Savanah was asked to go to Folsom High School's homecoming dance just a couple of weeks before the dance on October 22, 2011. Ben Hodson from our ward asked her by baking a cake with a cute note that said
"of all the Starrs in the sky, you are the one that caught my eye, will you go to Homecoming with me?" (her middle name is Starr) the cake was left on our porch and we found it after they text-ed her.
Savanah with her homemade cake |
She was so excited that Monday night, to be asked that she wrote "Yes" on some cookies with a note that said "The cake is the best, that's why this little Starr is saying yes" and then took her little sisters over to his house to drop off the cookies. Even though it was way past Lizzy and Bekah's bedtime.
She went with a large group of LDS kids, with most of the boys coming from our ward. There were 10 couples in all.
Ben Hodson and Savanah |
The biggest challenge was finding a dress that looked good on her and was modest. after hours of searching in many stores, we had come up empty. We were saved by Rich's mom, she made the dress from a pattern we picked out, (not a good sewing pattern, but not being one that sows, we didn't know any better) She made it in Mission Viejo and then mailed it to us. We got the dress the morning of the dance and I only had to take it in a little bit on the top. She did a great job on the dress and doing it so fast! Thanks Mom!
one of the corsages I made for the dance |
I also got to use my floral skills and made 7 corsages and 3 bout.s for Savanah and her friends.
the group Savanah went to the dance with, notice Savanah is one of only 2 girls with selves |
Jacob Pettingill & Ashley Mork, Ben & Savanah, Josh Reynolds & Katie Pettingill |
That evening the kids met at the Drennan's home for pictures, Rich and I took her over there to meet everyone then she then went over to the Pettingill's for a fancy dinner. After that the dance and then to another house for games. She had a great time! It was just a little stressful for her mom ;)
At Homecoming dinner, notice Bekah in the back ground. She helped serve with her friend Beth Pettingill |
At dinner, served at the Pettingill's home