Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Recent Random Updates

Sometimes the best way to remember the little things are to look back at the pictures that I've captured. Sometimes I only have a second to snap a shot but it reminds me later of what was going on.
 Because the Arizona sunsets are amazing. This is the view from our backyard. 
 With the switch of my jobs, boys going back to school, Dad in the hospital, boys activities, school projects, house fixes, friend drama, and everything else that naturally comes with life this time of year, it has been a bit stressful lately. I liked this little quote because it reminded me that it's okay to be human and deal with emotions. I've gotten pretty good and pushing emotions aside to plow through and accomplish what I need to but having a good melt down every now and again is probably more healthy than I realize. 
 The boys got themselves dressed this way one night to go out to dinner. I had to take a picture because they went to all the effort to match but also because it's proof that they actually do like being with each other sometimes. 
 The BBBT is now in Kroger. It's in the brand new Fry's grocery store by our house. 
 Lincoln's Wolf Den at Cub Scouts.
 We got the pleasure of going on a double date with Lisa/Doug and Jessica/Jason to a dinner and Escape the room. We chose the Rescue scenario and I thought it was a blast. Ricky was a good sport and just went along for the ride even though it's not his thing. 

 This is what you get on wacky outfit day at school. 
Baby Oddette Harbor Manchan was born. We are so happy to have another cousin in the family. So glad she and Kolissa are happy and healthy. 
This family of four is now a family of five. Micah and Kolissa were recently featured in an article about people who found true love while working and Disneyland. This was the picture used. 
 Because I love our new pool and the views of the desert skies. 
 These two munchkins both ended up in our bed one night. They both came in at separate times. They were sleeping so peacefully that I had to snap a picture. Ricky headed to one of their beds since it quickly because a battle for mattress real estate through the night. 
Last week during sacrament meeting at church, Logan was writing me sweet little love notes on his Boogie Board. I had to take a picture because it melted my heart and I don't get those types of notes from him too often. He's getting so much better and writing and spelling. 

A Family Tradition

We’ve now been to Monster Jam with the boys for the last two years. They absolutely love it and we have a good time as a family. This time we invited Bam Bam to join us. The boys were excited to share in this tradition with her. We got to the stadium early, paid $20 for parking, got our usual over-priced and not so healthy stadium concession dinner, and found out seats. The boys reminisced about where sat the last time we attended the show and enjoyed the pre-show entertainment….boomerangs. There were several new trucks along with the legends like Grave Digger. The boys were certain Grave Digger was going to win it all. He did win the races but lost in the freestyle competition. The freestyle portion of the show had some of the best showings I’ve seen. Unfortunately, Grave Digger ended the show with a very underwhelming dud of a performance. It was a bust. Additionally, there was NO halftime show. Usually there is a crash-up derby, quad racing…something!...this time – there was nothing. Despite the fact that it was in many ways, the worst Monster Jam we’ve been to, the boys are already asking when they come back. They look forward to our new family tradition. 

Happy Birthday, Kristy!

The Fab 5 spent the morning out at Lake Pleasant celebrating Kristy’s birthday. In the spirit of being adventurous and trying something new, we went kayaking together. Some of the girls had never been. I’ve been before but it was years ago so I was a bit nervous but excited to have a good time with the girls. We started the morning off out on the lake kayaking. I went tandem with Bam Bam and Kristy and Kareth were together. Unfortunately, we missed Debbie because she wasn’t able to make it this time. After working up a sweat, laughing uncontrollably for an hour, and taking a million pictures, we had a delicious breakfast at Dillion’s right on the marina. I rushed home to make it to Logan’s soccer game but I’m grateful I have wonderful supportive friends, who I can laugh with, confide in and be myself around. It was a great morning and fun way to celebrate Kristy’s birthday. 

Lego Fun

The Lego Discovery Center opened up not too long ago and we finally got the opportunity to go.  Frankly, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. We got there right when it opened with lots of excitement and anticipation for a fun day. We spent a full three hours there and experienced everything they had to offer. We rode rides, built and raced Lego cars, watched a 4-D movie, played on the jungle gym and talked to the Master Lego Builder. We had a great time and it was a fun change of pace for a family activity. It definitely reinvigorated the boys imagination. We followed it up with an early dinner at Garcia’s…which is the boys favorite Mexican place. 

Soccer Season Again

It’s that time of year again…the fall soccer season has begun! This year the boys have moved up to the medium size fields and it’s the first time they get to have goalies. Logan has been wanting to be goalie since he started soccer a few seasons ago and he was so excited to finally get his chance. The first game he was a little hesitant to be aggressive and go after the ball but after a few practices, a boost of confidence and some one of one time with Daddy in the backyard, he was back in tip top shape. 
The second game of the season, Logan finally got his shot to play goalie. He took the job seriously and tried really hard to learn when to come up, go back, pick up the ball or just block it. His team won the game in a shut-out victory of 5-0. Logan had two incredible blocks that saved would be goals. We were pretty proud parents! At the following practice the coach recognized Logan’s awesome efforts at goalie. Logan’s hoping to get another opportunity to play keeper at some point this season so we’ll see what comes.

Football Star

Lincoln’s love for football has exponentially grown over the last year. His dream is to be an NFL player when he grows up. Mom and Dad are scared of all the potential injuries that come with playing football so we thought a good place to start was with his school’s intramural flag football team. 
The season was a short eight games with games with a couple of playoff games at the end. All games were right after school so Daddy went to most of them but I was fortunate to get to a couple of them. Although his team didn’t win the season, they won several of their games and Lincoln played great! He got to play snapper, QB, running back and receiver. He scored several touchdowns (both by receiving and throwing TD passes) through the season along with some key “tackles.” I realized that I took more video of him than pictures so I don’t have the best pictures but I wanted to capture his first season. I’m sure we will definitely be going to several more seasons of flag football.