Logan is growing like a weed. He is such a big boy and has made some great advancements over the last month. He now has six teeth (4 on top & 2 on bottom) he crawls but prefers to walk holding on to our fingers. He is VERY active and wants to move constantly. Logan has recently started a phase where he feels like he needs to be able to see either Rick or me in order to be okay. It was cute the first couple times but now we're hoping it's a phase he gets over quickly. His new favorite words are "No. Nope, and Uh-Oh."
He is 25 pounds which makes it hard to hold him for long. He's wearing 18 - 24 month clothes. He is a solid little guy so he fills out his clothes much more differently than Lincoln ever did. Logan's still on formula and baby food but wants to eat whatever we're eating. He loves when we give him little bite of whatever we have. For the most part he is a happy boy, sleeps and eats well. I know Lincoln is waiting for the day that they can really play together. For now Logan continues to admire his brother and watch his every move. They already know how to push each others buttons. Logan purposely screams to get a reaction from Lincoln. Lincoln will try to resist but can't help the urge to scream back. Then is starts. A screaming match until we can find something clever enough to distract or calm them. Lately, when this happens in the car, we've turned on the radio....really loud. We have a nice system in the truck that we never use but now we're finally getting some use out the sub-woofer.
Lincoln is loving his part time pre-school. He is excited to go every morning and his teachers say he is doing really well. He is now potty trained with the exception of naps and bedtime. We've had to do a lot of bribing but it seems to be working. Not sure though why his teachers get away with bribing him with stickers and we get roped into giving toys?! Lincoln loves helping with projects around the house and going grocery shopping.
Auntie Calee came to visit us over Labor Day weekend and we had a fun time shopping and visiting. Michaela and Jared came over for dessert and games one night.
Aunt Genesis came to visit with her finance Forrest. It was the first time that we got to meet Forrest and the first time Genesis has seen the boys. It was a nice, short, sweet visit and we were happy to have them come.
We've been busy with all the normal day to day activities like work, projects around the house, playing with the water table, cleaning, day-to-day errands, etc. There's always something to do!
Ricky tried a new Southwest Tangy BBQ recipe that he put on chicken. It was yummy!
When you put a sharp chip clip on your lips and then pull, this is what you get. Unfortunately, Lincoln learned the hard way.
We loaded up Logan's pack-n-play with these balls. He wasn't to sure what to think the first time we put him him. He learned to have fun with them.
Brother Lincoln was quick to show Logan how much fun they are!
Learning to enjoy being brothers! (Daddy dressed them.)
Logan's first ride at Chuck E. Cheese. He loved it!
Our city had a local event at the Stadium nearby. This is the first time Lincoln rode a horse!