Sunday, September 20, 2009

Need to find a way to stop the digging

Saturday morning when I went out to feed the boys I find Gerald's face covered in dirt. Most of the dirt part of the rabbitat is covered in wood (which you can't see in the picture because it's covered in dirt), but there is a spot where there is no wood covering (because we ran out of large boards). So when they boys dig a hole I throw what ever I can find into it, so when they dig again they can't go far. It's funny (not really) because they are a tag team. One digs, then they both move the dirt, then the other digs. Good job guys, you made me late for work (yes, on a Saturday).

Look at his paw ON the bowl!

Distructo buns!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Funny bunnies

It's rare to see Bambi flopped. So I snuck in with the camera, then Cinnamon decides to stretch out his back leg, and put it on Bambi. Guess you wouldn't believe I just trimmed his nails too...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

THE most disgusting creatures

on earth, to me, are spiders. I can't stand 'em. They are all gross and creepy. A few years ago one put me in a panic attack. So last night when I went out to feed the boys I see a big nasty in a web that has just got to go. I don't kill them, just move them. Especially this kind, they are big, fat (round like a mushroom top) and very slow. I only see them outside, and in September/October. Here he is with flash and without. But I don't dare get too close. Y U C K!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Oh yum, new basket!

OK, tired of this, get it out of the way.

Interest in the wicker basket didn't last, they went back to eating their blankets and the tarp that lines the bottom of their enclosure. I give them 5 million things to chew on, why do they insist on chewing the things they are not supposed to?!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Humane Society walk/run

On Saturday I attended the Humane Society fundraiser, a run/walk. I brought some friends along and we had a great time, the weather was perfect and views were great. Two of my friends that were there were RG and BL from Houseful of Rabbits. Walkers were encouraged to bring their dogs and if you didn't have a dog you could walk a shelter dog. But I got there too late and there were no more good shelter dogs to walk. BL was lucky enough to borrow a dog from her friend. RG was incharge of timing the runners (there was a 5K and 10K run).


More friends


Sunday, August 9, 2009

The other rabbitat critters

Among the spiders and large beetles there are other critters. This moth was hanging out while I was cleaning the rabbitat last week. Here he is resting on the laminant floor, but I'm sure he got his pattern from the wood he was hanging out on.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Treat for buns.

Well it was a lousy week of record breaking heat. On the hottest day it was 95 in the rabbitat, and 85 in the house. All the animals did well, including us humans because we got a window unit air conditioner. I think we are too far north to be so hot, really.

Anyway I'm still having USB issues. Or maybe it's a camera issue. I borrowed a friends dohickey to get pics off my camera. I put the camera's card in a box and the box plugs into the computer USB, and it works perfectly.

A few weeks ago I went to the $1 store and got the buns some baskets, then I went out into our weed filled yard and put some goodies in the basket. Here is Clint and Gerald enjoying theirs.
After a week the basket handles are gone, but the basket remains.