Tuesday, December 29, 2015

...Knapp Family Year in Review 2015...

 Knapp Family Year in Review 2015…

Anyone else ready to ring in the new year??

2015 brought it's fair share of trials and hard times, and I'm ready to give it a good old fashion Bye Felicia.
To be fair, 2015 brought us some great things as well, our favorites being the birth of our 4th kid, and Star Wars episode VII. The jury is still out on which was more exciting, but I will say it's a close race.

Here's the rundown on how 2015 treated el famila.

Logan (3 months)- aka. Little buddy, bobo, big adventure, or BB-8.

We'll start with the latest addition to our not so little bunch. Logan came into the world after the looooooongest 9 months of my life. He was born at 39 weeks and had a rough start, but turned a corner and has been nothing short of an angel baby every since. You can find an incredibly long, detailed account of his birth, right here.  All you really need to know about Logan is that he's incredibly generous with his smiles and giggles, is madly in love with his mama, and sleeps from 9pm to 5am, eats for 15 minutes and goes back to sleep until 7. All of the above has earned him the spot of “mom's favorite kid.”
At his most recent check up he came in at 6th percentile for height, which is our shortest kid on record, 30th for weight, which is our skinniest kid on record, and 100th percentile for head circumference, which is right on par with the rest of us big headed Knapps. Literally, of course, not figuratively.

At least 3 times a day when i look at Logan, I just start crying. Partly because I'm overly emotional at all times, and partly because I love him so much. He is so sweet, I literally have no words to describe it. We are super excited to watch Logan grow and progress this upcoming year... as long as he keeps up that dreamy sleep schedule.

Likes: Mommy, Daddy, the swing, bedtime, the blow dryer.

Dislikes: loud sounds, cold milk, being put down when trying to prepare a bottle for him.

Miley (2 ½) – aka goo-guh-la, googie monster, googs, or MIIIILLLLEEYYY!!!!

If there was an award for the “worlds most stubborn cutie face princess pants” Miley would be a shoe in winner. Miley spends most of her days insisting we all conform to her way or the highway. I truly think she believes she is a parent in our family, as she refers to her siblings 90% of the time as “the kids.” She loves to assert herself at all times, and in all things and in all places. This year she has developed a love of most food and is willing to try almost anything. She was OBSESSED with Lagoon this year and willingly rode every ride in the park that they would let her on, and bawled hysterics when they wouldn't let her on the roller coasters that went upside down. She talks about roller coasters constantly, although she calls them “roe sketters” so you'd have to speak “Miley” to know it.

Miley's very best friend is Luke, although sadly for her, Luke doesn't exactly return the sentiment.

This year Miley dethroned Macy as "Loudest Kid in the Knapp Family", but true to form, that wasn't good enough, as now it seems she is going for “loudest kid in the whole wide world” Luckily for her, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, so I don't mind all that much.

We are still trying to decide if Miley is intrinsically nice or naughty. She always wears the cutest, biggest smile, but there is QUITE often a mischievous underlying vibe to it. I guess only time will tell. I will say either way, we'll take it. She is FUN, with a capital F and we couldn't love her more.

Likes: paw patrol, kitties, makeup, “my princess” which is any and every dress or skirt in our house, Team Umizoomi, Daddy, broccoli, the number 39, Monster Trucks, cookies, and Pops.

Dislikes: ANYTHING having to do with potty training, being quiet, being told no, being dirty, when you fill her water bottle all they way to the top (?), and when you do something for her that she can obviously do herself, even though it takes 47 million times longer.

Luke (5)- aka the buddy, buddy boy, Lukey boy, diddy, bum diddy, diddy bop.

I just sighed very heavily as I attempted to describe this year for our buddy Luke. The best way I can describe Luke's year has been EXTREME. Luke deals in extremes. He vacillates between being extremely amazing and extremely hard. He will never be lost in our home because of his daily fluctuations between the nicest, kindest, most helpful kid, and the naughtiest, most emotional, meanest kid.
Luke loves us so much. He cries often when trying to tell us just how much he loves us and how grateful he is to have us as his mom and dad. Coincidentally we do the same thing and feel the same way, in regards to him.
This year as been rough trying to figure out what makes Luke tick. Like what things contribute to him having a good day (consistency, lots of praise but not TOO much, encouragement, not being pushed to far outside his comfort zone) and a bad day (changing of plans, too much stimuli, something new and unknown, anyone showing anger/frustration/serious emotion towards him, things that are too loud, too hard, too unexpected).
Although Luke provides us with plenty of challenges, he gives us triple the reasons to laugh and smile. He's has shown so much creativity, in his ability to express himself through writing and drawing, both of which have really taken off this year. He loves drawing us pictures to convey how he feels, and most of the time they are hilarious, Like light bulbs when he has an idea, and ripped in half hearts when we've upset him. 

