Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Thrifty Finds - Mid August 2013

It's no secret that I'm in the midst of a mess. It might be categorized as a mess of epic proportions...

About a year and a half ago, I decided to completely redo every room in my house. It's not a huge house - 3 bedrooms, 2 living areas, a fairly small kitchen, a nice formal dining room, a couple of small hallways, a utility room, one smallish bath and one 3/4 bath - around 1750 square feet.

I began in the "formal" living room - the one that stays neat most of the time. Then I moved into the "formal" dining room, which gets used anytime there's more than just me dining, even though the table seats ten.

I've dabbled here and there, painting furniture and small things, waiting for my son and his large, sofa-eating dog to find their own place. It happened in mid July. First, we had a garage sale to get rid of stuff none of us wanted. 

Next, I moved some of the stuff Hannah wanted into the front bedroom, as a sort of holding room until she gets it, and I get the other rooms put together. One will be a bedroom - maybe mine, maybe a guest room. The other will be an art room and office.

People, I had stuff in the garage, in the den, under the beds in two bedrooms, in a hall closet...and that's just the art room stuff. Presently, it is stacked in the room in a most chaotic manner. I have art supplies for painting, jewelry, collage and assemblage. I have Etsy things - ready to go and future projects. I have odd things like rusty coffee cans, yarn and ephemera. I have sewing supplies and fabric. 
And somewhere in all the boxes are my winter wardrobe and shoes. 

I have been emptying out furniture so I could move it from room to room. I have been emptying out closets. I have been sorting out more garage sale things for a September sale. 

Since I have way too much "stuff" for my 1750 sq. ft. home, I decided going to thrift stores regularly was a bad idea. I can no longer say, "Etsy..." 

But a couple of Saturdays ago, I just had to do a little thrift shopping, for old-time's sake.

The lovely metal trophy-like vase above was only .50c at one of my favorite places. See why I couldn't pass it by?

Same for this mercury glass vase - .50c! Ditto for each of the wood pieces below.

I'm collecting a random alphabet for a future grandchild's room. All the letters will be different sizes, fonts, etc. 
The bag of fall stuff was a dollar. Each piece would have cost that much at Dollar Tree, and there were 5 in the bag.
Of course, I'll paint them.

The last item I found at the thrift store was a bag of lace for a dollar. There's quite a bit there, wrapped around spools. 

So I spent $4 plus tax. And it felt so good!

Since July, I have painted the middle bedroom, but I still need to touch up a bit. 

I have moved furniture in, our and around in there at least twice, trying things on for size - literally. It's the smallest of the three bedrooms.

I have painted a green book case white, and begun assembling items for it. 

I have gathered items for the walls, but haven't yet hung them since I'm not 100 percent sure about the furniture that will be in the room. I'm living in it, trying my best to make it function well first. THEN I can do more of the "fun" stuff to decorate it and make it cozy.

Somehow, I imagined this process would take a week or two. It's been a month, and I am still in limbo. Thankfully, I have a long weekend this weekend to devote to getting things in order. 

I can't wait until I can post a finished room for you to see!
Until then, I might show you vignettes as they begin to happen, and pieces of furniture as it gets done. 

Fall is coming, even though we're expecting 100 degree temps here this weekend. I LOVE fall decorating, food, clothing, heck, I can't think of anything I DON'T love about fall! 

I DID go to Julie's garage sale, and I spent $13 on stuff there, but I'll show you that another time. Some of it was project stuff...

Confession is good for the soul. 

Word for the Day:
Why should a fool have money in his hand to buy wisdom when he has no sense?

Possibly Linking With


Sunday Show-off Link Party
Sunday Showcase Party

Masterpiece Monday
Make it Pretty Monday
Mod Mix Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
The Scoop
The Scoop
Inspire Me Tuesday
Inspiration Exchange Linky Party

Wow Us Wednesday
Blissfully White Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday
Cottage Style Party
What We Accomplished Wednesday

Thursday Open House Party
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday

Feathered Nest Friday
Frugal Friday
Fabulously Creative Friday
Rustic Restorations Weekend
What’s Shakin’ Link Party

Saturday Nite Special
Get Schooled Saturday

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Appropriate Measures

What I measured today:
  • things crossed off a "to-do" list
  • things I still need to do
  • the number of views of a blog-post
  • the number of tenths of a pound lost or gained
  • the number of hours before I could leave my day job

I even measure things that haven't happened yet.
  • How many hours I will be able to devote to projects
  • How many projects I will complete
  • How many photos can I take?
  • How many Etsy items should I list this weekend?
  • How many days before my insurance check is deposited?
  • How many roofers should I call?

Sometimes I try to measure intangible things.

  • How many days should I wait before calling again?
  • How much of my dinner should I eat, and how much should I put in a doggie bag?
  • How much time should I allow to prepare a speech?
  • How long should it be? How many discussion questions?

