December 31, 2010


We had a really fun Christmas this year. McKinley was so excited since we've had the presents under the tree for the last few weeks. She LOVES to sing and has been singing "Santa Clause is Coming to Town", "Jingle Bells", "Up on the House Top" and various other Christmas songs.
We've had our nativities out and explained that Christmas was about Jesus' birth. She loves birthdays, so that was exciting for her too.
She had tons of fun taking some treats around to neighbors and loved giving people Christmas presents.
We opened up presents with my parents Christmas Eve and that really got McKinley excited for the morning. Grandma and Grandpa gave us a Zoo pass that she is stoked about and should be fun all summer long! The girls got pillow pets, toys, clothes and books. Robbie and I got a Blu Ray player. It was a fun way to spend Christmas Eve.
Robbie and I stayed up and got presents ready that night and Christmas morning McKinley couldn't wait to get down stairs and tear into the gifts. Molly slept through most of Christmas. Later Christmas day we went to Robbie's parents house and opened more fun presents. McKinley can't get enough of the blanket Nana made for her doll! I absolutely love my new cookware and Robbie got the money to sign up for his half Iron Man, so he's on cloud nine as well! We are so lucky to have such fun and great Grandparents for our kids (and parents for us:) ).
Over it was a really fun Christmas, here are some fun pictures!

McKinley only asked Santa for a doll and blue crayon, and what do you know...Santa gave her a doll and whole box of crayons, not just the blue one!

Here Molly is reading her book from Mom and Dad.

She finally woke up just in time for her ball popper.

McKinley got a kitchen from Mom and Dad (really we got it for both of them, but let's face it, Molly is a ways off from actually playing with it). She loved it and immediately went to work making us food.

December 17, 2010

One Month Old!

Molly is now one month old...well 2 weeks ago anyway! I can't believe it, the time has gone by so fast. She is a pretty easy baby, doesn't really cry much or anything. She's kind of a party animal around 3 am, but it's getting better. She's also very patient with her big sister...McKinley just can't get enough of her! She's a tall (90%) and skinny baby (25%) according to her stats. She has her daddy's chin, her mommy's long arms and we're just waiting to see if her eyes stay blue. Here is my cute little munchkin:
Everybody sees McKinley's blond hair and Molly's dark hair and comments on how different they are. They have similarities, but are definitely different. Here are baby pics of both of them...yep, McKinley was born with dark hair too, we'll have to see what Molly's hair does!

It's been a really nice month. I've been able to do things for Molly that I wasn"t able to do for McKinley because of my bi-lateral femoral neuropathy and it's been awesome! I think maybe it even healed a little of heart ache I had from when McKinley was so little and I wasn't able to take care of her. You have no idea how nice it was to hear Molly's little cry in the middle of the night and be able to get up and go get her, to me it feels like a lmiracle. I didn't do a Thanksgiving post, but on my list of things I'm grateful for this is up at the top!

November 13, 2010

Meet Molly 11.10.2010

The day we have been waiting for finally came! Molly was born at 5:42 in the morning on 11.10.2010 after a LONG day!

She's so cute. She's shorter than McKinley was...coming in at 19.5 inches, but much chubbier and 8lbs 6 oz. She's perfect and sweet and already has her Daddy and big sister wrapped around her little finger.
She likes to make funny little giggling noises and sleeps a lot. I LOVE the sleeping...I swear I don't remember being THIS tired before! Looks like we'll get to come home Sunday and we're excited to figure out life with two cute little girlies. Bring on the FUN!

November 07, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Halloween was a lot of fun this year. In Utah most everybody trick-or-treated on Saturday. We had a few kids come Sunday too, but McKinley did her trick-or treating on Saturday and it was a lot of fun.
After nap time we got her dressed up and took her out for some trick-or-treating in Soda Row (it's a little area of business in out neighborhood that did some fun things for the kids and you could go around to the different stores. One of the clinics Robbie manages was part of it, so we stopped in and trick-or-treated there too and they were nice enough to take out picture. I debated putting this up since I look like I'm the size of a small apartment, but it's the only family shot we got, so here you go. Doesn't McKinley look happy? I swear she was having a good time!

When we got home we decided to clean out our pumpkins before McKinley and Robbie went around the neighborhood.

As opposed to last year, McKinley actually really liked getting all the gross stuff out of the pumpkin.