Luke LOVES Legos. He could spend all day, every day building Legos. His lifelong dream was realized this year when we took a family trip to LEGO LAND. He was basically in heaven for 10 straight hours. He's also recently fallen head over heels in love with STAR WARS, making his dad so, so happy. He saw the movie 5 days before Christmas and upon returning home, revamped his ENTIRE Christmas list, sending his mom, dad, and Santa, into a panic. Luckily, Santa came through and Kylo Ren and Chewbacca can now be seen running though our house at all hours of the day and night. Luke is clever, comes up with some hilarious original jokes and is able to find humor is most things. His giggle is infectious, his smile could win over anyone on the planet, and his hands are always UNBELIEVABLY dirty.
Luke is arguable the most spiritual person in our family and prays often and out in the open. Church isn't his favorite place, as he recently told me he “loves Jesus, but hates church” He also recently expressed his dislike for Satan, when he walked up to me one afternoon and announced if he were to ever meet Satan, “it wouldn't be a problem because I would just kick him in the nuts”
(Sorry, about that)
Luke holds the biggest piece of my heart out of all my kids. Not because I love him the most, but because his happiness and success in life, weighs so heavily on me as his mother. My heart and brain work overtime for this kid and despite the challenges, I couldn't feel more blessed to have him as my boy.

Likes: Legos, Evan HD videos, STAR WARS, chicken nuggets, sleeping at hotels, going on mommy/son dates, every single holiday, and “doing hard things first, so the fun stuff lasts longer”

Dislikes: change, seriousness, most food, cleaning up, beards, characters in costume, dogs, music that is too loud or too sad, and having his own room.

Macy (8)- aka. Chewie, Moochew, pumpkin pie, Macyprettylady, Mayme

People often tell me what a good kid Macy is, and consequently, what a good mother I must be. The truth is Macy just came that way. She gives us zero problems except for an occasional ride on the emotional “roe sketter” brought on by 2nd grade girl problems...which I have a feeling are due to her bossy streak and flair for the dramatics. And if she is tired...WATCH OUT. She straight up loses her little redheaded marbles when she gets too tired, much like her mother before her.
This year Macy was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We are super proud of her choice and love her love of the gospel.
Macy also started piano this year and has taken to music like fish to water. She has a great musical ear. She writes her own songs, including lyrics and plays them over and over and over and over and over again, usually at the loudest volume possible. She looks forward to using the Kareoke machine she recieved from her Gobby for Christmas...you know, Gobby....the Grandma that doesn't live with us and consequently, doesn't get to hear Macy singing at the top of her lungs, amplified through a speaker, all. day. long.
Macy unabashedly puts herself out there and is always willing to try new things, with no fear. She lives boldly, LOUDLY, and unafraid of consequence. Macy recognizes humor easily, especially and unfortunately, adult humor. She loves a cleverly placed swear word and catches things that go over most kids heads. So, in other words, we are in big trouble. Contrary to her quick wit, she tells the worlds LEAST funny jokes and gets so offended and confused when we don't laugh as hard as she thinks we should.
This year Macy has a front row seat to me adjusting to being a mother of 4 and consequently, the job of “Mother” is moving further and further down the list of what she wants to be when she grows up. She has assured me that before she has kids she will be a paleontologist, a worker at Disney, a pop star, a marine biologist, and a zoo worker.
Macy has proven this year, to be the best big sister ever and she is honestly a blast to hang out with. We love her SO much and can't IMAGINE our lives without her shiny bright existence. 

Likes: animals, animal jam computer game, American Girl dolls, her cousins, cooking, playing with friends, The Cannibal roller coaster, being dramatic. (yes, she has told me time and time again, she "just LOVES drama")

Dislikes: going to bed early, feeling confined or stuck, hearing sad stories, scary movies, and the the watery water stuff that sometimes pools at the top of her Greek yogurt.

Rich (almost 39)- aka. Daddy, Waddy, hunny, & DAAAAAAAD!

Rich is nothing, if not consistent. He is consistently the funniest and silliest member of our family. He has consistently upheld his title of DAD OF THE YEAR for 8 straight years, and he consistently continues to impress me with his patience, ability to grow and evolve, and his love for his family.
This year Rich was dealt some serious trials. He had an angry, hungry, impatient, pregnant wife for 9 months, lost a brother in a tragic accident, and went though a major transition at work. I am moved to tears as I reflect on the gracious, patient, and focused way he dealt with all three trials, all while maintaining impeccable leadership in our home. He still was able to give so much of himself through the rough times and was still the fun dad, amazing supportive husband, awesome neighbor, and upstanding American citizen we all know and love.
Never in my life have I met a person as amazing as Rich and I'm thrilled to have spent another year as his wife.
Although, if we are getting technical, I could do without the licking plates when he's done eating, flossing on the couch, the farting, and the non stop need to go, go, go.

