Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hi everybody, long time me no blog sorry about that. Well on the weekend we got the computer all hooked up and internet going and i was checking emails and what a wonderful surprise i recieved from a fellow Queenslander afrom the wonderful Narelle over at Nell's Notions so a big big thank you goes to her as i love reading her blog. Also as part of the award i am to pass it on to 7 other wonderful blogs. There are so many that i blog hop to that are so wonderful that it has been a hard decision and alot have recieved the award as well. So here goes and i am going to bend the rules little bit as i don't want to force this award upon any bloggers. Just think of it as me telling all the lovely bloggers that visit me here about your blog.
Lucky - Stitch Selection
Debs - Sewdeb
Jodie - Paradise
Little Gem - Little Gem's World
Lisa - Lydia's treasures
Barb - Barbscreations
Sandi - Embroideroo

These Ladies are just some of the wonderful blogs that i visit when i have time and a cuppa in my hand.
Also i have to tell you 7 things about myself that you might find interesting.
1. I can not eat seafood only fish.
2. I taught my 3 kids on Distance Education for 14 years and loved it.
3. I start my day with a cuppa in bed that my husband has made every morning when he is home.
4. You will find me in the kitchen at party's i feel at home in the kitchen. HA HA HA
5. I am going to make my first quilt this year.
6. I just love romance DVD's and Books.
7. I am so greatful that i found blogging and now have some very good friends on the internet.

Well i thought that telling 7 things about myself was going to be easy it is not.

I hope that you enjoy hopping over to all thsese lovely ladies and having a look at there beautiful blogs. Have a great day and i will be back soon. Hmmmmm i said that last month let's hope that it does not take me a month to return.

Big Hugs

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lydias Giveaway

Hi Everyone, Well it is over a month since i last posted and i still have a few things to post about here from Christmas. I will get to them soon i promise. Things have been a bit crazy out here at the moment and i will be able to tell you all about it very soon.

Anyway while i have not posted i have been Blog hopping and keeping up with what you have been up to and you all have been busy and there are some wonderful things been made you put me to shame as i have not had the time to even turn my maching on this month.

While Blog Hopping i see that Lydia is back from her holidays and has a 1st Birthday giveaway and it is a wonderful book from Rosalie Quinlan. So go over and say hi to Lydia and join in on her giveaway and Thank you Lydia for the chance to get my hands on this lovely book through your giveaway.

Well hope that everyone stays busy and i promise to be back soon.

Big Hugs

Friday, December 18, 2009

I Won Yay yay yay

Hi everyone in blogland well it has happerned to me i won something special. The lovely Robyn over at Daisy Quilts had a Christmas Giveaway and there were 3 prizes. I love to read Robyn's blog and entered the giveaway and was doing my usual blog hop when i get a chance and reading and there was Rells Place as one of the winners and prize no 2 i was so excited that my family came running again to see what was wrong with me. Also it was my 22nd wedding anniversary when Robyn announce it on her Blog so woopeeee for me. Thank you Robyn the prize is just wonderful and i can not wait to make up one of the bags from the pattern.

Robyn my wonderful parcel arrived and the wonderful Hand made Ornament is hanging on the Christmas Tree.
Big hugs to everyone.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Well i have joined some wonderful swaps for the end of this year and now here they are. The first swap was a quick swap held by Jenny and Vicki it was a "Very Quick Christmas Fabric, Buttons and Trim" Swap! my partner was Robin in New Jersey (no Blog).
Here is what i sent Robin and the wonderful gifts that she sent me this was Robin's first swap. Thank you Robin, for being my partner this swap was so much fun and i hope that it is done again next year.

The next swap for this month was held by Robyn and Clare and it was an ornament swap. Thank both of you ladies the fun I had making something to go to someone and getting a new friend. My partner was Sandi and here is what she sent me and i just love angels, and look at the beautiful card and goodies and they did not last long in this house Thank you Sandi.And this is the ornament that i sent Sandi.

Well i will be back tomorrow as i do have more news for you all until then.
Big hugs

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Get on over and see Lucky

Hi blogger just quickly i no that i have not been here for awhile and i have so much to share with you all but have been extremely busy here on the station. But i had to let you no that you have to be quick and go over and see Lucky. She is having a give away as she is celebrating her Sewing Birthday. I have watched with joy at haw she bought her first sewing machine and started sewing and the wonderful things that she has made. When i started blogging she was there with lovely comments and is one of my followers i never thought that i would have followers. I love reading her blog and get the enjoyment of seeing a lovely lady learning to sew. So get on over and have a look back at the wonderful work that she has done.

I will be back tomorrow with a long post as i have finished my knitting and have gotten some wonderful swap things in the mail and now have my camera working again so i can post about the wonderful things that i have recieved from Robin in New Jersey (No blog yet but i am working on her) a wonderful material swap and Sandi a lovely christmas ornament. Sorry that i have not got the time now but i promis will be back tomorrow with pictures aswell.

Bye for now

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Christmas Material Shopping

Well i can not believe that it has been so long since my last post what a slacker i am. But i have been busy as it is getting hot here and with no rain well only a little we are out checking the dams as they are low and the cattle get bogged easily. Lick (cattle feed) to be put out and fences to check.

But i have had some fun i went Christmas Material shopping and got some wonderful pieces.

I have a Christmas Fabric, Button and Trim swap that i joined through Jenny and an ornament swap with Robyn and Clare. Thank you to those ladies these swaps are just great. So i have had a lovely time seeing what i will send and make for my swap partners. Well must get back to my knitting hope to have what i have been doing to show you durning the week. I will give you a clue it has something to do with Christmas as i just love love Christmas.

Till next time
Big Hugs and Happy Sewing

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Finally my Stash

Well girls you have been waiting for a week for me to show you my stash. Well first we had to get a mat, cutting wheel and other bits and pieces so that we could get started. Oh i forgot to put in my new ruler. Well i do have one of those just forgot to put it into the photo.

Then well we need some materials. Off to Spotlight we go and a sale we found, I no that it may look like a lot but living out here i can not just pop down to the shops as it is a 3 to 4 hour drive. So what do you think! i think that i can do something now.
Then after getting all of that material at Spotlight the lovely ladies told me about a wonderful shop just down the street so i just had to have a look and what did i find. Some lovely bright materials and on the way home up on the tablelands found another wonderful little shop and just had to have some of the bright materials from there also. So now i can now sit and sort out something small to start out with.Well if any of you have any suggestion's for me to start with please let me no as i am ready to start. Well that is it for me we are mustering tomorrow and over the weekend so i will be back on Monday to do my Blog hopping and read what you have all been up to. So have a great weekend and see you all next week.