Logan has finally arrived. We've been anticipating his arrival for the last several weeks, especially since my doctor didn't think we would make it to my due date. Everything went according to plan. Rick and I arrived at the hospital at 4:00 am for me to be induced. I got an epidural (which, by the way, was awesome! I don't know why I didn't get one with Lincoln) and then less than four hours later Logan was born. The doctor was barely able to get dressed in time to catch Logan on his way out. He was 9.53 pounds and healthy. He is such a good baby! He eats well and sleeps even better. He's decided that he is a night owl and want to be awake in the middle of the night so we will have to work on changing his schedule.Lincoln came to the hospital to pick him up so that we could go home as a family. Lincoln seems to love baby brother and is exciting to share his toys with him...we'll see how long that lasts. Lincoln is adjusting to not having all of mommy and daddy's attention and some days are smoother than others.
Recovery is so much easier this time and I'm sure it's because I didn't have to labor without pain meds for eight hours this time. I'm still sleep deprived but nothing like it would have been if I didn't have an epidural. I was amazed at how different the birthing process can be with a little drugs =). I didn't feel a thing!
Here is our big little guy!
I can't believe how big he was!
Proud Daddy!
Proud Grammy! She even cut the cord.
Lincoln meeting Logan for the first time.
Lincoln wanted to hold Logan right when we got home...so I let him and it lasted about 20 seconds.