Sunday, January 26, 2025

MNN's Weather or Not UPDATE!



Gavin Newsom turns up uninvited in LA to greet unimpressed Trump,
 beg for federal aid after weeks of feuding



"Don't be a hoser, Gavin."

Manufactured News Network: "Where There's Smoke, There's Newsom!"


Emerald & Naomi: "Were LA Fires an Act of War?" - DailyClout

The Newsom Arsonists Caught in Mid-Rocket:

A FIRE STARTER ๐Ÿ”ฅThis Was REAL ๐Ÿ˜ณ Law Enforcement ๐Ÿ™ NEW WEATHER & Hummingbirds in Southern California


History rhymes…..Watch LA Fire Department 1962 documentary (26 min) on Los Angeles Bel Air/Brentwood wind driven wild fire that destroyed hundreds of high priced homes and businesses. LAFD identified lack of water as major factor then because water system undersized for fire emergencies and neighborhoods wouldn’t allow permanent water booster stations for higher elevations because they are “unsightly”.

And now, an MNN Public Service Moment: How It's Done:

May 4, 1967 Statement of Honorable Ronald Reagan, Governor of California, Before the Public Works Subcommittee, Committee of Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives | Ronald Reagan:
May 4, 1967

“Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee: Ordinarily when the California witnesses appear before you on behalf of appropriations for flood control and reclamation projects, we are clearing up debris from a severe winter flood, or are preparing for an unusually dry summer. This year is different, typical of California weather. We had one of the driest Februarys on record and were beginning to worry about water supplies when March storms brought the snowpack and streamflow up to about normal. Someone, however, forgot to turn the faucet off and the rain and extremely heavy mountain snowfall continued through March and right up to the end of April.

Reservoirs are almost full, and we have almost a 200 percent of normal snowpack waiting for warm weather and the snowmelt season. We just have no place to put the water and we anticipate some real problems with agriculture in the San Joaquin Valley.

All of this is just another way of highlighting Californias need for continuing development of flood control and water storage projects, and in the manner in which the federal projects fit in with scores of others being built by state and local agencies.

I fully endorse the program which will be presented to you in some detail by the Director of Water Resources and the Chairman of the California Water Commission, as well as by many witnesses from local agencies. It is a sound program, a necessary program, and one which is realistic. It has full support of all parts of California.” …….

*** URGENT*** 


Friday, January 24, 2025

Donald Trump's Many Terms of Endearment

Congressman pushes amendment to allow Trump a 3rd term — but not Obama, Clinton or Bush

I don’t think he wants another one.

But the Constitution itself is in conflict when it is undeniably proven that we re-elected him in the 2020 Landslide–and it will be so proven.

Art. 2 Section 1:

“He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and…be elected…”

22nd Amdt. Section 1:

“No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice…”

Too late. PDT has already been elected three times.

The Law says two terms only. But it also says the election winner shall hold office.

Since he won three terms, which part of the Law shall prevail?

To respect the Will of the People, I say he is due an additional term.

Proverbs 6:31 

And thieves who get caught
    must pay back
seven times what was stolen
    and lose everything.

Good is the Word of the Lord!

ps; Maybe he does:

Trump Tells Republicans He Won't Seek Third Term Unless They Find a Way to Allow It

Besides, he's earned another chance at this:

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Church Ladies Gone Shady!

But Don't Tax Her Free Speech Rights

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It was a set-up--but by who? Where was Wiles?

Speaking of set-ups, who steered the President to the BlackRock Kill-Box in Butler?

Regardless, even #FakeWoke Pastors have Free Speech Rights without losing tax-exempt status. 

Repeal the Johnson Amendment * WorldNetDaily * by Joseph Farah:

"The American War of Independence has been characterized as one inspired in the pulpits of the colonies.

"No king but King Jesus," was one of the slogans of those who fought the British soldiers, leading to the creation of a new independent state and the greatest explosion of freedom the world has ever known.

Because our founders believed churches were essential to maintaining the kind of Christian culture necessary for a free society in America, houses of worship were free of taxation and regulation by government.

Pastors, priests and rabbis were free to say what they wanted to say about politics and the issues of the day through the early history of our nation – in fact, right up until 1954.

That year, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, D-Texas, was facing opposition in his re-election bid from Christians and anti-communists, some of whom were speaking their minds freely from the pulpits.

Johnson, a powerful figure in the Senate who would later become John F. Kennedy's vice president and succeed him following the assassination in 1963, had a solution for his own political predicament – to muzzle churches and clergy with federal regulations.

Through what became known as "the Johnson Amendment," the U.S. Congress changed the Internal Revenue Service code, prohibiting non-profits, including churches, from endorsing or opposing political candidates.

