Friday, April 27, 2012

April 2012

  With Spring break came a road trip to tour the campus of BYU-Idaho in Rexberg, Idaho. Khristine Pettingill and I drove with four teenage girls (Savanah, Katie Pettingill, Ashley Mork and Kendel Runyan) and her pre-school daughter (Anna) all they way to Rexberg in the Pettingill's large van. We left here Thursday morning and got to Idaho by 5 pm. On Friday it was snowing and chilly when we could the campus tour. Katie will be attending in the fall and they other girls are planning on attending in 2013. We had a great time with the girls and we all loved what we saw of the school. I'm excited for Savanah to be able to go with her friends. We then drove home on Saturday so we could spend Easter with our families it was a quick trip but worth it.
Kendel Runyan, Ashley Mork, Katie Pettingill, Savanah & Anna Pettingill (4/6/2012)

Savanah Asay in the BYU-Idaho Library 

Savanah & Ashley, the wind was blowing making us cold 
      Lizzy is turning 12 in June so we are gearing up for Young Women's and girls camp. This year I get to go to girls camp with Savanah as a YCL and Lizzy as a 1st year! I never got to go to girls camp so I am very excited to go with 2 of my girls!  Some of the young women surprised Lizzy with a "heart attack" on our front door. They also gave her with some Root beer, bow tie hair clips and a cute book. It really made her night!
Left on our front door last week (4/18/2012)

Lizzy with her bow tie, we moved the hearts to her bedroom door.

March 2012

   Savanah & I had a hard time finding a homecoming dress this pass fall, but Rich's mom came to the rescue making her a beautiful dress. So in planning for Jr. Prom she and her girl friends bought prom dresses in February.  Sadly no one asked her and she was wondering if she should ask one of her guy friends to go with her. Then a week before prom, a senior girl in our ward asked Savanah if she was going to prom and after finding that she had not been asked wanted to know if Savanah would take her place with their friend Danny McGreevy, a Jr in our ward. She could not go and felt bad for backing out. So Savanah was able to go with a group of friends in a limo to dinner and the dance before hanging out at Kevin Getz home.
Danny McGreevy & Savanah Asay Folsom High School Jr Prom (3/3/2012)

This was the group she went with, including Kevin Getz, Autin White, Ashley Mork and Dallin Sevy

This the Limo they went in
   March 24, 2012 was the Young Women's Broadcast. In our ward they always have a nice dinner and take pictures of the mothers and daughters. I love going with Savanah, there are always great messages and good company!
Savanah Starr & Lisa Asay

With our good friends: Khristine & Katie Pettingill

Thursday, April 26, 2012

February 2012

Heart Strings, made from old greeting cards and letters sown together

Heart shaped crayons, hand made for Valentine's Day

Lizzy and Beth Pettingill on a field trip to the State Capital  

Bekah going to Coloma, on a 3 day field trip studying the Gold Rush
Lisa & Rich on a weekend trip to Sacramento for out 18th wedding anniversary

      In February we made some crafts for Valentine's Day and went on some field trips. Bekah went with all the 5th graders on a 3 day trip to study the Gold Rush, they got to pan for gold and learned to make corn bread and other fun stuff. 
     I'm home schooling Lizzy for 5th grade and we went with a group to tour the state capital building we learned a lot about the building and how the run the government there.
    Then Rich and I spent a weekend in Sacramento to celebrate 18 years of marriage! We stayed in a cool old hotel called the Capital and went to a comedy club, it was great fun! And the kids took care of them selves :)  

update of Family activities 2012

Rich and Christy with one on David's horses, Christmas day 2010

Savanah walking the horse with her cousin, Anson Gies
December 2010- We got to go visit Rich's family in Southern California for Christmas break. We stayed with David and Sarah a few days before going on to Mission Viejo. It was great spending time with all the family, but my kids loved going riding on David's horses and now Rich is talking about moving us down south again. Maybe we will after Savanah graduates from high school next spring.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Savanah's 1st Homecoming at Folsom High

Savanah was asked to go to Folsom High School's homecoming dance just a couple of weeks before the dance on October 22, 2011. Ben Hodson from our ward asked her by baking a cake with a cute note that said
"of all the Starrs in the sky, you are the one that caught my eye, will you go to Homecoming with me?" (her middle name is Starr) the cake was left on our porch and we found it after they text-ed her.
Savanah with her homemade cake
She was so excited that Monday night, to be asked that she wrote "Yes" on some cookies with a note that said "The cake is the best, that's why this little Starr is saying yes" and then took her little sisters over to his house to drop off the cookies. Even though it was way past Lizzy and Bekah's bedtime.
She went with a large group of LDS kids, with most of the boys coming from our ward. There were 10 couples in all.
Ben Hodson and Savanah
The biggest challenge was finding a dress that looked good on her and was modest. after hours of searching in many stores, we had come up empty. We were saved by Rich's mom, she made the dress from a pattern we picked out, (not a good sewing pattern, but not being one that sows, we didn't know any better) She made it in Mission Viejo and then mailed it to us. We got the dress the morning of the dance and I only had to take it in a little bit on the top. She did a great job on the dress and doing it so fast! Thanks Mom!

one of the corsages I made for the dance
I also got to use my floral skills and made 7 corsages and 3 bout.s for Savanah and her friends.
the group Savanah went to the dance with, notice Savanah is one of only 2 girls with selves  

Jacob Pettingill & Ashley Mork, Ben & Savanah, Josh Reynolds & Katie Pettingill
That evening the kids met at the Drennan's home for pictures, Rich and I took her over there to meet everyone then she then went over to the Pettingill's for a fancy dinner. After that the dance and then to another house for games. She had a great time! It was just a little stressful for her mom ;)
At Homecoming dinner, notice Bekah in the back ground. She helped serve  with her friend Beth Pettingill

At dinner, served at the Pettingill's home

Art Project

After school started for the kids I started an art project to enter into the church's International Art Competition, that they have every 3 years. I had until October 7, 2011 to get in digital images of the art work into the competition. The theme was "Show Forth His Marvelous Works".
I did a mosaic of the Sacramento temple, using watercolors, paints, markers, and colored pencils on watercolor paper. I think it turned out well, what do you think?
I have to wait until some time in December to see if they want the piece they i would mail it in to Salt Lake City. That would be great to have it shown but just getting back into doing some art was the real point.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Jessica and Bekah at the Taylor Swift concert Sept. 5, 2011
Bekah in front of Mr. Gex class, 1st day of school (8/15/2011)
Bekah got a "make over" from Cover Girl at the concert
Bekah & Jessica (9/5/2011)
Rebekah Noel is now in 4th grade. She was so happy have gotten  Lizzy's former teacher Mr. Gex. She is also reading a lot, this summer she read the whole Harry Potter series. She is still taking piano and doing great at it, she also is trying out the violin for school. On Sept. 5th she got to go to a Taylor Swift concert with her good friend Jessica, Savanah was bummer that her little sister got to go to a big concert before her, but I told her Bekah has connections ;)