May 18, 2011

Christmas 2010

Well Christmas has come and gone and the 4th of July is just around the corner but better late than never. For Christmas we were unsure of what we were going to do since Rhett's dad was here in the valley having surgery 2 weeks before Christmas. Last minute we decided to drive to Eagar on Christmas Ever. We got to my parents house around 11:00 p.m. or so. We told my family that we were going to drive up Christmas day but decided to surprise them and come a day early. We let my mom in on the surprise but told nobody else. My dad and Sydney were already asleep by time we got there but we were so excited to be there that we woke them up. My dad was nice enough to re-read "The Night Before Christmas" story to the kids even though it was late. It is one of our favorite things about Christmas w/ my parents (especially because of the funny words he ads in to entertain the adults listening). Despite how late we got to bed that night the kids were still up bright and early to open presents. It was a great Christmas! We love being in Eagar for Christmas and love being with family even more. Every year it seems someone will suggest staying home for Christmas but I just can't do it. It just doesn't feel like Christmas here.

Grandpa Brown reading "The Night Before Christmas

Everyone looking so lovely Christmas morning.

December 9, 2010

Family Pictures 2010

So while we were in Eagar for fall break my cousin Amber so kindly took time out of her busy life to take some family pictures of us. She did a great job. It was fun and stress free which is not the norm for me and my family when it comes picture time. The kids were all happy and very cooperative. I am very thankful to have family pictures so we can look back and treasure the time we have together. Time goes by so quickly and I love capturing it just for a moment in these pictures.

August 16, 2010

Saydie Bug

Saydie came home from school today and this is what she tells me:

"Mom, today I was sad at the playground and a boy came up to me and said do you want to hold hands or kiss?"
And so of course I asked her what she said and she loudly say's: " I said no!"
To be completely honest I was worried for what answer she would give. She keeps giggling about it and saying she is going to tell everyone what happened to her at school. I am glad she said no but am worried about how giddy she is about the whole situation! I am not ready for Saydie and the crazy things that will happen at school!

July 21, 2010


What is my problem? For the life of me I cannot bring myself to update my blog and the longer it takes me the harder it is! Is life ever going to slow down? Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?

February 24, 2010

My sweet Thatcher B

I found a bunch of cd's that I had put pictures on several years ago instead of developing the prints and I don't think I ever even looked at them. I decided to pop one of the cd's in this morning and see what was on it and this is what I found. My sweet little Thatcher that isn't so little anymore! This is him 3 years ago. He was just over a year old and now he is almost 4! Where has the time gone. It made me so sad. I miss that sweet little boy that I could just sit and kiss on all the time. He still let's me give him lots of kisses but it just isn't the same. Oh how I miss that sweet baby!

February 21, 2010


Sydney was wondering why my Christmas post had a picture of everyone that was there over Christmas except her. It was because every picture that I had with Sydney in it was blurry because my camera is being weird. This was the only clear picture I have. I didn't post it because I thought she would wonder why I put this picture of her on my blog. Well this is what you get when you complain Sydney!

P.S. We love Sydney. She is the best aunt ever. As a matter of fact, Thatcher likes her better than anyone else in this whole world!

December 30, 2009

After Christmas Fun

After Christmas Ashley came with her new baby Liam. He is so sweet and so tiny! I love having a baby around to hug and kiss on. It is alway's nice to stay after the craziness of the holiday's are over so we can relax and enjoy time with family. We played games and rocked out on Beatles Rock Band almost every night. I wish I had pictures of that! We walked in the dome, visited cousins, went out to eat and spent way to much time at Short Stop. I just love every second we get to spend in Eagar with family. I never want to leave but somehow we alway's manage to make is back home.
Best present ever!

Ashley and Liam.

I love how much he loves his mom right from the start!

Saydie put stickers on Joelle's prego belly.

My dad took us to see my grandpa's headstone. It is very nice and shiny. It took my grandma a while to pick it out and the one she picked had to be shipped from another country. She only wanted to best for her sweetheart! I think that is just so sweet. I really do miss having Grandpa Brown around but have such great memories of him and am looking forward to the day when we can see him again!