Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sambutan Maulidur Rasul Peringkat Negeri Selangor

Tahun ni aku join group perarakan Maulidur Rasul..kire wakil ofis la..adela dalam 40 org..aku awal2 da bg nama sebab slalunye ofis antar guys but this year antar pompuan.. maybe nk kelainan kot..unit ak je antar 5 org ..lg 35 tu unit lain2 la..kitorg latih 3 hari memang nasib kitorg kot dapat no 2..mcm xcaye je..haha..Mesti DO bangga..hehe..actually kitorg byk cengkelat..asal sampai check point  bru selawat bg pengadil dengar..masing2 xlarat..haha..kalau ingat balik lawak pn ade..wt pertama kalinye kot ofis kitorg menang..namapk gayenye next year antar pompuan tgk warga kerja ofis ak..

Warga PDT Petaling

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pembawa sepanduk 

Kak Dayah n I..

Persembahan dr skolah tahfiz kalau xsilap

Kak Dayah n Kak Syila
Kak Rin

ak n ofismate kena bawak bendera pasai kitorg rendah..huhu..
P/s: Sorry gambo tidak mengikut susunan..

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Jalan-Jalan Jakarta~Bandung

Assalamualaikum..lame dah x bersiaran kn??hari ni nk cite pasal cuti-cuti Malaysia awal tahun hari tu..kitorang pegi dari 6 - 9 usual naik Air Asia..yela, now everyone can fly katekan..flight kitorang  pukul 950 pagi waktu Malaysia n sampai Chengkareng Jakarta dalam pukul 11 lebih waktu Indonesia..Waktu indon lambat sejam dr kite..Sekarang semua flight Air Asia akan berlepas dan tiba kat Terminal 3..xmcm dulu, kt Terminal 2..

awan biru yg subhanalllah cantik ny..

sebelum melepasi imigresen

ak n kak Oya n kak Gyan

suke gambo sbb Amani dgn aksi gedikz..

ni kt Tangkuban Perahu..
Murtabak manis yg menggunakan Wijsman Butter..14000RP

P/S: gambo ak letak secara rawak..xdan lg nk upload semua..nti kalu rajin ak letak lg ye..hehe..

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Selamat petang semua..CNY hr tu balik kg berdua je dgn Amani..My hubby macam biase la mane nk dapat cuti time public holiday..keje kt Genting katekan..petang Sabtu tu kitorang p Pekan Sg Besar, teman opah beli barang plus nk ambik tupperware kt umah my SIL..kopak pitih hasil tangkapan tupperware yg sungguh menawan warna ny itu..=(  ..Pagi Isnin ny kitorang da gerak balik sebab xlarat nk redah jam kt Tanjung Karang..(rela balik awal dr nk tempuh jam)..jom tgk gambo sempena raye cina..=D

Amani dok posing
meriah betul kedai cina..

peace no war

abg farikhin dok layan kerenah Amani

hepi Chinese New Year
Amani dok pulun makan bubuq kt kenduri

Monday, December 26, 2011

3rd Anniversary

 Hari ni anniversary kitorang yg ke3..cpt tol mase berlalu kn..unbelievable..3 years ago, 26 Dec hari Jumaat  after Friday prayer ak selamat menjadi suri di hati Wan Subri dengan skali lafaz saje..Alhamdulillah..time tu umur ak bru msuk 21..lps habis blajaq terus kawen..gatai kn??xla..da jodoh..we all xde wt any celebration cuma potong kek homemade saje..xde nk ckp byk okey..i love u my dear hubby..hope our love will last n never dies..Ameen..Muah3..JOm layan gambar dolu2..hehe

a bit matured kn selepas di make up..
ak request pose dpn masjid sbb masjid ni cantik masjid kt indon..
posing lepas selesai akad nikah
ni lak posing kat pantai dekat dgn umah

Friday, December 23, 2011

Angka 24

Selamat petang sume..hari ni kalu ikut IC besday ak yg ke 24(da tambah tua,hoho) ibu cakap ak lahir time krismas..ak mmg yakin ak lahir time krismas sebab yela ibu yang bersalin kn kite tu yg lebih tahu bile kite dak??kek besday xwat lg..hadiah mmg xde la sbb awal2 da dpt hadiah dr en Waja..botak la ak bulan ni..huhu..neway semoga Allah memanjangkan usiaku dan boleh ak memperbanyakkan amalan ak..MOga ak le jd isteri dan ibu yang terbaik untuk suami dan anak2..(anak2??next year kot bru le letak anak2..=))) insyaAllah..penin gak dok pk nk wt kek ape ye untuk diri yg konpom malam nti nk p mkn Wan blanje..hehe..

