Monday, February 16, 2015

Love is in the Air!!! Valentine's Day 2015

Well...I have been wanting to get back to this blog thing 
and just haven't so today after entering Tyler's Mission Blog post....
I decided just to Do It!  

I'm telling you right now it is not going to be anything wonderful but something is BETTER than NOTHING!
Valentine's Day 2015 is in the History Books...

Here are a few pictures of our comings and goings on this special day.

Kylee had told us that her teacher had said they were going to make Valentine Boxes in class.  Then Wednesday after school she announced that her class had voted on it and all the students wanted to make boxes at home.  Oh dear!  We didn't have a whole lot of time (Wednesdays are always crazy busy because of YW's and YM's which both Steve and I are involved in and this Wednesday was particularly crazy because I had had the Parent/Teacher Conference Luncheon at Provo High plus we had Parent Teacher Conferences for Tanner.  Thank goodness Tanner came to the rescue and said he had an idea!  
He said he could help Kylee out by making her a Valentine Balloon Box!
I was all for it and this is how it turned out.  She was quite pleased.

 What a fun surprise!  This is what I found as I woke up!
That Tanner boy of ours....he really outdid himself this year!

Steve had started early...the night before Valentine's Day he took a while before coming into bed....
I wondered what was taking him so long!
Little notes on Hearts were ALL over the house...
they had been placed strategically in places that went along with what they said!

- Are you a banana?  Because I find you a-peeling.
- Are you a parking ticket?  Cause you've got Fine written all over you. 
- Is your name Google?  Because you have everything I've been searching for.
-I need to hop over to Facebook and change my status to "smitten",
- You're so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line. 
- Are you a camera?  Because every time I look at you, I smile. 
- Can I take your picture so I can prove to my friends angels really exist?
- You must be a magician, because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears!
- Do you have a Band-Aid?  Because I just scraped my knee falling for you. 
- I dont have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out?

My Husband can be pretty creative at times and when he sets his mind to it there is no stopping him!!!

Then he made a bouquet of Honey Crisp apples by sticking them on wooden skewers that he attached to some leaves to and stuck them in a vase.  On the card he put the saying :  Let me be Crisp, all of you are a bunch of HONEY's!  He put that on the front porch along with a chocolate covered strawberry for each person in the family.

Tanner was excited to have me take him over to Grandma's so he could give her his little Valentine surprise to her.  He actually had bought all these red carnation flowers the day before at Provo High and had one for all his sisters and little nieces too!  He is a very thoughtful 15 year old!  :)
Grandma LOVED them!

Later that evening as we got home from delivering some fun treats to Katelin, Nick and the girls we caught G-ma delivering her coveted sugar cookies.

Valentine's just wouldn't be Valentine's without them.
As you can see....I couldn't even get a picture before they were already 1/2 GONE!
They are YUMMY! 

Then it was off to the BYU Basketball game...
Kylee was excited because our tickets tonight were quite close to where Macie and her family sit right above the team.  So she got to go down and sit with one of her favorite little friends.  Macie took Kylee down during half time into the "team room" where they were able to get popcorn and all kinds of fun treats.  You should have seen their SMILES when they came back to their seats!  

Can't forget the Game Selfie!!!

Photo Bombing Cosmo!!!

Even Tyler and his Companion showed their Valentine's Day spirit all the way over in England!  Here they are sporting their pink and red ties!


Friday, November 14, 2014

Working on catching up a little!

The last post I did, I mentioned that it had been a few years since making a post and that my oldest daughter had scolded me for not posting in quite a while!   So, I decided that before YEARS once again had passed and before Katelin got onto me AGAIN for not posting about things happening in our lives....I needed to get busy!

Anyways....Here goes!!!!

October 24, 2014

Halloween Trick or Treating at Dad's/Papa's Work
It is always a fun treat!
Kinley (4 years old)
Kylee (9years old)
Mila (2 years old) 

Getting started!

Tired already and taking a rest!!!

Mila is tired too or is she just following their example!  :)

Some of the people up their go ALL out in their decorating...
but it makes it so fun.  

This has always been a fun activity even back when Steve worked at Novell and all the kids went with us trick or treating.   Now we are down to our last one....but thank goodness we have grandkids to enjoy this fun time together.

