or will a new model evolve...peacefully?

You can get a free daily email, just google Daily Reckoning and I'm sure somewhere you'll be given an opportunity. Of course you will have to put up with your fair share of advertisements, but, I reckon (poor pun) it's a small price to pay for another view of the world.

Often after reading thoughts that are not programmed into my consciousness by the MSM I ponder how different input requires different outputs.

The question is......"Or will they revolt"?

Not so much of a question as I'm pretty sure they will, just when and how bad will it get seems a more pressing question. Which leads to further questions. Will the military be used against us on our own soil? Will the leaders of the military follow those orders.

Do I have enough of.............. (fill in your own blank)

How safe is my present location? If not how can I get to a better one.......and how soon?

Questions and answers differ.......or is the question relevant?

Friday, January 14, 2011


Noise is, it seems, increasing every day.

Not only the constant ringing in my ears, the one truly constant companion of the last almost 40 years, but the noise of planes, trains, automobiles and especially the noises from all the electronic devices that we have made such a part of our daily lives over the last 100 years.

We've taken the telephone, that I can remember from the late 50's as being a source of irritation because the curious neighbor from up the street would stealthily pick up when she knew it was our ring, to a constant companion that tracks us every where and is answered no matter where one is, whether in the middle of a conversation to the solitude of the toilet facilities.

Radios which once were listened to only in the evening, or perhaps only on Saturday night when the Grand Ol' Opry came on, to a little bud with wires growing out of them to remain in a persons ears 24/7.

You begin to see the trend?

We've become so interconnected, so used to all the information constantly bombarding us that we lose our perspective.

Last weekends shootings in Tuscon, while deplorable, and tragic to the individuals involved who were killed or wounded, distressing to those that witnessed the violence, horrible to those who's loved ones died or were hurt, has become another source of noise, eagerly jumped on by the media who's only existence it seems is to ensure that not a single, breathing human on the planet has not only heard about it, but is to react to it as if it had happened to their family and made to react in ways that someone else wishes them to react.

Way too much noise methinks.

For I, personally, am not so much moved by this latest event. Indeed had I never heard, read, seen any of the reports my life would not, and has not, really been affected.

I mean really, am I supposed to take upon me some additional burden in my life over a shooting in Arizona? Is this supposed to add to some collective angst we must all share in? Am I to bear some responsibility for what happened?

I think not.

Since before recorded history began, I suspect, there have been those, who for what ever reason, have wanted to pick up a stick, or rock, and bash in the head of someone or destroy something, for reasons the rest of us cannot truly imagine.

Perhaps their wiring is faulty.

So..........I shall continue on my way, vigilant to the same degree as I generally am, as oblivious to the same degree as always, trying to get through the day despite the ringing in my ears and the noisome world around me, living for the now, since I'm convinced that none of us are assured tomorrow, much less the next 60 minutes.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Still Cold

At least more of the ice and snow melted away yesterday.

I was awakened in bliss as only a grand father can be when the youngest grand daughter shook me and said, "Paw Paw I had a bad dream, tell me a story".

How's that for fearless? To have a bad dream and then expect me to tell a story that will make it all better. Truth be told, I can do that when necessary.

The best thing about stories for the g-daughter is that you just ask what story she wants to tell and she'll give instructions on what it is to be about, who the characters are and what they are to do. Simply follow along and the storyline will be given in great detail.

I did doze off a couple of times there and had to be roused by the question, "Paw Paw, what happened then?"

So the day is off to a bright shiny start. I've eaten my two eggs, (over easy) my bacon (not too crispy, just right) cheese grits (yummy).

Ya'll have a good day. I'm off to play.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cabin Fever

.....May be a complaint more often heard of in the frozen regions of the artic, but coop up a southern country boy with no way to get out short of slippery suicide on iced over streets with other maniacs and the tension builds to almost intolerable levels very quickly.

Thankfully the weather was sunny enough today and enough other idiots had to get to work, or elswhere, that their combined traffic created just enough warming to thaw narrow tracks on the surface streets that I was able to get to Fedex today. Traffic was thankfully light and most people were keeping their hands on the wheel and eyes on the road that I saw no current accidents, although several people were trying to pull their car or truck out of the ditches.