Try as I may to live in the moment, the need to measure and quantify things persists. I have always been a list maker.
And as many lists as I make and prioritize, somehow they never seem to work out perfectly. There are things left undone. 

And I suppose that's not a bad thing. Having no "to-do" list is something I would not like - at least for an extended period. I'd have to make a new get some new "to-do's."

But I will try not to obsess. I will try to achieve balance. My life is more than projects and white paint. Things will get done when they get done. I will clean my house. I will blog. I will rest. I will have dinner with friends, drink coffee with my aunt, and watch something on Netflix. And if while I watch Netflix, I happen to be painting the 7th small item of the evening, so be it. 

Progress is being made...inch by inch, and tenth of a pound by tenth of a pound, and small project by small project.

Word for the Day
Job 38:4-5
“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
    Tell me, if you have understanding.
Who determined its measurements—surely you know!
    Or who stretched the line upon it?

Possibly Linking with:


Make it Pretty Monday
Mod Mix Monday


Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
The Scoop
Inspire Me Tuesday


Wow Us Wednesday
Blissfully White Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday


Thursday Open House Party
Time Travel Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday


Feathered Nest Friday
Fabulously Creative Friday
Rustic Restorations Weekend


Saturday Nite Special

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

1931 Vintage Sterling Silver Trophy Lamp Update and Kindness

OK, people. I really DO value your opinions, and when I ask for them, I mean it.

That being said, I'm keeping the 1931 sterling silver golf trophy someone turned into a lamp. 

Just in case you didn't notice it in a photo in my last post, here it is again. I switched the shade for one I already had, and I think it suits. Here's the other one I had put on it:

While it looks more vintage and in line with the curves and age of the lamp, my living room is a happy mix of a few modern lines and old crusty stuff. 

BUT that's not the most exciting thing! (Yes, I could get giddy over a lamp shade, but no. That's not the gist of this post.)

The most exciting thing is that somehow my post caught Robin's eye. Robin comes from a family of golfers, and was able to explain some things to me in terms a person who might buy a copy of "Golfing for Idiots," namely, me, would understand:

This piece appears to be a trophy from a golf tournament. To make playing fun for all of the participants, the organizers of these tournaments separate players into "Flights" based on their handicaps. That way, the very best players are placed in the "Championship Flight". As the players' handicaps got higher, they were placed in higher numbered flights. So whoever won this trophy probably had a high handicap, with no chance of winning the entire tournament, but at least they won for their flight..which was comprised of other players with the same handicap. Make sense? If you could figure out where the trophy was won, you may be able to contact the country club to find out "Who" won the Seventh Flight in their Invitation Tournament in 1931. And knowing that our country was in a severe depression in 1931, I would think this was won by someone of extreme privilege. And if that is the case, who else played in that tournament? Sam Snead or Byron Nelson or Ben Hogan? I'm just have some rich history with this piece!I hope this helps.Robin

But wait, it gets even MORE exciting! Robin is a very bright person - sort of Sherlock Holmes bright. 

That being said, I was almost floored to get an offer I couldn't refuse!

Hi Revi,
It was my pleasure offering what little I know about the world of golf tournaments  Do you know the name of the golf club?  I couldn't tell from the picture if the blue emblem was part of the trophy and if so, did it say RGC?  Because of the year, 1931, I have to believe this tournament was attended by the elite of the elite because who had money to belong to a country club in 1931.  I found a Riverhill Golf Club in Texas and the course was created by Byron Nelson.  I bet if you took a photo of the emblem and emailed it to potential courses, they would hopefully be able to tell you if that was their logo at one time in the past.  Just a thought...I'm a sentimental old fool and find such pleasure learning about the pieces I work on.  
Also, it looks as though the original piece was a vase and someone had it retrofitted into a lamp.  That would make sense to give out a vase as a trophy...not a lamp, fwiw.  I grew up in a golfing family and have several of my father's trophies.  Nothing sterling...all silver plated!  :(
If you are over researching it and want some help..I'd love to dig my teeth into this.  Not sure I could find anything more than what you have, but sometimes two sets of eyes are better than one!  :)
Anyway, congratulations on a great find!
Have I told you lately how much I really love blogging?
It's sort of like volunteering at church; you just meet the NICEST people there!

Check out Robin's blog:

Robin, you made my week, dear! 

Word for the Day:
Micah 6:8
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

Possibly Linking With


Sunday Show-off Link Party
Sunday Showcase Party

Masterpiece Monday
Make it Pretty Monday
Mod Mix Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
The Scoop
Inspire Me Tuesday
Inspiration Exchange Linky Party

Wow Us Wednesday
Blissfully White Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday
Cottage Style Party
What We Accomplished Wednesday

Thursday Open House Party
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday

Feathered Nest Friday
Frugal Friday
Fabulously Creative Friday
Rustic Restorations Weekend
What’s Shakin’ Link Party

Saturday Nite Special
Get Schooled Saturday