It should have been seen as a clear infringement of the First Amendment back in 1954, but it wasn't. And this most regrettable action has haunted America ever since.

Recently, Wiley Drake, pastor of the First Southern Baptist Church of Buena Park, Calif., was notified by the IRS he is under investigation for endorsing Mike Huckabee's candidacy for president. His crime? Using church letterhead and a church radio show for speaking his mind.

Now his church is threatened with losing its tax-exempt status as a result.

Whether you agree with Wiley Drake or not, he and his church have every right to take a position on who should be our next president without risking the church's tax status. Under the First Amendment, Congress has no power to tax churches. Period. End of story. Under the First Amendment, Congress has no power to stifle freedom of speech.

Ever since 1954, the government has unevenly applied its illegitimate oversight of churches – winking as some pastors turn their churches over to political candidates to make stump speeches, while warning others it is inappropriate.

There is only one real solution – repeal the Johnson Amendment.

Just as we learned that repealing the Fairness Doctrine in 1987 resulted in an explosion of lively political debate in the broadcast industry, so will the repeal of the Johnson Amendment result in an explosion of political debate in the pulpits.

And what's wrong with that?" .......

The Body of Christ has authority over governments, not vice versa. Lord Jesus, we speak and claim our Rightful Authority over our government, Amen. We speak, decree and see an end to this un-American and un-Biblical doctrine in the Name of Jesus, so be it!

No Professor Fea, The Founders Did Not Want Ministers to Stay out of Politics - WallBuilders:

“…John Adams observed this same behavior toward the patriotic preachers of his day, noting that:

It is curious to observe the conduct of the Tories [those who opposed the patriots] towards this sacred body. If a clergyman preaches against the principles of the Revolution and tells the people that upon pain of damnation they must submit to an established government of whatever character, the Tories cry him up as an excellent man and a wonderful preacher, invite him to their tables, procure him missions from the society and chaplainships to the navy, and flatter him with the hopes of lawn sleeves [i.e., a special church appointment]. But if a clergyman preaches Christianity, and tells the magistrates that they were not distinguished from their brethren for their private emolument [personal economic benefit] but for the good of the people – that the people are bound in conscience to obey a good government but are not bound to submit to one that aims at destroying all the ends of government – Oh, sedition! Treason!

Significantly, Adams goes on to specifically reject Fea’s position, declaring:

It is the duty of the clergy to accommodate their discourses to the times – to preach against such sins as are most prevalent and recommend such virtues as are most wanted [lacking]. For example, if exorbitant ambition and venality [public corruption and bribery] are predominant, ought they not to warn their hearers against these vices? If public spirit is much wanted [lacking], should they not inculcate this great virtue? If the rights and duties of Christian magistrates [public officials] and subjects are disputed, should they not explain them, show their nature, ends, limitations, and restrictions, how much soever it may move the gall [anger the critics] . . .

We should not adopt LBJ’s Johnson Amendment position, meant to silence and defund pastors–but only pastors who dissent from the Swamp Narrative.

Let Freedom Ring! Our God will deal with these Woke Jokes, Hallelujah!

ps: Church Lady meets Hunter: 

They're Wild. And They're Fires. But They're Not Wildfires

PDT went to Cali about 7 years ago to the last big fire. Newsom agreed to work with him. PDT worked his ass off in DC to get all the approvals for all the water Cali needed. He handed the plan to Newsom and Newsom ripped it up.

That’s because they’ve been planning this Controlled Burn of California for years and it is no accident it happened in the Final Hours of the BidenReich.

California is on Fire From Monterey to San Diego

All businesses assess risk and reward. But that IS the business of insurance companies.

And they correctly assessed that these Occupation Governments planned to burn down California.

Been planned for years.

Quit pretending.

Father, thank You for the rains, and for Angel Armies to quench this hell, in Jesus' Name, Amen!

Malachi 4:

The Sun of Righteousness Will Dawn

 1-3 “Count on it: The day is coming, raging like a forest fire. All the arrogant people who do evil things will be burned up like stove wood, burned to a crisp, nothing left but scorched earth and ash—a black day. But for you, sunrise! The sun of righteousness will dawn on those who honor my name, healing radiating from his wings. You will be bursting with energy, like colts frisky and frolicking. And you’ll tromp on the wicked. They’ll be nothing but ashes under your feet on that Day.” God-of-the-Angel-Armies says so.

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Yes and Amen to the Lord of Hosts!