By this evening it was good enough that a couple of people stopped by to see us. Economic necessity will override common sense most days. Let's just hope that the economic necessities of the nation will not cause an overwhelming loss of common sense in the general population.

While many people speak of the problems, fewer have any workable solutions to put forth. The consequences of the necessary tough actions that must be taken if the Republic is to survive, much less return to thriving health, may lead to an even worse situation when so many find out that their make work jobs have just ended or their grip on the public teat is useless as that dug has withered, dried up and fallen off the skinny breast like a three week old umbilicus cord.

It somehow seems almost appropriate that there are so many vampire movies, tv shows and popular book series these days.

Do vampires ever consider what might happen once they have turned everyone into a blood sucking monster? Do they have the foresight to maintain the herd at maximum health even at the expense of controlling their darker nature?

Does the herd have enough understanding of what is happening to it, and more importantly the will to resist the temptation to submit, or the strength to break the ties that bind them?

Despite the blathering and bleating of pundits port and starboard, tv, radio, print and internet all of them claiming that their vision and version of America is right, do we really understand the problems and their potential outcomes?

Do we even really want to know?

Maybe we don't, maybe like Darwin thought, we really are descended from Monkeys.

A good possibility as Fred Suggests.

You should read and ponder whether any of the things he sees coming can be stopped, or even delayed for very long. I'd personally love to hear any of your ideas. Maybe if enough of us put our heads and hearts together we will be able to create a different tomorrow.

If not...................


Monday, January 10, 2011

I knew it

When you have a bit of snow in the South people nut up and use it as an excuse not to go in to work.

I did take the Ram out this morning to carry a package to Fedex with every expectation that they would be open. I mean after all they can get a package around the world overnight and be able to track it every step of the way, you'd think they wouldn't let a few inches of snow stall the works, would they??

Turns out they will.

After careful navigation, with my usual superb driving skills, honed lo these last 45 years, I arrive in front of the building only to find that some people aren't as dedicated to work.


With the freezing over and possible icing this evening it may be a while before I'm able to get out again.

Fortunately, the larder is stocked with comestibles, stores of propane are in readiness, squirrel beds are located and 12 gauge shells loaded, we're ready to withstand at least a 3 day seige.

I'd hate for it to become a Donner party thing though, the ol' Grump would make mighty tough and stringy eating. Perhaps with enough boiling and some dumplings and lots of pepper.........

Nah, better hope we don't run out of squirrels.

More Global Warming

Sheesh, we've about 4-5 inches already and more coming down.

Unusually for me the cold seems to have found it's way into my finger joints this morning. Does this portend worse weather later today? No idea, as this is unusual.

Of course this Global Warming is unusual too. Reckon it has something to do with a lack of sunspot activity the last year or so?

Why haven't we been hearing from that bloated wind bag Albert Gore lately? Even meek little Tipper finally got fed up with his lies and booted his ass to the curb. Of course he can just give her half of everything and still have enough money to draw the bimbo-flies and environmental moonbats to his swollen carcass. A waste of resources to keep him alive, methinks.

Of course, I have been accused of being a little intolerant of idiots. I mean come on, they're fun to laugh as for a while, but you soon become weary of shooting fish in a barrel.

Speaking of shooting.......I finally took the time to peel the camouflaged tape off the barrel of the Ruger Model 77 Mark II I picked up a while back and gave it a good cleaning and lubrication. Nice gun, stainless steel barrel and action with composite stock and topped with Leupold 4 X 12 VX-II scope.

Hopefully, I'll be able to take it over to the ARC range next month and sight it in.

I have no real need for a rifle of this calibre, but, like I've always heard...... you can never have too many guns, or enough ammo.

Well, I've had my grits and hen apple for the morning, I'm sure I have a lot to do if I'll just get too it. Hopefully I'll be able to get to the Fedex office before the icy part of this winter wonderland hits later today. Right now it's fun to look at, but if we get any ice on top of it the pines will start snapping onto the power lines and the real fun will start.

Stay warm and come back now, hear.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

The Last Six Seconds

I read much these days, some of it very discouraging and pessimistic. I find it very easy sometimes to want to throw my hands in the air, take my guns, ammo, such food as we have stored, a few coins of silver, the wife and ol' grump and find a place in the deep dark woods to await the zombie hoards and whatever end may come.