*xsabaq da nk p bercuti..

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Chocolate Salted Caramel Cake

As promised, Ria tempek resepi kek coklat yg marvellous nih..bru perasan da dua kali birthday amani ummi die wt kek coklat..ok la tu kn..sume org mkn n suke.especially budak2..deco simple je..dibantu oleh my sis..wt 1 adunan je tp dpt wt kek princess ni..mmg byk 1 adunan ni..jom check the recipe..

Chocolate Salted Caramel Cake

Sources:-From Yumsilicious Bakes
Double Chocolate Layer Cak
3 oz semi-sweet chocolate, chopped [I use a combination of bittersweet and semi-sweet]-(Ayu also used mixture of dark & semi sweet chocolate 90g)
1 1/2 cup [120 g] cocoa powder
1 1/2 cup hot brewed strong coffee-(Ayu used 2 packets of 3-in -1 instant coffee +11/2 cup hot water)
1 stick [4 oz / 113 g] unsalted butter-(Ayu used salted butter)
1 1/2 cup [340 g] granulated sugar-(Ayu used 11/4 cup-[277g] fine sugar)
1 cup [220 g] light brown sugar-(Ayu used 1/4 cup-[57g])
2 3/4 cup [350 g] cake flour
2 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp baking powder
1 1/4 tsp salt-(Ayu added only 1 tsp)
3 large eggs
3/4 cup [165 g] oil-(Ayu used corn oil)
1 1/2 cup [360 g] sour cream
2 tsp vanilla extract

Instructions -
  1. Preheat oven to 300 F [150 C]. Grease and line two 10 inch, or 3 8 inch cake pans.(Ayu used 3 9"tray, cake slight quite high)
  2. Over low heat, stir together the chopped chocolate, cocoa powder, coffee and butter until everything melts and a nice thick paste is formed. Set aside to cool.
  3. In a medium bowl, sift together the sugars, flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt.
  4. In a large bowl, beat the eggs till slightly thickened and lightened in color. Whisk in the oil, sour cream and vanilla. Stir in the chocolate mixture, mix well. Add in the flour mixture, mixing till just combined.

For the salted caramel filling -
1 cup [220 g] sugar
2 tbsp [20 g] light corn syrup
1/2 cup [130 g] heavy cream-(Ayu used whipping cream)
1 tsp fleur de sel-(Ayu just used normal salt)
1/4 cup [60 g] sour cream-

Instructions -
  1. Combine 1/4 cup water, the sugar and the corn syrup in a medium saucepan, stir to combine. Boil on high heat till the mixture reaches 350 degrees on a candy thermometer. If you don't have one, just cook till it's amber colored, about 8-10 minutes.
  2. In the meanwhile, heat together the cream and fleur de sel till it dissolves. Don't let the cream boil. Add it to the caramel once the caramel mixture is ready. Whisk it together. Whisk in the sour cream.Once the caramel has reached to amber colour, Ayu just added the rest of the whipping cream, salt and sour cream quickly till incorporated on low heat till mixture has melted)Allow to cool to room temp.
  3. You can use this immediately, or refrigerate upto 3 days before using.