Likes: A well designed spreadsheet, tucking the kids in, snuggles/talking/playing a game on a bed with the whole family, seasons, trips, clean and toyless floors
Dislikes: misleading movie reviews, kids fighting, kids growing up, exhausted wife, pillows without a case, the Denver Broncos(amen!), car payments, and the complete angry chaos that ensues when our family is getting ready for church on Sunday morning. 

Kellie- (25ish) aka Me, Mom, Mommy, Mother, MOOOOOM, Putie.

This year has brought TONS of growth for me. I feel like a stronger person than I was this time last year, although that's not saying much as most times I feel about as strong as a wet noodle. I do, however, feel like I have a better understanding of priorities, a greater appreciation for the ebbs and flows of life, and a greater sense of the love that God has for me and my family.
I'm excited to finally have our whole family here, and focus on the fun and growth ahead of us.
I have lots of goals set for this year including but not limited to: stop biting my nails after 32 years of being a nail bitter, complete a triathlon (sprint distance, duh), focus more on the important details of family life, be a better/hotter wife to my red headed husband, and be a better friend, sister, daughter, aunt, and mother.

Likes: When everyone is healthy, food, cooking, sleep, rain, clouds, fires, kids art, the feeling of sore muscles from a good workout, pg rated swearing, the clicking sound my camera makes, sleeping kids, laughing kids, DVRs, the way you feel after a good long cry, and Netflix.
Dislikes: GERMS, sad kids, back pain, rude people, being hot, putting on clothes while not fully dry, humidity, fighting kids, days when I have too much to do, how long the school day feels, eggs, mayonnaise, orange juice, and pie crust.

If you are still reading this….congratulations and thank you. If you are my kids reading this years down the road, I'm sorry and I love you.

Cheers to 2016, may you bring us all, happiness, health, and great memories! 

..Logan's Birth Story...

At about 34 weeks pregnant my doctor informed me she'd be out of town for my due date. She suggested the possibility of an elective induction at 39 weeks which she WOULD be there for. The idea made me nervous so I went home and talked to Rich about it. I knew PLENTY of people who have had successful elective inductions and Rich talked to some co workers who told him it was the best way to go. We still weren't 100% sure, so we waited a while before deciding.

At 37 weeks I got an ultrasound, measuring the baby at 7 and a half pounds. At the point we both felt like an elective induction would be fine since the baby was plenty big, and way easier since we could plan everything.  I was also pretty miserable, so a week ahead of schedule sounded GREAT to me.

My mom came into town Tuesday the 29th. She helped me get on top of the house cleaning and laundry, and even watched my kids Wednesday night, the night before we were scheduled, so Rich and I could have one last chance date and opportunity to go to the Temple before the baby came. When ever my mom arrives, prior to me having a baby, I always can relax SO much more. She is a lifesaver!

The morning of...I woke up SO ANGRY the morning of my induction. I still am not sure why. I was tired, grumpy, scared, and nervous. I was in the worst mood. We called Labor and Delivery at 6am and they told me to head in at 7am. Rich and I grabbed some breakfast at home and headed to the hospital in Salt Lake to have this baby! There were lots of tears shed by me on the way to the hospital, I think it was a combination of nerves, the impending pain, and just the overall big change that was about to take place in our family!

We checked in answered and bevy of questions. Finally about 9am, my IV was in and they started pitocin. About an hour later, I was having contractions but they weren't strong at all...like I could barely feel them, so I put off getting an epidural.

At about 1030am, my mom, Miley, and sister Kelsie came to visit. I was starting to get hungry but all they would let me eat was this really yummy raspberry flavored ice. I think someone snuck me a few cookies, so that was awesome.

About 12pm the contractions started getting a little painful, so I ordered an epidural to stay on top of it. It was as pleasant as an epidural could be! BY FAR the easiest, most effective epidural of all 4 births I've had!! I can't remember the name of my anesthesiologist, but he sounded exactly like John Bytheway, which I told him during the procedure, and then called him the rest of my hospital stay.

By 2pmI was getting super frustrated. The epidural was working beautifully, but my body was just not dilating! The baby's heart rate would go down occasionally with a contraction here and there so they kept trying to move me into different positions to see if that helped, although all of them being on my back or side, never sitting up.. They also gave me oxygen. At 3, I was annoyed, still only dilated to a 4, so I asked my mom to go get my kids because I missed them and I was just sitting there on my butt, so I mine as well have a party while we wait! . By this time we had Me, Rich, Miley, Macy, Luke, Kelsie, her husband Devin, My mom, and my pseudo aunt and uncle, Dave and Mary Hunstman all partying in my room. It was by far, by most well attended birth and it was welcome distraction for the fact that my body wasn't kicking into gear.

