Sunday, November 23, 2008

Don't bother me, I'm eating!

Nose or nipple?

Too hungry to care!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

For Brannon!

I'm impressed! Seriously.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


I know you are all dying to see some pictures of Sage! Here's a sneak peak... visit my photography blog to see more!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I've been able to get Sage to latch on during three feedings today! I can't begin to tell you how happy that makes me! No tears today!

I think I figured out what was going on, although I don't know why it happened. Today when I went to try to nurse I stuck my finger in her mouth to have her suck on it. I noticed then that she was putting her tongue to the top of her mouth! Well you obviously can't suck on something like that so I forced her to put her tongue down when I inserted my finger. I did this a couple times before I put her to the boob and what do you know.... she did it! I'm also doing feedings every two hours now to keep her going. Again, I'm not sure why she suddenly started doing this because we've been doing great all week long. It's almost like starting over and retraining.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I was just about to call a lactation consultant. When I was told of the prices to have them come out to help, I decided to try once more on my own! It's expensive to get some decent help in this area! Man oh man!

Hopefully Sage and I can keep this up and make it through!

breastfeeding 101

HELP! Little Sage, who has been doing wonderfully with the whole feeding issue, has suddenly decided not to latch on anymore! It's been a whole day since I've been able to feed her myself without pumping and finally giving her a bottle. I know that the bottle can give her "nipple confusion" but she has to eat right? I just can't figure out why I can't get her to latch now. I've read all the pamplets I received from the hospital... I've tried everything they say to do on my own, it still isn't working. I can't even begin to tell you how much the both of us have bawled in the last 24-36 hours, I have a serious headache going on! I'm out for suggestions....


Monday, November 10, 2008

our first week...

Oh wow! It's been one crazy week, but also a wonderful week! Sage is doing beautifully. She is a sleeper! I know that's pretty much all babies do the first month or so of life but oh my... she sleeps through everything! It takes a lot of effort just to wake her long enough to eat! She is getting the hang of eating though, finally! It was a little rough there for awhile. I didn't get to nurse Holland so it was quite a reminder when things all started happening. We are still trying to figure out schedules and such, but it's happening!

I can't believe how completely blessed I am! Being a mother of three little princesses certainly has it's challenges! I had my first experience of getting them all ready (including myself) last Friday. I had to get Alexis to school and then Sage had a doctors appointment. Brannon had to go to class that day so Holland was coming along with me. Let's just say that by the time I got to the doctors office I was exhausted! But I was on time! Yay me.

Brannon has been amazing! He does the dishes, picks up the house, takes care of the older girls and takes care of me. He is certainly making sure that I have everything I need and that I don't over-do it. He's not always successful because I'm stubborn, but he tries! He hates that he can't get up in the middle of the night to help with the baby. There just isn't a lot he can do at this point! But the thought makes all the difference! I love you babe!

It's been eventful, exciting, exhausting, and oh so wonderful! Thanks to all who have visited and brought meals into our home! I'm so grateful to all of you! Thanks for the love and support!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Sage Adelaide Richardson
November 4, 2008 @ 1:25 am
7 lbs 5 oz & 20 inches long

more pictures coming soon...

Monday, November 3, 2008

What would you spend $1700.00 on?

I would:
Buy a new desk $130.00
Buy some camera accesssories $300.00
Get a new couch $500.00
Buy some shoes $100.00
Buy some new clothes $230.00
Curtains for the baby's room $50.00
Buy some DVD's for Brannon $100.00
Season tickets to Hale Centre Theatre $240.00

Instead I:
Replaced Radiator & got an Immissions Inspection $243.99
Bought New Rear Tires $239.13
Repaired Headlight & got a Safety Inspection $94.41
Registration for car $48.00
Replaced Front & Rear Shocks & fixed transmission leak $775.91
Bought New Front Tires $175.02
Fixed Transmission leak again $131.20

End result:<

My week in one post! Get Ready!

Are you ready? Because here we go!

Monday: I had an appointment with the doctor. I was dilated 1 cm, and we scheduled the 13th to induce if she doesn't make an earlier appearance.

We also took the girls to Grammy & Grampy's house as well as Grandpa Buzz & Grandma Kat's house for some trick-or-treating!

Tuesday: I had bookgroup! Thanks Dee Dee!

Wednesday: I was miserable. Didn't feel good and to top it off had to clean up two separate potty mishaps with Miss Rose! (yes we are still potty training!)

I took the girls trick-or-treating at Nana & Opa's house!

Thursday: I had a photo session with some adorable kids @ 9:30 am.

Took the girls to a Halloween party at 11:00 am.

Took Alexis to school at 12:45 am.

Needless to say, it was a busy morning!

Later that night we carved the pumpkins!

Friday: Dropped Alexis off at school @ 11:40.

Power went out at 1:00 pm.

Picked Alexis up from school @ 1:30 pm.

Took Alexis to her dad's house @ 2:00 pm.

Went to Walmart with Holland for some shopping.

Went to Costco to finish off the shopping.

Got home and unloaded the car. Also noticed my power was still out!

Parked the car in the garage and noticed that it was severly leaking some fluid.

Quickly put the parishables in the fridge and took the car to Big O.

Was notified of cost of said leak.

Walked home from Big O with toddler. Oh and I was crying! Imagine that scene to every passerby!

Power is still out! Do I want to stay home on Halloween night with no power? No.

Had a little melt down, and called my mother. She ended up picking Holland and I up, and we spent the rest of the evening at her house!

Saturday: Relaxed a bit. Went to dinner at my father-in-laws house! We watched (agonized over) the Utah game!

Sunday: Went to church in the pouring rain, which I actually loved! I roasted in church though. I'm not handling heat very well right now.

Relaxed the rest of the day! Finally!
I am here, it's just been a CRAZY week and weekend! Give me an hour or so and I'll be back with some info!