Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Brannon

Yesterday was Brannon's birthday, and we were busy. We took the girls to their swimming lessons and then stayed and played in the pool for a bit. The girls loved having him there so they could show him everything they've been learning! After swimming, we dropped the girls off at Brannon's mom's house so we could go to an afternoon movie! Thanks Kathleen!

For dinner we hit the shack, Joe's Crab Shack that is, where we had a wonderful dinner! Bran's sissy Tavan and her hubby Jarom joined us.
If you've ever been to Joes's for someones birthday you know that they can really embarrass the birthday patron! Of course if you know Brannon you know no one can embarrass him! He totally got into it!

After dinner we headed back to his mom's and had some cake and ice cream! Brannon decided to make little cookie hamburgers that we put on top of cupcakes.
We decided we could be a little crazy since it was his birthday, so we headed to the midnight showing of Transformers II! I've never been to a midnight showing of anything, and this movie was a great one to start with! It was long though, and while that normally wouldn't have effected me... I was really tired when it was over! Considering it was 3:00 am when we got out, you can see why. (Oh, and I may or may not have been able to see the New Moon trailer on the big screen! Yay!)
What a great day.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Chicken Nugget Extraction Failure

Classic Holland.
She fell asleep... mid chew.

Brannon frequently checks out*. It's a blog of failures, so when we decided to extract the nugget from Holland's mouth, for safety, he wanted to add this video.

*(CAUTION: has a filter available due to some above PG13 content)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Twilight Trailer Spoof

Everyone knows how much I love the Twilight series. This had me laughing my butt off! Make sure you catch the last scene. H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S.

Told you. :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Not in the mood...

I know I haven't posted anything truly exciting lately. Except for the "New Moon" trailer, that was pretty sweet. But nothing of what's been going on with the family. We have been busy, seriously. I just haven't been in the mood to blog about it, and now it's too overwhelming to think of posting about everything individually, so you're going to get it all at once. Are you ready? Am I Ready? Too late, here we go!

St. Louis
My mom, Sage and I took a trip to St. Louis to visit my sister and fam. We checked out the botanical gardens, did some shopping, saw the St. Louis Temple, and took pictures of her new "little"(he's not so little) one.

Made Jam
I made jam with my sis-in-law and mother-in-law! I've tried my mother-in-laws recipe on my own and it did not work. I think the only way to make jam is to make it WITH the person you got the recipe from. So yummy.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day we had a picnic together at the park, and then played in the sprinklers!
(I tried to load a video of Holland here but it wouldn't work. I'll get Brannon to compress it, because you have to see it!)

Diane's funeral

I went to my aunt's funeral. It was beautiful. Is that possible? I started thinking of how many funerals I have been to... it's been a lot. At least 10. And most of those have been family members. Is that a lot? It feels like a lot. I don't know.

Holland flew
Holland has flown... several times.

Alexis finished Kindergarten! She didn't want to. She wanted to stay with her wonderful teacher and never leave. I'm glad she loves school. I don't have any pictures of her last day because I was packing us for our trip to... Bear Lake!
I took the girls to Bear Lake along with Amber and her two kiddies. Yes that's 5 kids and 2 adults. We are officially crazy! It was fun though. We went swimming, rode our bikes, got some ice cream and shakes, had lunch at LeBeau's, but the most fun thing the kids wanted to do was play in the sand. They were in heaven and so were Amber and I, because when they played in the sand they weren't wanting anything from us! So for about an hour or two every day we had time to actually relax and enjoy our vacation!

While we were in Bear Lake, Sage turned 7 months!
  • She is sitting up (somewhat) on her own
  • She can roll from her back to her front
  • She smiles at everyone
  • She has her two bottom teeth and is currently
  • working on her top two! So she is also miss cranky pants
  • She loves veggies, but not fruit so much
  • She loves to stand (with help of course)
  • She makes everyone happy!
Oh and....

I painted her very little toes PINK! Sooo cute.

I've also taken tons of pictures, but you'll have to see those here.

See we have been doing things and now you know about some of them! I'll try to be more on top of posting! I said I'll try!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Luuuvvvvv it! So excited!