December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Here it is....our little "Christmas Card" to all of you, since once again another Christmas is here and I didn't get anything put together or mailed out!

It is always so much fun at this time of the year to get cards and emails and letters and hear how everyone is doing or get the recent pictures of family and friends whose kids are growing up so fast! So, here is a picture of Robbie and I, as you can see we haven't changed much (or at all) and we wanted to share some updates with you this Christmas season. We have only had two big changes in our lives in the last year and one is still in progress. First, we moved into our first place and we love it; Robbie has become quite the handy-man hanging pictures and mirrors and painting. The second is that we are having a little girl. We are so excited. This one is still in progress, because she won't be here until May, but we just can't wait to start the adventure of having a little one to take care of (though we know it's going to be a lot of work). We have had a great and exciting year and wish the same for all of you in the year to come, we love you all. Merry Christmas! Robbie and Lins

December 19, 2007

Wow, it's been a couple of busy weeks at the Loomis house. So busy, we haven't even finished our Christmas shopping and it's coming up so quickly! Although, the things we have been doing have been a lot of fun.

Our Chrismtmas Tree - December 8
A couple of weeks ago we went with our friends Allison and Justin and snow-shoed in to the mountains in Heber and cut down our own Christmas tree! We hiked in about a mile and then had to get the tree out that far too. It was so much fun, but boy were we tired when we were done!

Birthday Celebration - December 10
A few days later we celebrated Robbie's 29th birthday with the traditional birthday cupcakes!

I can't believe Jon is already 12 - December 14
A couple of days after that my little brother Jon turned 12 and we went to a birthday party and then his priesthood ordination on Sunday.

December 19
Our latest exciting adventure took us to the doctor today (for our third visit). We went in this morning and you know how it is with doctors....we waited an hour to be seen and then the fun finally began. Many of you don't know that Robbie and I are expecting our first little baby in May. Today we found out a little girl is on her way! We are so excited! The baby is due on May 19th and we can't wait to have her here. Robbie keeps wanting to name her after different mountain ranges, so we're still trying to work that one out.

Other than that we have been attending work parties, ward parties, family parties and still trying to fit in all of the shopping and stuff we have put off for a while (eye appointments, dentists and all of that fun!) all while still trying to work all day....time sure flies!