 At 5pm, My doctor came in to check me at I was only at a 4plus, maybe 5. I had only dilated 3 cm in 8 hours?!?! I started to MAJORLY regret my decision to have an elective induction. I started stressing majorly at the possibility of a c section, and I just wanted to cry.  My doctor said we'd just sit tight and try to relax and keep watching me. She walked out of the room and I had to sit up. I had been laying down the entire time and I just felt sick and tired of it and I just felt this huge need to sit up. I sat up, and had a GNARLY contraction, and the baby's heart rate dipped SUPER low. They said I had to lay back down and I just felt so defeated. I lay back down and had another contraction that was so painful, took my breath away.  I was so confused because my epidural had been working so well, and now I was feeling this MASSIVE contractions. I had three more super bad contractions in the next two minutes and then I felt THE NEED TO PUSH. I had no idea why, since I was only dilated to a 5 as of 2 minutes ago. I told the nurse I needed to push, so she ran over and checked me and said “ Oh yes you do!  You are at a 10 and there's the baby's head. They called my doctor back in, who had just made it down the elevator, and she rushed back in and it was go time.

Two big pushes later,at 5:11pm, Logan Lee Knapp was born, weighing in at a teeny 6.7 pounds and 29 inches long.
As soon as they placed Logan on my chest I knew he was a tiny baby. I cuddled him and loved him while I was getting cleaned up. My doctor informed me that my placenta wasn't delivering and so she needed to “go in and get it.” THAT, my friends was NOT comfortable. I asked to see my placenta, since I'd never seen one in my 4 births, and after she'd gotten it, she showed me. I remember she showed me the second sac from the twin I had miscarried early in my pregnancy. I wasn't too emotional about it, since so much was going on, but looking back, it was pretty surreal. I don't think about that miscarriage often, as I understand that Heavenly Father has a plan for our family. I don't think it means I need to have another baby, in order to get that baby down here. I believe there was a spirit designated for that body, and I will get that baby someday in the next life. That may or may not be accurate, but my mother's heart chooses to believe that, and believe it, I do. It was nice, in a weird sort of way to see that sac and be reminded that birth is an amazing thing, and to conceive, grow and birth a baby, is a true, real life miracle.

I can't recall a lot of what happened after that other an everyone got a turn holding the baby after his initial check up. His blood sugar was low at his initial check, so they wanted to give him a couple minutes and test it again. After Luke had held Logan, she said it was time to check again and  it had dropped even lower...like scary low. So they rushed him to the NICU to start an IV. I sent Rich with Logan, while they transferred me to my recovery room, and my mom took the kids home.

The next 5 days were a blur. I alternated between, pumping, feeding, praying, sleeping, crying, and drinking tons and tons of water. Logan was given a continuous IV drip to help maintain his blood sugar. After two days they took him off, and his blood sugar dipped again, so they turned it back up...it was very much a one step forward, two steps back process. I remember watching LDS General Conference from my hospital room, and I remember bawling HYSTERICALLY through Elder Hollands talk, Behold,Thy Mother, as I sat and prayed and prayed my little baby would get better, as my own mother stood in my place at home, caring for my other children. I was basically one big, postpartum, bawling mess.
During that time, they discharged me from the hospital, although Logan would have to stay. LUCKILY for me they had a room called “ hotel stay” for mom's with kids in the NICU, and it was available for me! I stayed 3 additional nights. I will never forget when is blood sugar test came back at a 72, and then again at 73 and after 12 hours of being drip free, and still maintaining those sugar levels we were ABLE TO GO HOME!
Our first few days at home were mostly a 3 day seminar for Miley and Luke on where to NOT touch the baby and how to NOT touch the baby. They loved him so much and just wanted to snuggle and love him to smitherines. It's still a daily struggle, with Miley. UGH.

In the first weeks of us being home, we were taken care of SO WELL by family and neighbors. We received so many meals, and flowers and well wishes and love.

As always, there is no way we could have done any of this, without the help of my Mom. She stepped in and cared for our other kids SO WELL, and she and Pops even sent me flowers to spruce up my otherwise gray room. She is a life saver, literally, and I wouldn't want to have a baby without her help, EVER.

I still, 3 months later wonder if elective induction was a good choice or bad choice. The cord was wrapped around Logan's neck and I did dilate from a 5 to 10 in FOUR MINUTES. So in all reality I could have had my baby in my van, on the freeway during the 30 minutes it took to drive to the hospital. And since the cord was around his neck, it could have gone badly very, very quickly. BUT he was so little when he was born, I just can't shake the feeling he wasn't ready to come out.  I guess I will never know, and I need to find some way to make peace with the fact that it is what it is, and he's a healthy, happy, little stinker butt now.

I'm SO happy to have this little boy in our family. I love that he's the little caboose in the bunch and I can't wait to watch him grow and learn and find out just how much he is loved and wanted in our family.