Because the Arizona sunsets are amazing. This is the view from our backyard.
With the switch of my jobs, boys going back to school, Dad in the hospital, boys activities, school projects, house fixes, friend drama, and everything else that naturally comes with life this time of year, it has been a bit stressful lately. I liked this little quote because it reminded me that it's okay to be human and deal with emotions. I've gotten pretty good and pushing emotions aside to plow through and accomplish what I need to but having a good melt down every now and again is probably more healthy than I realize.
The boys got themselves dressed this way one night to go out to dinner. I had to take a picture because they went to all the effort to match but also because it's proof that they actually do like being with each other sometimes.
The BBBT is now in Kroger. It's in the brand new Fry's grocery store by our house.
Lincoln's Wolf Den at Cub Scouts.
We got the pleasure of going on a double date with Lisa/Doug and Jessica/Jason to a dinner and Escape the room. We chose the Rescue scenario and I thought it was a blast. Ricky was a good sport and just went along for the ride even though it's not his thing.
This is what you get on wacky outfit day at school.
Baby Oddette Harbor Manchan was born. We are so happy to have another cousin in the family. So glad she and Kolissa are happy and healthy.
This family of four is now a family of five. Micah and Kolissa were recently featured in an article about people who found true love while working and Disneyland. This was the picture used.
Because I love our new pool and the views of the desert skies.
These two munchkins both ended up in our bed one night. They both came in at separate times. They were sleeping so peacefully that I had to snap a picture. Ricky headed to one of their beds since it quickly because a battle for mattress real estate through the night.
Last week during sacrament meeting at church, Logan was writing me sweet little love notes on his Boogie Board. I had to take a picture because it melted my heart and I don't get those types of notes from him too often. He's getting so much better and writing and spelling.