October 27, 2014

Feeding the Missionaries

Another activity that our family has enjoyed doing over the years.  However, it has been several years since we have done this.  Several years ago, before Steve was the Bishop of our ward and before Katelin got married...we had the missionaries over quite often because Steve was the ward mission leader.  In fact,  Elder Rowley and Elder Tree became "our missionaries".  The kids LOVED THEM and so did Steve and I.   
(Steve has stayed in contact with Elder Rowley by way of facebook and he is now married and is a Dad.)
Well, I got an email from our ward mission leader now giving us first dibs on an opportunity to have the missionaries over for dinner.  I quickly wrote him back!  I wanted to have Kylee remember this fun opportunity and besides I sure appreciate the people over in England who are willing to serve our son in this same way.
Yeah for Pinterest Ideas!!!
Can you tell???  
Halloween Candy Corns!

Kylee waiting for their arrival!

So thankful for these cute boys who leave their homes and families to serve our Father in Heaven!
They're wonderful!

October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014

Kylee as Belle
(Grandma made this beautiful dress for Kynsie when she was in her 4th grade Disney Play and now it's Kylee's turn to get to wear it.  I LOVE it when I don't have to think hard about Halloween costumes.)  :)

Tanner as a PHS Cheerleader
(His best friend talked him into this one!)

Kendra as a Troll and YES that is her REAL HAIR!  
(After the day was over she said she would NOT recommend it to anyone!) 

Kynsie as Wonder Women

Katelin and Nick and their little family

As you can see our children have ALWAYS and EVEN STILL love Halloween!  

Halloween Picture Overload....
 Kylee at the Westridge Halloween Parade

 More of Tanner

These two are of Kylee having fun twirling down at Provo High as we were trying to get some pictures of Tanner.

 LOVE this cool one of Kynsie ...
She is pretty talented when it comes to Photo Shop and graphics!

Halloween the last couple of years have been some warmer ones!  In fact, they gave out some statistics on the news the morning of Halloween this year stating that in the last 140 years there have been 8 Halloweens that have had record breaking temps. for heat.  One was two years ago and I remember loving the warm night that night as we went trick or treating.
But....I don't EVER remember it being warm enough to go BAREFOOT and that is how Kendra started out with us!  Amazing!

What made this Halloween even BETTER was it was on a Friday this year so we could even enjoy it a little more.  I LOVE FRIDAYS!!!!

One More...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

A Broken Toe

Sunday evening Steve was writing Tyler's email and I think I was doing something important when all of a sudden we heard a bunch of screaming and wailing!  It began as a bunch of fun but soon changed into serious stuff!  We could soon tell that my Grandmother's statement of  "much laughing comes before crying" had definitely taken on whole new meaning and that something not too good had happened.  Steve stopped writing Tyler's email and I quickly came downstairs only to see Tanner laying on the ground  and in much pain!
notice his little toe on the left!  It didn't look quite right! :(
He had been tormenting Kynsie and she was tormenting some back and to make a long story short....
He was running away from her and coming down the hallway when he ran into the door jam!
OUCH!  I've stubbed my toe before, I think we all probably have and dang it hurts!  However, as Steve told Dr. McKell over the phone, "His little toe is pointing northwest and it is actually pointing more west than north!" We ALL (even Tanner) had a good laugh with that statement!   Dr. McKell being the kind man and doc he is told us to bring Tanner over to his home and he would take a look.  (This is not the first time he has helped our family out in a pinch.)  Upon arriving he looked at it and asked Tanner if he felt brave?  OUCH...OUCH!  Tanner gritted his teeth and Dr. McKell proceeded to put the toe back in place where it should be adding that he usually did this by numbing first!  He wrapped the toe to keep it in place and told us he wanted us to bring Tanner into the office the next day for X-rays.
I can't really see it to well but Dr. McKell could and pointed out the break to both of us.  Then gave Tanner the most beautiful shoe that he gets to wear for the next 4 weeks!  :)

Thank goodness for medicine that helps us when we hurt and kind medical professionals that are willing to help us feel better.

and I think we could all remember that old but wise wisdom from my Grandma Park,


Happy Friday All and enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014 has been a few too many years since I made a post on this...."Our Little Blog" and this morning I was scolded by my oldest daughter!!!!  "Mom, you must make a blog post by the day's end or I won't come see you anymore until you DO!"  :)  Whoa...that was pretty strong, I thought!  So I decided I better be obedient!    