This following account, whether true or not, is part of the reason I do not. Not yet. Not while people such as these are part of our armed forces and citizens of this land. And make no mistake, there are men and women like this out there. They are Tea Party Patriots, Republicans, even some who vote democrat perhaps, people from all walks of life. People who like the signors of The Declaration of Independence, will be willing to Pledge their lives, their fortunes and their Sacred Honor in defense of liberty and freedom.

They do exist......I've met some of them. Let us look for them, challenge them, support them and, if possible, elect them to the highest offices in the land, that this once great nation may remember her heritage and rise taller and stand brighter than ever before.

The Last Six Seconds

On Nov 13, 2010 Lt General John Kelly, USMC gave a speech to the
Semper Fi Society of St. Louis, MO. This was 4 days after his son, Lt
Robert Kelly, USMC was killed by an IED while on his 3rd Combat tour.
During his speech, General Kelly spoke about the dedication and valor
of the young men and women who step forward each and every day to
protect us.
During the speech, he never mentioned the loss of his own son.
He closed the speech with the moving account of the last 6 seconds
in the lives of 2 young Marines who died with rifles blazing to protect
their brother Marines.

"I will leave you with a story about the kind of people they
are...about the quality of the steel in their backs...about the kind of
dedication they bring to our country while they serve in uniform and
forever after as veterans. Two years ago when I was the Commander of all U.S.
and Iraqi forces, in fact, the 22nd of April 2008, two Marine
infantry battalions, 1/9 "The Walking Dead," and 2/8 were switching out
in Ramadi. One battalion in the closing days of their deployment
going home very soon, the other just starting its seven-month combat
Two Marines, Corporal Jonathan Yale and Lance Corporal Jordan
Haerter, 22 and 20 years old respectively, one from each battalion, were
assuming the watch together at the entrance gate of an outpost that
contained a makeshift barracks housing 50 Marines. The same broken down
ramshackle building was also home to 100 Iraqi police, also my men and our
allies in the fight against the terrorists in Ramadi, a city until
recently the most dangerous city on earth and owned by Al Qaeda. Yale was a
dirt poor mixed-race kid from Virginia with a wife and daughter, and
a mother and sister who lived with him and he supported as well. He did
this on a yearly salary of less than $23,000. Haerter, on the other
hand, was a middle class white kid from Long Island. They were from two
completely different worlds. Had they not joined the Marines they would
never have met each other, or understood that multiple America's exist simultaneously

depending on one's race, education level, economic status, and where

you might have been born. But they were Marines, combat Marines,

forged in the same crucible of Marine training, and because of this bond

they were brothers as close, or closer, than if they were born of the same woman.

The mission orders they received from the sergeant squad leader
I am sure went something like: "Okay you two clowns, stand this post
and let no unauthorized personnel or vehicles pass." "You clear?" I am
also sure Yale and Haerter then rolled their eyes and said in unison
something like: "Yes Sergeant," with just enough attitude that
made the point without saying the words, "No kidding sweetheart, we know
what we're doing." They then relieved two other Marines on watch and
took up their post at the entry control point of Joint Security Station
Nasser, in the Sophia section of Ramadi, Al Anbar, Iraq.

A few minutes later a large blue truck turned down the alley
way-perhaps 60-70 yards in length-and sped its way through the serpentine of
concrete jersey walls. The truck stopped just short of where the
two were posted and detonated, killing them both catastrophically.
Twenty-four brick masonry houses were damaged or destroyed. A
mosque 100 yards away collapsed. The truck's engine came to rest two
hundred yards away knocking most of a house down before it stopped. Our
explosive experts reckoned the blast was made of 2,000 pounds of
explosives. Two died, and because these two young infantrymen
didn't have it in their DNA to run from danger, they saved 150 of their
Iraqi and American brothers-in-arms.