For the whipped caramel ganache -(Ayu made 1/2 of this amount)
1 pound dark chocolate, chopped-(450g-Ayu used 225g )
1 cup [220 g] sugar-(Ayu used 1/2 cup)
2 tbsp [20 g] light corn syrup-(Ayu used 1 tbsp)

1 1/2 cups [390 g] heavy cream-(Ayu used 195g whipping cream)
4 sticks [1 pound / 452 g] butter, cut into tbsp sized pieces, slightly softened-(Ayu used 1 butter-250g)

Instructions -
  1. This portion is the same as the caramel filling, so you already have a base to judge on.
  2. Combine 1/4 cup water, the sugar and the corn syrup in a medium saucepan, stir to combine. Boil on high heat till the mixture reaches 350 degrees on a candy thermometer. If you don't have one, just cook till it's amber colored, about 8-10 minutes.
  3. In the meanwhile, heat the cream, without letting it boil. Add it to the caramel once the caramel mixture is ready. Whisk it together. Let cool for 5 minutes.
  4. Add the chopped chocolate to the bowl of a stand mixer. Pour the caramel sauce over the chocolate, letting it sit for about a minute before mixing till the chocolate has completely melted.-(Once the caramel has reached to amber colour, Ayu just added the rest of the whipping cream & chocolate into the caramel and quickly stir till incorporated using very low heat till all the mixture has melted)
  5. Now fit the micture with a paddle attachment, and beat the mixture on low till the bowl feels cool to the touch. Add the butter and increase speed to medium high till it's well incorporated, 

  1. thickened and whipped, about 2-3 minutes. Let cool slightly before using, to make it easier.

Assembling the cake -
  1. Slice the cake layers into 2 using a serrated knife or a cake slicer. I made a 3 layer cake,(Ayu used 3  9" tray) but you could make it a 4 layer cake as well, in fact, the salted caramel filling would be the perfect amount for a 4 layer cake.
  2. Also slice off the tops of the cake. Lay down one sliced layer on a cake board, and add about 1/3rd of the filling. It will seem like it's too little, but it has so much flavor that the amount is perfect. Spread to the edges. You'll notice that some of it gets absorbed into the cake, that's supposed to happen!
  3. Lay on the next layer, add another 1/3rd of the filling, and lay on the last layer. Save the bottom half of a sliced layer for the top, and lay it on inverted so that you have a flat top.
  4. Now put on a light layer of the ganache, just to seal in the crumbs, called a crumb coat. Refrigerate for 5 minutes, then lay on the rest of the ganache and frost as desired [I used acake comb, it's a lazy decorators best friend!]. Serve immediately. If you must refrigerate, reheat the cake for 10-20 seconds in the microwave, there's nothing worse than cold cake!!(Ayu didnt put in the fridge just leave it outside at room temperature but in a covered cake caddy for 3 days)

*ak ikut mcm k.Ayu wt..sebijik sejebon..hehe..

3 in 1

Assalamualikum semua..da bersawang da umah ak nih..meh sape volunteer nk kemas umah ak nih..ak bagi board kek Amani..hehe..=P..jahat tol ak kn..haha..Last Eidul Adha, we all wt family gathering n BBQ kt umah ibu yg masih dlm WIP..masuk2 ade tiang yg maha i loike..cntik..ape yg di bbq kn??ayam, kerang, sate n ikan cencaru n kembung..ayam n cencaru pling cpt habis..ayam telah diperap oleh tuan umah dan telah diedit oleh Chef Wan untuk lebih menarik minat pemakan2..hihi..On that day gak ade wt acara turun tanah skrg da xramai yg wt dah..kt fmily kitorg ni da mcm jd kebiasaan..turun tanah ni dibuat kalau baby tu da mula pndai jalan..mula2 bby kne amek barang(antaranya:buku,emas,duit,mekap,pensil n etc)..mne yg budak tu amek dulu sok besar ny akan cenderung pada benda tuh..(lebih kurang camtu la)areenas amek brg mekap hr tu..masa amani die amek duit..habis la..lepas da amek brg2 tu sume kne pnjat tangga tebu..then bru la budak tu mandi bunga..habis turun tanah tu turn amani lak celebrate besday in advance..sambut rmai2 lagi best..punye la suke die dapat kek princess tuh..kalu xcaye tengok gambo kt bawah nun.. ak wat kan  Salted Caramel Chocolate Cake..resepi amek kt umah Kak Ayu Sg..mmg sedap sgt..mabeles la org kate..moist  sgt..rase kek ny lain dr yg lain..resepi next entry ok..

besday girl

sile lihat diriku yg mkin bam bam..huhu
final products

faces of amani

areenas turun tanah

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