Once we were done, Robbie and McKinley hit the streets to get some "loot".
She got way too much candy for little girl, but loved every minute of it.

Then we carved the pumpkins. Pirate McKinley was in charge of the designs, telling us what she like and where shapes should go. We didn't do any elaborate pumpkins this year (something I admittedly only do because Robbie likes it), but Robbie said he had more fun with the pumpkins this year than he has before. Funny how carving a basic pumpkin with the cutest little 2 year old around can change your opinion, huh?

Our finished products

The other thing McKinley LOVED was handing out candy. Every time the door bell would ring or she'd hear "trick-or-treat" she'd run for the candy bucket and door; it was really cute!

November 02, 2010

Here's What I've Learned...

about being THIS pregnant.
You see, with McKinley I went two weeks early, so I'm an entire week past that this time and it's been an interesting week. Here are something I've learned:
1. I'm not sure I LOVE people's honestly right now. Take my wonderful husband for instance. We were walking to church on Sunday and he got this silly little grin on his face and said "Guess what, you now waddle!". It did make me laugh though and it's true.
2. Strangers like to say crazy things more and more often. Lately I've heard "Are you trying to sneak a pumpkin out of the patch?". "oh, wow, you're due REALLY soon, huh?", "You're belly is pointing at me!" (I'm not lying a lady next to me in the redbox line really said that to me!) and my favorite "You could have a baby any day" -yes, I can :)
3. The last two weeks ARE more uncomfortable. I see cute little newborns and think, oh yes, it is going to be better when she's on the outside!
4. Did you ever watch Friends? Did you see the episodes where Rachel is pregnant and a bout to deliver? You know, the ones where she starts wearing her pre-pregnancy clothes and they look horrible because they are too small and her big pregnant belly is hanging out of them? Ok, now that you have the mental picture...that's me! Only it's not my pre-pregnancy clothes. I'm outgrowing my maternity clothes!!!! I don't think that's supposed to allowed! :)
Those are just a few things I learned, mostly funny, but yes, I am excited to not be pregnant anymore.

October 31, 2010

Arr! I'm a Pirate

McKinley has been running around the house for months pretending to be a monster. She hides and jumps out and yells chasing us with her arms waving around like crazy. She was even calling herself "monsta McKinley". So, I thought, perfect, she can be a monster for Halloween. I even borrowed the cutest monster costume you've ever seen from a friend of mine. Well, I brought home the costume and McKinley loved it, until she had to put it on, then she HATED it! I was so bummed. So, we decided to take her to a costume shop and let her pick her costume. She picked out a really cute pirate. Seriously, she's the cutest pirate ever! Afterward we went to The District and did some trick or treating with her cousins. She had a ball!
Before they started
She loved checking out the other trick-or-treaters
Had to put this one in for Robbie, getting candy from a Ute bucket...made his day

After the haul was over...three VERY happy girls!

Pumpkin Patch

We made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch a few weeks ago and picked out our pumpkins. You may notice McKinley in her has been really warm here this October; nice for everybody else, but the lady whose VERY pregnant (me) wouldn't mind a little cool down! Nana and Papa came to the pumpkin patch with us this year and also gave McKinley a pumpkin from their garden. Thanks for coming Nana and Papa, it was fun!

McKinley loved the smallest pumpkins
Enjoying the tractor again this year. Although, this year she did NOT want Daddy on the tractor with her. For all of you tractor lovers out there...we did find out that she prefers John Deer tractors over the others. Not being a tractor enthusiast I'm not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing, but nobody can accuse her of not having an opinion.

Here she is IN the wheel barrow
And pushing it because she really wanted a turn!

The day wouldn't be complete without a picture of her "Crazy Eyes"! This is what she's decided to call it when she pulls this face. It used to be her "Scary Face", but I secretly love that she renamed it her "Crazy Eyes". At least a few times a week I hear "Mom, take a picture of my crazy eyes!"

October 03, 2010

Longest Break Ever

I haven't blogged in a really long time. There is no use trying to catch up, so I'll just say this, we've had a lot of fun the last couple of months and been super busy. We finished off our basement and painted McKinley's new room and moved her in, set up the baby's room and let the dishes pile up far too often! We also took a couple of fun trips, hung out, went on lots of bike rides, walks, drew on the sidewalk and had a lot of family fun. Here are a few pictures of some of the things we did in August and September. I can't believe October is already half over!