Do Not Fear the Lion! | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | May 23, 2024 (

:The 14th Amendment Protected the Civil Rights of Freed Slaves, Not Illegal Aliens" by Daniel Greenfield

 Daniel Greenfield: The 14th Amendment Protected the Civil Rights of Freed Slaves, Not Illegal Aliens | Frontpage Mag:

I have said it before and I will say it again, the 14th Amendment is by far the worst amendment to the Constitution. It broke every possible rule of constitutional government beginning with simplicity and timelessness. The 14th is a sprawling mess meant to deal with immediate problems that used sloppy broad language and quickly became a magnet for every leftist effort to conduct backdoor rewrites of the law.
Consider that in just the last few years, Democrats used 4 of the 5 sections of the 14th to argue that…
1. That Trump was ineligible to hold office
2. That Congress was obligated to raise the debt limit
3. That men who pretend they’re women are entitled to do so
and now
4. That illegal aliens born in this country are automatically citizens
We know exactly what Section 1 of the 14th was aimed at. “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside” was meant to protect the civil rights of freed slaves. It did not mean that anyone who happened to give birth in this country automatically made their kid a citizen, but that’s the absurd premise of birthright citizenship.
And the current Trump executive order meant to apply to future children of illegal aliens is being challenged on the basis of the Fourteenth. This battle is almost certainly going to end up in the Supreme Court which should be interesting, though far from an inevitable happy outcome. If you think Neil or Amy are going to vote to eliminate birthright citizenship, well good luck with that. Ideally we should repeal old number fourteen which is probably the sloppiest and messiest of the amendments. If you doubt that, go look up at that list above.
Not likely to happen, but a man can dream.
There’s no such thing as birthright citizenship. Or any of the other things that Dems keep finding in the 14th Amendment which was not written to do any of these things.” …….

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“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens…” 

Some of the Amendment authors supported Birthright Citizenship, others did not. But why then include the qualifier “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof…” if it simply means Born?

This is why children of ambassadors are not American citizens; their parents are subject to the jurisdiction of their homelands.

It’s gotten so ridiculous that if a Chinese soldier gave birth while invading California, that child would be called American. And then be entitled to bring his whole family over, put them on Social Security, get them race preferences, Small Business Loans and registered to vote.



Trump Is Right – Ending Birthright Citizenship Is Constitutional | The Heritage Foundation

Birthright Citizenship Is A Pernicious Lie That’s Destroying America

Waylon: "Be Careful of Something That's Just What You Want It To Be": The Vivek Ramaswampy Story

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Vivek Ramaswamy Drops Out of DOGE, Likely to Run for Ohio Governor - The Last Refuge:

Not since Ted Cruz’s GOP nomination speech in 2016 had a political figure self-immolated with such tone-deaf stupidity as Vivek Ramaswamy when he blamed American culture as the justification why we need to import H1B tech workers.   It’s been all downhill from that apex.

The Fascinating Story Behind Vivek Ramaswamy's Columbus, Ohio House - Homformation:

”Who is Vivek Ramaswamy?

Vivek Ramaswamy is an American entrepreneur who has made significant strides in the business world. In 2014, he established the biopharmaceutical company Roivant Sciences.

This endeavor was embarked upon after he gained valuable experience working as an investment partner at a hedge fund. His vision and hard work have helped him climb the ladder of success in the business world.

But his journey didn’t stop there. In 2021, after deciding to step down from his role as Roivant’s chief executive, he co-founded and took the helm as executive chairman of Strive Asset Management.

This firm is special because it counters the traditional emphasis on corporate social responsibility. It’s clear that Ramaswamy isn’t one to follow the crowd. He carves his own path. …

The property was purchased in May 2021 for a whopping $2M. (from the Stanley Steemer estate)

… there’s more to him than his business ventures and properties. His Ohio voter registration is interesting because it lists him as being ‘unaffiliated‘ to any political party. This means he hasn’t declared loyalty to any specific political group.

However, in a twist of events, February 2024 saw Ramaswamy taking a bold step into the political arena.

He declared his candidacy for the Republican Party’s nomination for president in the 2024 election. This decision surprised many, given his previous ‘unaffiliated’ status.” …….

Vivek showed up at Mommy’s Crooked Big Pharma company, which was based solely on a fraudulent product. He then signed a DARPA contract to bulid another fraudulent product; the Clot Shot Genetic Jab. After assauting the American People with that poison, he moved on to a DEI-based hedge fund.

Out of nowhere, he was then inserted into the race as a Young MAGA-replacement for PDT. His campaign was funded by selling shares of his companies to State Street and Vanguard at vastly inflated prices, which speaks of CIA funding.

Through bullshit and flattery, he managed to glom on to the Trump orbit. Elon fired him because Elon hates competition, but also because Vivek wouldn’t do any of the heavy lifting for DOGE, because he’s a lazy Deep State Grifter whose only focus is on himself.

His 2021 purchase of an Ohio home only means the CIA has been planning his career for a while now.

Good riddance to bad rubbish. Don’t fall for the carpet-bagger patent medicine con man, Ohio.

ps; let’s see that DARPA Contract, sonny.