My first thought as I sat at my computer was,
"Oh no!  I can't remember how to do this!
But I knew that would not go well with Katelin because she had told me this morning as we talked that "Yes  mom... you do remember....You posted on Kynsie's mission blog for 18 months!  So DON'T use that as an excuse."  She also reminded me that she is behind on her blog and that I need to do the same thing she is going to do...Just start from today and then try to play "catch up".   Just POST something!!!

So...HERE GOES with just something!

Today my little girl turns 23!  
April 2, 1991
Kynsie McKell entered the world at 4:12 PM
She came into the world rather quickly! (I will spare you all the details ... if I tried to think and write about it I would be posting this probably next week and then I would not get to see my oldest daughter for a long time!) I will just simply say she was delivered by a Dr. Moore and that really confused me at the time she was born because they had called over the intercom at the hospital for "a Dr White to come to Labor and Delivery...Stat!"  

Later my two friends that were nurses at the hospital laughed at me and told me, "Leslie, that means ANY DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE!"

So grateful this April 2, 2014 
that 23 years ago 
my Heavenly Father entrusted with me his dear sweet daughter.
She has been and continues to be a choice example to me.
I also cherish the friendship we share.  
Thank you Kynsie for letting me be your Mother.

Kynsie's 5th Birthday

Kynsie and Mom at Mia Shalom Girl's Camp  2009

Mom and Kynsie in NYC
Provo High Choir Tour
March 2009

And just a little side note...I tried really hard to finish this post at 4:12 PM
the time she was born!
And I think I succeeded!!!  :)

And now Katelin you can come see me now!!!!
Are you proud of me?!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Kylee makes me Smile!

Kylee got up this morning and closed her door...five or so minutes later I went in to see what she was doing. I caught her making her bed. She had wanted to surprise me! Then she said, "Now you can't say your kids are... that word you said we were because we didn't make our beds!!!" I put my arm around her and asked her, "what word did I say you were?" She said, "I can't remember." I can't remember either, but I think I walked past Tanner and Tyler's room last week and said they were slobs! the words we say affect little ones! :)

This is a post that I wrote on facebook on May 2, 2012 that I thought I would share.  Also a few pictures of Kylee from Easter and her 1st Grade Program at Westridge.
Kylee on Easter Sunday,  April 8, 2012

All of us enjoying Cosmo's 1st Annual Easter Egg Hunt at BYU.  There was tons of fun stuff for the children to find.  We had a lot of fun and Katelin even got her own signed picture of Bronco Mendenhall!  :)

Kylee did a great job at her 1st Grade Singing Program at Westridge.
Also, we were so excited last week when Kylee came home and announced to us that she had received the "Westridge Wow Award" for last month for "working very hard at school and at home to improve her reading skills and for having 100% homework completion for this school year!"  Congrats to Kylee on her hard work.  WAY TO GO!

It has been awhile... awhile I mean a WHOLE year.  I know, it is terrible, but it has been an extremely busy year. So...I'm not going to try to catch up, that is to overwhelming for me!!!  I did want to let everyone know that we have a new addition to the family...and by new, I mean a six month old addition.  :)

Our daughter Katelin and her husband Nick welcomed a new baby girl into their family.  Mila Nicole Austin was born on November 9, 2011.  She weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz. and was 19 inches long.  And she came to us with a FULL head of beautiful black hair.  Curly hair at that!!!  She was and still is a beauty.  Her big sister Kinley just loves her tons.  Mila's sweet disposition and loving personality has added so much to their little family and brought a lot of love into ours.

Enjoy a few pictures!!!
Another big item of interest this year:  Kynsie is "Goin on a Mission"!!!  She has always wanted to serve a mission.  I remember when she was little, she would always say,  "I'm going to go on a mission."  She received her mission call on April 18, 2012.  It was a busy and exciting day for all of us. She has been called to serve in the Texas Houston Spanish Speaking Mission and will report to the Provo MTC on August 1, 2012.
This is a picture her cousin Jess took from Idaho while watching her open her call.

These of just two of the exciting things happening at our home the past year.  However, if I were to try to remember everything that had happened I would get too overwhelmed and most likely QUIT and give up.  So...I will start from here and try to add a few of my memories as we get going on this blog of ours again!!!