When I read the situation report about the incident a few hours
after it happened I called the regimental commander for details as
something about this struck me as different. Marines dying or being
seriously wounded is commonplace in combat. We expect Marines regardless
of rank or MOS to stand their ground and do their duty, and even die in
the process, if that is what the mission takes. But this just seemed
different. The regimental commander had just returned from the
site and he agreed, but reported that there were no American witnesses to
the event-just Iraqi police. I figured if there was any chance of
finding out what actually happened and then to decorate the two Marines
to acknowledge their bravery, I'd have to do it as a combat award
that requires two eye-witnesses and we figured the bureaucrats back
in Washington would never buy Iraqi statements. If it had any
chance at all, it had to come under the signature of a general officer.

I traveled to Ramadi the next day and spoke individually to a
half-dozen Iraqi police all of whom told the same story. The blue truck
turned down into the alley and immediately sped up as it made its way
through the serpentine. They all said, "We knew immediately what was
going on as soon as the two Marines began firing." The Iraqi police then
related that some of them also fired, and then to a man, ran for safety
just prior to the explosion. All survived. Many were injured...some
seriously. One of the Iraqis elaborated and with tears welling
up said, "They'd run like any normal man would to save his life."

"What he didn't know until then," he said, "and what he learned that very
instant, was that Marines are not normal." Choking past the emotion he said,

"Sir, in the name of God no sane man would have stood there and
done what they did." "No sane man." "They saved us all."

What we didn't know at the time, and only learned a couple of
days later after I wrote a summary and submitted both Yale and Haerter for
posthumous Navy Crosses, was that one of our security cameras,
damaged initially in the blast, recorded some of the suicide attack. It
happened exactly as the Iraqis had described it. It took exactly
six seconds from when the truck entered the alley until it

You can watch the last six seconds of their young lives. Putting
myself in their heads I supposed it took about a second for the two
Marines to separately come to the same conclusion about what was going on
once the truck came into their view at the far end of the alley. Exactly
no time to talk it over, or call the sergeant to ask what they should
do. Only enough time to take half an instant and think about what the
sergeant told them to do only a few minutes before: "...let no
unauthorized personnel or vehicles pass." The two Marines had about five
seconds left to live.

It took maybe another two seconds for them to present their
weapons, take aim, and open up. By this time the truck was half-way
through the barriers and gaining speed the whole time. Here, the recording
shows a number of Iraqi police, some of whom had fired their AKs, now
scattering like the normal and rational men they were-some running right
past the Marines. They had three seconds left to live.

For about two seconds more, the recording shows the Marines'
weapons firing non-stop...the truck's windshield exploding into shards
of glass as their rounds take it apart and tore in to the body of the
son-of-a-bitch who is trying to get past them to kill their brothers-

American and Iraqi-bedded down in the barracks totally
unaware of the fact that their lives at that moment depended entirely on
two Marines standing their ground. If they had been aware, they
would have known they were safe...because two Marines stood between them
and a crazed suicide bomber. The recording shows the truck careening
to a stop immediately in front of the two Marines. In all of the
instantaneous violence Yale and Haerter never hesitated. By all
reports and by the recording, they never stepped back. They never even
started to step aside. They never even shifted their weight. With their
feet spread shoulder width apart, they leaned into the danger, firing
as fast as they could work their weapons. They had only one second left
to live.

The truck explodes. The camera goes blank. Two young men go to
their God. Six seconds. Not enough time to think about their families,
their country, their flag, or about their lives or their deaths, but
more than enough time for two very brave young men to do their duty...into
eternity. That is the kind of people who are on watch all over
the world tonight-for you.

We Marines believe that God gave America the greatest gift he
could bestow to man while he lived on this earth-freedom. We also
believe he gave us another gift nearly as precious-our soldiers, sailors,
airmen, Coast Guardsmen, and Marines-to safeguard that gift and
guarantee no force on this earth can every steal it away. It has been my
distinct honor to have been with you here today. Rest assured our
America, this experiment in democracy started over two centuries ago, will
forever remain the "land of the free and home of the brave" so long as
we never run out of tough young Americans who are willing to look beyond
their own self-interest and comfortable lives, and go into the darkest
and most dangerous places on earth to hunt down, and kill, those who
would do us harm.

God Bless America, and....SEMPER FIDELIS!"

This is the nation's Corps of Marines. The feckless leaders in the congress do not deserve such men protecting them. May God protect the Corps from the evil that is being imposed upon it.