Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm making something!

I have been inspired by all the beautiful sweater quilts i've been seeing, so I decided to make one for my son. I am hand sewing it, and figuring it out as I go, so it will be a long time before it's finished, but he will (hopefully) love it & have it forever. I have much respect for those who make these to sell... so time consuming! His favorite color is orange, but I also wanted it to be adult looking, so he doesn't outgrow it. This is what I have so far.

Sweaters & sweaters & sweaters, oh my!

Last Saturday I went into Chicago to hit all the great thrift stores in search of sweaters for my shop. I spent 6 hours in 2 stores & 3 hours driving, but I came back with over 100 sweaters! You should have seen the looks on the cashier's face when I brought up my cart filled with sweaters, lol.

My son was overjoyed at the mound of sweaters, and I let him play in them before I sorted them. Life's simple pleasures :)

I made something!

All the sweaters & creativity around me have got me feeling crafty for Christmas. I will not be selling anything, but i'm going to be making some homemade wool things for my family. It's also nice for me to have something to do while i'm watching the few tv shows that I watch. I made this the other night (out of sweater scraps from my quilt project) for my son, & he loves his "worm". Yes, I understand that worms do not have antennas (my husband was quick to point that out), but this one does. Crusty, what my son named him, also has a sweater ;)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Water bottle cozies, cute & functional!

What a fun & cute way to keep your drinks cold & your hands warm & cozy! Other super cute cozies, as well as other fun upcycled wool goodies, can be found at:

The Radical Thread Co.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Drinks wear sweaters too!

ThinkingMama was really thinking when she made these! Ever feel guilty at all the waste when you put the cardboard sleeve on your drink then throw it away? Me too! Not only is this better for the environment, but more pleasing to the hand... and even more pleasing to the eye. More coffee sweaters, and other great recycled wool items can be found on her site:


Hats... don't forget the hats!

These hats are so stinkin' cute, but still not as cute as her kids! I even like her slogan (i'm jealous because it's better than mine!): "recycled. reconstructed. and re-loved". You can check out more of Mosey's great hats, as well as her other cool upcycled wool goods at:


Thursday, October 16, 2008

What could be warmer than a wool quilt?

Betcha don't think of Grandma's cardigans when you think of quilts! This beautiful heirloom quality quilt was made from recycled wool.

For more beautiful quilts like this, you can visit:

Sheep's Sleep